Project help, parts ID and layouts

In summary, you're trying to make a device that shoots arrows, but you don't know what you need it to do or what parts you need.
  • #1
trying to make a device but don't know what i need, only what i need it to do...

my aim is to use a lever (ratcheting) to store energy in a coil, then route that energy
to a pair of vertical cylinders making them spin counter and clockwise or left spins left and right right

any help identifying parts or gear/mechanical arrangments would be much apreciated

sorry for such an oddball question but I've had this project stuck in my head for years,
and i have no other resorces at my disposal
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  • #2
It would help a lot if you tell us what you want the thing to do.
When you say that you want to store the energy in a coil, do you mean a spring or an electrical circuit or something that you sniped out of your girlfriend's medicine cabinet or...?
Your description isn't really too bad compared to many that I've seen, but it is incomplete. I'd rather not form any opinions as to an approach until I have a better idea of what you want.
  • #3
my point is to basically make a pitching machine without motars
i just didnt want to say it cause last place i did, griefed me about wanting to make a "dumb" version
of an already "better" and proven technology

im looking to waggle a lever 2-3 times, pull a trigger, and launch a projectile
using 2 rotating cylinders or wheels

basically making a "gun", I am hoping to have enough power to hunt boar with it (after getting it approved for such ofc) but a small game or target shooter would work just fine
  • #4
Well, I certainly don't want to "grief" you, but I am seriously doubtful that this can be accomplished in any practical manner. I can't see that anything portable would ever deliver enough power. The best pitching machine in the world wouldn't kill a boar unless you were throwing grenades with it. (I wouldn't even trust my life to a lot of existing guns if one of those suckers was annoyed with me.)
I'll think on it, for sure, but I'm not very optimistic. Sorry.
  • #5
Okay, I had an idea, but I don't think that it is in line with what you want.
If you're willing to switch from balls or bullets to arrows, something lethal can be arrived at. It won't be as efficient as existing cross-bow designs, but might be okay to play around with.
  • #6
Danger said:
If you're willing to switch from balls or bullets to arrows, something lethal can be arrived at. It won't be as efficient as existing cross-bow designs, but might be okay to play around with.

thats what i was thinking,
since guns function based on explosions

i could make a relativley silent by nature mech weapon cabable of fireing both bolt/arrow
and stone/steel orbs

also having the possible bennefit of being classified as a "dangerous waepon"
instead of a "firearm"

if i wanted to go super crazy, could potentialy make a "tether gun" using harpoons/hooks
or make an attatchment for net gun
totally illegal for hunting (fair game laws)
but neato for showoff or setting up pulleys

im sure the effective range is going to be really short 30yrds or so
but that's all one should need really (depending on the game)
Last edited:
  • #7
Dangerous activities are not discussed here on the PF. Thread is closed.

FAQ: Project help, parts ID and layouts

1. What is a project help?

A project help is a type of assistance provided to individuals or groups who are working on a particular project. It can include advice, guidance, and resources to help them successfully complete their project.

2. How do I identify parts for my project?

To identify parts for your project, you can start by researching the specific components you need and their specifications. You can also consult with experts or refer to technical documents and diagrams. Additionally, you can use online resources or visit a hardware store to physically examine and compare parts.

3. What is the importance of layouts in a project?

Layouts are important in a project because they provide a visual representation of how the project will be organized and executed. They also help in identifying potential issues or conflicts, and allow for adjustments to be made before starting the actual construction or assembly.

4. How do I create an effective project layout?

To create an effective project layout, you should start by clearly defining the goals and objectives of the project. Then, carefully consider the available space and resources, and plan the layout accordingly. It is also important to consult with team members and make adjustments as needed to optimize efficiency and functionality.

5. Can I use pre-made layouts for my project?

Yes, you can use pre-made layouts for your project as long as they fit your specific needs and requirements. However, it is important to carefully review and modify the layout to ensure it aligns with your goals and resources. Additionally, you should also credit the original source if you are using a pre-made layout from someone else.
