Classical Works on Physics, online?

In summary, classical works on Physics can be found online through sources such as the Gutenberg project, which offers works by Einstein and Poincare. However, these works may not always be readily available and opportunities to access them may be limited.
  • #1
Can I find classical works on Physics online somewhere?
Physics news on
  • #2
I would love to know the answer to this question too. There is probably not much available for free. You might try the Gutenberg project

A search for "physics" returns some things by Einstein and something by Poincare.
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  • #3
Often, you have to be ready at just the right time. Both APS/AIP (for the Physical Review Journals) and the Royal Society had short periods where they made all their "classics" publicly available. These were during some big n-centennial kind of celebration. Window gone - opportunity lost.

FAQ: Classical Works on Physics, online?

1. What are classical works on physics?

Classical works on physics are foundational texts written by renowned scientists such as Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, and Albert Einstein that laid the groundwork for our understanding of the physical world. These works cover a range of topics such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and optics.

2. How can I access classical works on physics online?

Classical works on physics are available online through various databases and archives such as JSTOR, Project Gutenberg, and the Internet Archive. Many universities and libraries also offer access to these works through their online resources.

3. Are classical works on physics still relevant today?

Yes, classical works on physics are still relevant today as they provide the fundamental principles and laws that govern the physical world. While our understanding of physics has advanced since these works were written, they continue to be referenced and studied by scientists and students alike.

4. Can I find translations of classical works on physics online?

Yes, many classical works on physics have been translated into multiple languages and can be found online. Websites such as Project Gutenberg offer a wide range of translations for free, while other databases may require a subscription for access to translated versions.

5. How can I use classical works on physics in my research?

Classical works on physics can be used as primary sources in research, providing insight into the original thoughts and experiments of famous scientists. They can also be used as references to support arguments and theories in scientific papers and projects.
