Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection | W1 & W2 Annihilator

  • Thread starter guroten
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the proof that the annihilator of the intersection of two subspaces (W1 and W2) is equal to the sum of the annihilators of the individual subspaces (A(W1) + A(W2)). The speaker is struggling with proving one direction and is seeking advice on how to show that the right-hand side is contained in the left-hand side. They suggest finding the dimensions of the two spaces and showing they are equal, and also mention using an operator that vanishes on the intersection to construct operators for each subspace.
  • #1
Let W1 and W2 be subspaces of a finite dimension.
Prove that A(W1 intersection with W2) = A(W1) + A(W2)
Where A(W1) is the annihilator of W1.
I can prove one way, but not the other. How do I prove the rhs is contained in the lhs?
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  • #2
Try to find the dimension of A(W1) + A(W2) and A(W1 intersect. W2) to show that they are the same space.
It will help to show that [A(W1) intersect. A(W2)] = A(W1 + W2)
  • #3
If you have an operator 'a' that vanishes on W1 intersect W2, then you have have to construct two operators a1 in A(W1) and a2 in A(W2) such that a=a1+a2. I'd suggest you pick an appropriate basis for W1+W2.

FAQ: Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection | W1 & W2 Annihilator

1. What is Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection?

Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection is a mathematical concept that involves finding the common elements between two sets, W1 and W2, and removing them to create a new set called the intersection. This process is also known as annihilation.

2. How is Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection calculated?

The calculation for Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection involves identifying the elements that belong to both W1 and W2, and removing them to create a new set. This can be done using various methods, such as Venn diagrams or algebraic equations.

3. What is the purpose of calculating Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection?

The purpose of calculating Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection is to identify the common elements between two sets and remove them to create a new set. This can be useful in solving various mathematical problems and proving theorems.

4. What is the difference between Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection and W1 & W2 Union?

The difference between Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection and W1 & W2 Union is that the former involves removing common elements to create a new set, while the latter involves combining elements from both sets to create a new set.

5. Can Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection be applied to any type of sets?

Yes, Proof Annihilator: W1 & W2 Intersection can be applied to any type of sets, including numbers, algebraic expressions, and geometric figures. However, the calculation may differ depending on the type of sets being used.

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