Mansuripur's Confusion-a-dox: Lorentz Force Law Issues

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In summary: So the problem seems to be with the Maxwell's Equations, not classical electrodynamics.In summary, there is a lot of confusion and disagreement among physicists about the interaction of an electromagnetic plane wave with a dielectric slab. Some claim that there is trouble with the Lorentz law of Force, while others believe that hidden momentum is the source of the problem. There is also a paper by Franklin that debunks the existence of hidden momentum. At this point, it seems that students would be better off starting with Mansuripur's paper to get a better understanding of the interaction of an electromagnetic plane wave with a dielectric slab.
  • #1
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This came up while I was trying to research the interaction of an electromagnetic plane wave with a dielectric slab, though the issues appear to be more fundamental.

The first confusion: An EE"s claim that there is "trouble with the Lorentz law of Force", published in physics review letters. (not PRL, but an EE journal)

I don't believe this. (But it's published in genuine peer-reviewed print).

The second confusion: A rebuttal by Griffiths, which however relies heavily on "hidden momentum"

I would have believed this, but...

The third confusion: A paper by Franklin that debunks hidden momentum (mentioned in another thread).

I haven't studied this enough to have a personal opinion yet, but it's a bit dissapointing that there's so much confusion on such basic issues in the literature!

Also, I don't know what papers to recommend to students at this point regarding the Lorentz force law issue, nor the starting questing about the interaction of a plane wave with a dielectric slab. (for example, Mansuripur's published in Optics Express, which I'm not familiar with).
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  • #2
Those papers are too contradictory for students at the present stage. Everything that Mansuripur writes is wrong, and there is no hidden momentum.
  • #3
Well, I think, we have an actual problem with classical electrodynamics description and classical mechanics when discussing setup's involving point charge and changing magnetic field source(or the other way around), and in order to solve the problem by the means of inventions, we first got the static EM momentum(undetectable), but then we soon realized that momentum must be paired to respect conservation theorems, therefore, the hidden momentum(this time mechanical and undetectable).

But it is apparent that, the NO back reaction force term in Maxwell's Equations on the magnetic field source, is the actual source of problem, since it makes us to attach the other part of momentum to non-moving things.

FAQ: Mansuripur's Confusion-a-dox: Lorentz Force Law Issues

What is Mansuripur's Confusion-a-dox?

Mansuripur's Confusion-a-dox is a scientific paper written by Dr. Masud Mansuripur in 1997. The paper discusses potential issues with the Lorentz Force Law, a fundamental law in electromagnetism.

What are the Lorentz Force Law issues discussed in the Confusion-a-dox?

The Confusion-a-dox discusses two main issues with the Lorentz Force Law: the existence of self-force and the ambiguity of the force acting on a moving charge.

What is self-force and why is it a problem for the Lorentz Force Law?

Self-force refers to the force that a charged particle exerts on itself, which is not accounted for in the Lorentz Force Law. This leads to inconsistencies and contradictions in certain scenarios, such as the motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field.

What is the ambiguity of the force acting on a moving charge and how does it affect the Lorentz Force Law?

The ambiguity of the force acting on a moving charge refers to the fact that the Lorentz Force Law does not specify whether the force is acting on the charge itself or on the charge's magnetic moment. This can lead to different interpretations and calculations, causing confusion in certain situations.

Has there been any resolution to the issues discussed in Mansuripur's Confusion-a-dox?

Since its publication, there have been many studies and debates on the issues discussed in the Confusion-a-dox. Some scientists have proposed modifications to the Lorentz Force Law, while others argue that the issues are not significant enough to warrant a change. The debate is ongoing and further research is still being conducted to fully understand the implications of the Confusion-a-dox on the Lorentz Force Law.

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