Vertical Circles and Non-Uniform Circular Motion

In summary: At the bottom, the forces are different. What additional force is there? At the top, what keeps the car moving in a circle? (hint: the net force is the sum of two forces acting in opposite directions). What happens if the force required to keep the car moving in a circular arc exceeds mg?If the net force is greater than mg, then the car will start to move in a straight line and the coaster will be upside down.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If we wanted to calculate the minimum or critical velocity needed for the block to just be able to pass through the top of the circle without the rope sagging then we would start by letting the tension in the rope approaches zero.

why must we letting the tension in the rope approaches zero without the rope sagging? what is the force support the object goes to the top without pulling down by gravitation force? was it because of the Newton first law, so the object wanted to remain straight line but pulling towards to the centre by centripetal force?

At point B, why the normal reaction force is or need to be zero? isn't the mg is acting on the track?
will it due to the inertia of the roller-coaster tends to go straight yet pulling back the centripetal force,mg. hence, the contact force to the track is reduced and almost zero since the roller-coaster is really fast.

Hope somebody could answer these to me, thank you
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  • #2
You can answer your questions by drawing a free body diagram for each of the moving objects (the block / roller coaster rider). The forces acting on the block/rider are gravity and the mechanical force of the rope/car. Since gravity cannot be reduced, the minimum force on the object would occur when the mechanical force is at a minimum.

In the rope case, analyse the forces on the object at the top of the loop (let the positive direction be down):

[tex]\vec{F} = \vec{T}+ \vec{F_g} = \vec{T} + m\vec{g} = m\vec{a}[/tex]

where a is the net acceleration. What is the net acceleration and net force (hint: it is a function of v, the tangential speed)?Now, what is the value of v if T = 0 and the object is still traveling in a circle?

What happens if v is less than this speed? Does the object still travel in a circle?

  • #3
i know how to do it but i don't understand why to do it in this way. why at the maximum point, the tension is zero? and happens the same while the roller-coaster at the peak point, the normal reaction is zero as well, even the roller-coaster is not upside-down.

are all these due to inertia by Newton second law? object tends to remain their original state, so lesser contact force to the track or rope.
  • #4
is my assumption right or wrong, could somebody please correct me =)
  • #5
MechaMZ said:
i know how to do it but i don't understand why to do it in this way. why at the maximum point, the tension is zero? and happens the same while the roller-coaster at the peak point, the normal reaction is zero as well, even the roller-coaster is not upside-down.

are all these due to inertia by Newton second law? object tends to remain their original state, so lesser contact force to the track or rope.
Since the object goes in a circle, the Tension + mg will always equal mv^2/R. The tension cannot go below 0 and mg cannot change, so the minimum force is mg. This means that the minimum circular speed is [itex]\sqrt{gR}[/itex]. If v is less than this what happens at the top?

  • #6
Andrew Mason said:
Since the object goes in a circle, the Tension + mg will always equal mv^2/R. The tension cannot go below 0 and mg cannot change, so the minimum force is mg. This means that the minimum circular speed is [itex]\sqrt{gR}[/itex]. If v is less than this what happens at the top?


thanks, so how about the second situation at B
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  • #7
MechaMZ said:
thanks, so how about the second situation at B
At[/URL] the bottom, the forces are different. What additional force is there? At the top, what keeps the car moving in a circle? (hint: the net force is the sum of two forces acting in opposite directions). What happens if the force required to keep the car moving in a circular arc exceeds mg?

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FAQ: Vertical Circles and Non-Uniform Circular Motion

1. What is the difference between vertical circles and non-uniform circular motion?

Vertical circles involve an object moving in a circular path on a vertical plane, while non-uniform circular motion involves an object moving in a circular path at varying speeds. In vertical circles, the speed remains constant throughout the motion, while in non-uniform circular motion, the speed changes at different points along the path.

2. What is the centripetal force in vertical circles and non-uniform circular motion?

The centripetal force in both vertical circles and non-uniform circular motion is the force that acts towards the center of the circle, keeping the object in its circular path. However, in non-uniform circular motion, the centripetal force may vary due to changes in speed or direction.

3. How does the radius of the circle affect the motion in vertical circles and non-uniform circular motion?

In vertical circles, the radius of the circle affects the speed of the object, with a larger radius resulting in a slower speed. In non-uniform circular motion, the radius affects the magnitude of the centripetal force required to keep the object in its path, with a larger radius requiring a smaller centripetal force.

4. What is the role of gravity in vertical circles and non-uniform circular motion?

In vertical circles, gravity is the force that provides the necessary centripetal force to keep the object in its circular path. In non-uniform circular motion, gravity may also play a role in varying the speed of the object as it moves through different parts of the circular path.

5. How is the period of the motion affected in vertical circles and non-uniform circular motion?

In vertical circles, the period of the motion remains constant, as the speed of the object remains constant. In non-uniform circular motion, the period may vary due to changes in speed along the path.
