Does Good Increase in the World? Examining Laws Impact

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of "good" and whether it increases in the world or if it only appears to due to the laws we make. The speakers also touch on the role of society and comfort in promoting good actions and deterring bad ones. The final question asks if goodness is synonymous with cooperative hedonism.
  • #1
Does "good" increase in the world or do the laws we make, make it appear that way?

A schoolgirl hit me with this question today and I thought it was a unique way of looking at the world. What say yee? :confused:
Physics news on
  • #2
Awkward question. :/

I am tempted to say that good does in fact increase by means of order. But i am still sceptical of how to explain it.
  • #3
personally, i'd have to say its a bit of both. the laws deter people from taking legal matters into their own hands, but also people tend to help others out a little more. if a person needs directions (an example given earlier somewhere in this forum) , or if someone opens a door for someone else, they are being nice. so i guess you could look at both adding to the good we have in society.
  • #4
I think that comfortable society encourages good action and discourages bad ones. But let that comfort be threatened, and bad rises up. It is never done away with. Who in 1994 would have supposed the US in 2004 would be having a debate about whether to use torture?
  • #5
Does "good" increase in the world or do the laws we make, make it appear that way?

Both. To increase "good" in the world people and the laws need to change. After all, laws are as good as the people who make and enforce them.
  • #6
selfAdjoint said:
I think that comfortable society encourages good action and discourages bad ones.

how many people actually feel very comfortable because of society though?
  • #7
Is goodness conventionally defined really cooperative hedonism

selfAdjoint said:
I think that comfortable society encourages good action and discourages bad ones.
Do you, when you refer to good action, mean cooperatively hedonistic action?

FAQ: Does Good Increase in the World? Examining Laws Impact

1. Does the world actually become a better place with the implementation of laws?

The impact of laws on the world is a complex and debated topic. Some argue that laws can improve society by promoting fairness and justice, while others believe that they can restrict personal freedoms and hinder progress. Ultimately, the effectiveness of laws in making the world a better place is dependent on various factors such as the quality of the laws, their enforcement, and the attitudes of the people towards them.

2. What evidence suggests that laws have a positive impact on society?

There are many examples of laws that have had a positive impact on society. For instance, laws against discrimination and hate crimes have helped to promote equality and protect vulnerable groups. Similarly, laws regulating pollution and promoting environmental protection have contributed to improving air and water quality. Additionally, laws that promote public safety, such as traffic regulations, have reduced the number of accidents and saved lives.

3. Can laws have unintended consequences that may hinder progress?

Yes, laws can have unintended consequences that may hinder progress. For example, some laws may have loopholes that allow individuals or companies to exploit them for personal gain, leading to corruption or unethical practices. Additionally, laws may also have unintended consequences for certain groups of people, such as marginalized communities, who may be disproportionately affected by them. Thus, it is essential to carefully consider the potential consequences of laws before implementing them.

4. How do cultural and societal factors influence the impact of laws?

Cultural and societal factors play a significant role in determining the impact of laws. Different societies have varying beliefs, values, and norms, which can influence their attitudes towards laws. For instance, a society that values individualism may be more resistant to laws that restrict personal freedoms, while a society that prioritizes collectivism may be more accepting of laws that promote social welfare. Additionally, cultural and societal factors can also shape the enforcement and adherence to laws, ultimately affecting their impact.

5. Can laws alone create a better world?

No, laws alone cannot create a better world. While laws can play a crucial role in promoting positive change, they are not the sole solution. Other factors such as education, social and economic policies, and individual actions also play a significant role in shaping the world we live in. Therefore, it is essential to consider a holistic approach to promoting a better world, rather than relying solely on laws.
