What happens when you fall into a black hole?

In summary: Penrose diagrams, FIGURE 5.17 and FIGURE 9.3 in Carroll's text, and Fig. 12.2 and Fig, 14.4 in Wald's text, or
  • #1
sorry if my understanding of high level physics is cursory, i didnt major in it at ptown even tho i always had a hard on for physics and slept through ap phys in high school because the concepts were infantile to me.

from my understanding its conventional wisdom that a person falling into a black hole will fall through the event horizon of a supermassive black hole and feel that nothing has happened to him. but seeing as the lifespan of black holes is finite approx 10^100 years and for a person falling into an enormous black hole whose tidal forces
wont kill him as he nears the event horizon(dead or alive doesn't really matter), and since he will be
infinitely old compared to the universe before he reaches the event
horizon, won't the black hole, due to hawking radiation/ black hole evaporation and eventual explosion, simply explode in his face once he gets very close to the event horizon?

this comesfrom my understanding as you near the event horizon, you near the speed of light, so if you were on the event horizon, your time will have stopped, while the rest of the universe continued forward in time, meaning the universe would have passed infinitely into the future by the time you reached the event horizon

am i missing anything?
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  • #2
I think that the slowing down aspect of the guy falling in belongs to the perception of an outside observer. It only looks like that to observer's hanging around outside and away from the black hole watching him fall in.
For the guy falling in, local time and space will appear normal... until he gets spaghettified by tidal gravity differential... and of course nothing will be "normal" when what's left of him reaches the singularity, which he will do in a finite period of time by his clock.
  • #3
bahamagreen said:
I think that the slowing down aspect of the guy falling in belongs to the perception of an outside observer. It only looks like that to observer's hanging around outside and away from the black hole watching him fall in.
For the guy falling in, local time and space will appear normal... until he gets spaghettified by tidal gravity differential... and of course nothing will be "normal" when what's left of him reaches the singularity, which he will do in a finite period of time by his clock.

yeah but hawking radiation gives a lifespan on the largest black holes to be finite in the universe, even tho the black hole itself is not part of the universe, so to an observer outside who lived forever, he would see the black hole explode before the passenger crossed the event horizon. and since the lifespan of the black hole is finite to the observer, the passenger as well will age longer than the black holes lifespan before reaching the event horizon.
  • #4
  • #5
Consider two observers, observer A that falls across the the event horizon and observer B that hovers at a finite "distance" above the event horizon, and two types of (uncharged) spherical black holes, a classical black hole that doesn't emit Hawking radiation and a semi-classical black hole that does.

For the classical black hole case, B "sees" A on the event horizon at infinite future time, and B never sees the singularity.

For the semi-classical black hole case, at some *finite* time B simultaneously "sees": A on the event horizon; the singularity. In other words, the singularity becomes naked, and A winks out of existence at some finite time in the future for B.

In both cases, A crosses the event horizon, remains inside the event horizon, and hits the singularity. In both cases, B, does not see (even at infinite future time) A inside the event horizon, as this view is blocked by the singularity.

These conclusions can be deduced from Penrose diagrams, FIGURE 5.17 and FIGURE 9.3 in Carroll's text, and Fig. 12.2 and Fig, 14.4 in Wald's text, or

  • #6
George Jones said:
Consider two observers, observer A that falls across the the event horizon and observer B that hovers at a finite "distance" above the event horizon, and two types of (uncharged) spherical black holes, a classical black hole that doesn't emit Hawking radiation and a semi-classical black hole that does.

For the classical black hole case, B "sees" A on the event horizon at infinite future time, and B never sees the singularity.

For the semi-classical black hole case, at some *finite* time B simultaneously "sees": A on the event horizon; the singularity. In other words, the singularity becomes naked, and A winks out of existence at some finite time in the future for B.

In both cases, A crosses the event horizon, remains inside the event horizon, and hits the singularity. In both cases, B, does not see (even at infinite future time) A inside the event horizon, as this view is blocked by the singularity.

These conclusions can be deduced from Penrose diagrams, FIGURE 5.17 and FIGURE 9.3 in Carroll's text, and Fig. 12.2 and Fig, 14.4 in Wald's text, or


once the singularity is naked, it will be at the schwartchild radius and expand/explode won't it?
  • #7
Could someone breakdown the whole airplane approaching a black hole and the propellers expand, and expand, and expand, and spin faster, and faster.
  • #8
bump bump bump

FAQ: What happens when you fall into a black hole?

1. What is the black hole paradox?

The black hole paradox is a theoretical concept that arises from the laws of physics, particularly the theory of general relativity. It refers to the idea that according to our current understanding of gravity, all matter and energy that enters a black hole is trapped and cannot escape. However, this contradicts the principle of conservation of information, which states that information cannot be destroyed. This paradox raises questions about the nature of black holes and our understanding of the laws of physics.

2. How do black holes form?

Black holes are formed when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses under its own gravity. As the star collapses, it becomes denser and denser until it reaches a point of infinite density and zero volume, known as the singularity. This creates a gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape, making the star a black hole.

3. Can anything escape a black hole?

According to our current understanding, nothing can escape a black hole once it has passed the event horizon, which is the point of no return. This includes matter, light, and information. However, there are still ongoing debates and research about the possibility of information being able to escape through quantum effects.

4. Do black holes violate the laws of physics?

Black holes do not necessarily violate the laws of physics, but they do challenge our current understanding of them. The black hole paradox is a prime example of this, as it raises questions about the principles of conservation of information and the nature of space and time. Scientists are continuously researching and studying black holes to gain a better understanding of their behavior and how they fit into our understanding of the laws of physics.

5. Are black holes dangerous?

Black holes are not inherently dangerous, as they are often portrayed in popular media. They are simply objects with extremely strong gravitational pull. However, if a black hole were to come close to Earth, it could cause disruptions in the orbits of planets and other celestial bodies. The danger would also depend on the size and proximity of the black hole. But in general, black holes are not a threat to our existence.

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