How Do I Calculate the Volume of 6M HCl Needed to Acidify a Mixture to pH ~2?

In summary, the problem involves finding the volume of 6M HCl needed to acidify a mixture of 1g benzaldehyde and 2mL 10M KOH to a pH of approximately 2. The equation involves the Cannizzaro reaction, which produces benzoate and benzoic acid. The pH equation is used, but there may be a mistake in the calculation of moles.
  • #1
I am having difficulties as to what equation to use to calculate the volume. Can someone please kindly give me some help?

Homework Statement

What is the volume of 6M HCl required to acidify the mixture of 1g benzaldehyde and 2mL 10M KOH to a pH ~2?

Homework Equations

MW of benzaldehyde is 106.1g/mol

cannizzaro reaction: benzaldehyde + KOH + H+ <=> benzoate + benzoic acid

pH = pKa + logQ <- I don't know if this is right to use...

The Attempt at a Solution

Here is what i think. The volume of HCl needed to acidify should be more than the volume needed to neutralize the solution, so I've calculated the amount needed for neutralization, which is according to my calculation:
Moles of Benzaldehyde
= 1g Benzaldehyde x (1 mol/106.1g)
= 0.009425 mol benzaldehyde
Mole of KOH
= (2 ml x 10 mmol/1ml) x (1 mol/1000 mmol)
= 0.02000 mol KOH
Mole of OH- in excess
= 0.02000 mol KOH – 0.009425 mol Benzaldehyde
= 0.01058 mol OH- in excess
To neutralize, volume of HCl needed
= 0.01058 mol HCl x (1 L HCl/ 6mol HCl) x (1000mL/1L)
= 1.76 mL HCl

But the problem is that I don't know how to relate the equation to the PH equation since KOH and H+ is both on the same side of the chemical equation...
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  • #2
The products of a Cannizzaro reaction of 2 moles of benzaldehyde and hydroxide are not benzoate and benzoic acid. You must correct that before you begin.
  • #3

I can understand your confusion in trying to determine the appropriate equation to use to calculate the volume in this situation. The equation you have listed, pH = pKa + logQ, is typically used to calculate the pH of a solution based on the concentration of the acid and its dissociation constant. In this case, you are trying to determine the volume of a strong acid (HCl) needed to reach a specific pH, rather than calculating the pH itself.

To solve this problem, you can use the concept of stoichiometry, which involves using the balanced chemical equation to determine the relationship between the reactants and products. In this case, the balanced equation for the reaction between benzaldehyde and KOH is:

benzaldehyde + KOH + H+ <=> benzoate + benzoic acid

From this equation, we can see that for every 1 mole of benzaldehyde, we need 1 mole of KOH and 1 mole of H+ to produce 1 mole of benzoate and 1 mole of benzoic acid.

In your calculation, you correctly determined the moles of benzaldehyde and KOH present in the mixture. However, to determine the volume of HCl needed, we need to consider the molar ratio between H+ and KOH. Since the concentration of KOH is 10M, we know that for every 1 mole of KOH, there is 1 mole of H+. Therefore, the moles of H+ needed to neutralize the mixture is also 0.02000 mol.

To calculate the volume of HCl needed, we can use the following equation:

Volume of HCl = (Moles of H+ needed) x (Molarity of HCl) x (Volume of solution)

= (0.02000 mol H+) x (6 mol HCl/1 mol H+) x (2 mL solution)

= 0.24 mL HCl

Therefore, the volume of 6M HCl needed to acidify the mixture to a pH ~2 is 0.24 mL. I hope this helps clarify the approach to use in this type of problem.

FAQ: How Do I Calculate the Volume of 6M HCl Needed to Acidify a Mixture to pH ~2?

1. How do you calculate the volume of a substance given its pH?

The volume of a substance can be calculated using the formula: volume = mass/density. In order to determine the mass of the substance, you will need to know its molarity and molecular weight. Once you have calculated the mass, you can then determine the density of the substance using its pH value. The density can be found through reference tables or by using the formula: density = molarity x molecular weight x 1/1000. Once you have both the mass and density, you can then plug them into the volume formula to calculate the volume.

2. How does pH affect the volume of a substance?

The pH of a substance can affect its volume due to changes in the molarity and density of the substance. As the pH increases, the molarity decreases, causing the mass to decrease. This in turn decreases the density, resulting in a larger volume. Similarly, as the pH decreases, the molarity increases, causing the mass to increase. This increases the density, resulting in a smaller volume.

3. Can you use the pH value to accurately determine the volume of a substance?

The pH value alone is not enough to accurately determine the volume of a substance. Additional information such as the molarity and molecular weight of the substance is needed to calculate the volume. However, the pH value can provide valuable insight into how the volume may change when these other factors are known.

4. Are there any limitations to using pH to calculate volume?

Yes, there are limitations to using pH to calculate volume. This method assumes that the substance is a pure solution, meaning it does not contain any other compounds or impurities that may affect its molarity and density. Additionally, the pH value may not be accurate if the substance is not fully dissolved or if there are other factors that can affect its pH, such as temperature or pressure.

5. How can the accuracy of volume calculations using pH be improved?

The accuracy of volume calculations using pH can be improved by ensuring that the substance is a pure solution and that the pH value is measured accurately. It is also helpful to use multiple methods to calculate the volume, such as using the density method in addition to the pH method, to compare results and confirm accuracy. Additionally, regularly calibrating and maintaining equipment and using precise measurements can also improve the accuracy of volume calculations.
