Contribution of one fermion to entropy of one-particle state

In summary, the conversation discusses an exercise on calculating the contribution to entropy for fermionic particles with a given energy and chemical potential at a certain temperature. The conversation also covers relevant equations and approaches to solving the exercise, ultimately arriving at an expression for the contribution to entropy in terms of the occupation number.
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Homework Statement


I'm studying for my final exam on statistical physics, and I found an exercise of which I think it is really easy but I'm unsure of how to do it! So now I wonder if I actually don't understand what I'm doing at all!

The question is as follows:

Calculate for fermionic particles the contribution to the entropy of a one-particle
state with energy ε when the particles chemical potential is μ , and the temperature
is T.

Homework Equations

call exp(β(ε - μ) = a

U = TS - PV + μN (1) (contributions to total)
βPV = log Z (2)
Z = Ʃsexp(-βEs + βμNs) (3)
U = ε/(a-1) (4)
N = 1/(a-1) (5)

The Attempt at a Solution

I rewrite (1) to get S = (U + PV - μN)/T
use (2), (4) and (5) to get S = (ε-μ)/(T*(a-1)) + (1/VTβ)*log Z
then rewrite Z as in (3) to ∏s(1/((1-a^1)); <- not sure

so log Z would then be Ʃn -log(1 - a^1) ?
so then you would have:
contribution to S = (ε-μ)/(T*(a-1)) + (1/VTβ)*log Ʃn -log(1 - a^1) ?

but now i still have V in the equation! Help! and the sum isn't very pretty as well..
I honestly don't know how to get rid of those, and I hope someone will help me!

Thank you<,

Physics news on
  • #2
For fermions, I think that the occupation number of a state s should be

ns = 1/(as+1) where as = exp[β([itex]ε[/itex]s-μ)].

Also, I think you didn't quite handle the PV/T term correctly.

PV = kTlogZ = kT[itex]\sum[/itex]s log(1+1/as)

We see that the contribution of one state, s, to PV is kT log(1+1/as).

So, there is no occurrence of V and there is no sum.

I think your handling of U and [itex]\mu[/itex]N is essentially ok, except for the sign change in the denominator of ns and I would put a subscript s on the [itex]ε[/itex] and the a ([itex]ε[/itex]s, as ) to denote the particular 1-particle state. So, the contribution of one state, s, to U-[itex]\mu[/itex]N is ([itex]ε[/itex]s -[itex]\mu[/itex])/(as+1).

A nice way to express the overall result is in terms of the occupation number ns = 1/(as+1).

You should be able to show that the contribution to S of one state s: -k[(1-ns)log(1-ns)+nslog(ns)]

FAQ: Contribution of one fermion to entropy of one-particle state

What is a fermion?

A fermion is a type of particle that follows the Fermi-Dirac statistics, which describes the behavior of particles with half-integer spin, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons.

What is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. In physics, it is often used to describe the amount of energy in a system that is unavailable for work.

What is a one-particle state?

A one-particle state is a quantum state that describes the properties of a single particle, such as its position, momentum, and spin. It is often used in quantum mechanics to study the behavior of individual particles.

How does one fermion contribute to the entropy of a one-particle state?

The contribution of one fermion to the entropy of a one-particle state depends on the specific properties of the fermion, such as its energy and spin. It can be calculated using the Boltzmann equation, which relates the entropy of a system to the number of available microstates.

What is the significance of understanding the contribution of one fermion to entropy of a one-particle state?

Studying the contribution of one fermion to entropy of a one-particle state is important in understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level. It can also provide insights into the thermodynamic properties of systems and help in the development of new technologies, such as quantum computing.
