Capacitors in integrated circuit

In summary, capacitors have many uses in modern integrated circuit chips, including as parasitic elements in digital ICs, in analog ICs for oscillators and stability concerns, in filters such as Butterworth and chebyshev, in switched capacitor circuits, in feedback circuitry, and in A/D converters. They can also be used to simulate resistors and are the basis for DRAM memory.
  • #1
hi... I'm very glad if you all can help me solving my problem..i want to know what the uses of capacitors in modern integrated circuit chip..i had searched for it in many books but what i found is the uses of capacitors in usual circuit... so please help me...

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Engineering news on
  • #2
The uses of capacitors in an integrated circuit are exactly the same as the uses of capacitors in any other circuit.

- Warren
  • #3
Hai, integrated capacitors use is similar to an ordinary capacitor only.An IC is nothing but a collection of active devices(diodes,Transistors), as well as passive components(Resistors,capacitors,inductors).It is easy to fabricate active devices when compared to passive devices like R,L,C components.We have to use specialized methods to fabricate R,L,C.Other than this integrated capacitor function is similar to the ordinary capacitor.
good luck
  • #4
Usually in digital ICs capacitor is unwanted parasitic, which introduces delay. People tries to optimize the capacitance to match with logic gates current output for minimum delay.

In analog ICs capacitors are user in Colpitt and Hartley oscillators. Also Opamps and some analog amplifiers need some value of capacitance for stability concerns.

Capacitors are also used in Butterworth and chebyshev filters. Also capacitors are used in switched capacitor circuits (filters), which is easier to fabricate than resistors. Often some inverting and non-inverting amplifier uses capacitor as voltage dividers than resistors.

Most importantly some feedback circuitry employs capacitor.

Inductor values are most difficult to control in an IC followed closely by resistors.
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  • #5
There are a couple of means of forming capacitors in an IC. Reverse biasing a circuit gives you a capacitor, though it's voltage dependent. A nicer variety is formed using oxide as a dielectric and either metalization or heavily doped silicon as a plate.

Capacitors are the basis upon which DRAM is constructed. By occasionally reading the potentials on a group of capacitors and then writing back to them, each one's state can be maintained as a 1 or 0 indefinitely. Of course, with the pressing need for denser and denser memory, the capacitors in RAM are no longer planer. Now, a special etch process actually drills into the silicon forming vast numbers of wells, which are then plated on the backside forming capacitors.

In analog, capacitors are commonly used in the op-amp circuit to establish what is termed the dominate pole. The dominate pole is a frequency, which is established by an RC, and serves to reduce the gain of an op amp versus it's test frequency. Typically, this frequency will be on the order of 10 Hz, and the open loop gain of the op amp will steadily decrease until it's = 1, at the op amps gain bandwidth.

Capacitors are also used in A/D converters of different sorts. It's remarkably easy to control the relative surface area on a chip, so it's easy to define capacitors as being an exact multiple of one another. This is the basis of the very common successive approximation converter. Capacitors are also used in building blocks such as the integrators in delta sigma A/D converters.

Surprisingly, you can even build the equivalent of resistors by using capacitors with mos switches. Thus dividing networks and filters can be fabricated without the need of resistors. The switching frequency and ratio of the capacitors set the properties of these systems.

There are actually quit a few more applications that inventive chip designers have thought up, but I'm sure this gives you a start.

Best Wishes,

  • #6
DRAM cap! How could I have forgotten those. :D Those caps are not even made just by growing oxide. Their structures stand over the access MOS for high packing density.

FAQ: Capacitors in integrated circuit

1. What is a capacitor in an integrated circuit?

A capacitor in an integrated circuit is a passive electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is made up of two conductive plates separated by a dielectric material and is used to store and release electrical charge in electronic circuits.

2. What are the functions of capacitors in integrated circuits?

Capacitors in integrated circuits have several functions, including filtering out unwanted electrical signals, stabilizing power supplies by reducing voltage fluctuations, and providing temporary power during brief power interruptions. They can also be used for signal coupling, decoupling, and timing.

3. How are capacitors integrated into circuits?

Capacitors can be integrated into circuits in several ways, such as through surface-mount technology, where they are soldered onto the surface of the circuit board, or through through-hole technology, where they are inserted into holes in the circuit board and soldered on both sides.

4. What factors should be considered when selecting capacitors for integrated circuits?

When selecting capacitors for integrated circuits, factors such as capacitance, voltage rating, and temperature stability should be considered. The type of dielectric material used in the capacitor can also affect its performance and should be chosen based on the specific application.

5. Can capacitors in integrated circuits fail?

Yes, capacitors in integrated circuits can fail due to various reasons, such as overvoltage, overheating, or age. This can result in a loss of function or even damage to the circuit. It is important to choose high-quality capacitors and properly design and maintain circuits to prevent failures.

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