Antibiotic effects of salvia apiana

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In summary, the author found that only salvia apiana inhibited the growth of all four test organisms and that 16-hydroxy-12-methoxy-methylcarnosate may be a promising compound. He is wondering if smoking this substance could be used to combat lung and nasal infections.
  • #1
I found this article:
Heres a quote from it:
Salvia apiana was the only plant in this study to completely inhibit the growth of all four test organisms
I recently (before I came across that article) tried smoking this herb to satisfy a spontaneous urge so this gets me wondering if smoking this substance could be used to combat lung and nasal infections. I'm not suggesting anyone try this as that would be reckless and dangerous because the plant may contain harmful compounds and burning them may produce additional harmful degradents but I think its worth researching. They isolated numerous compounds from this species of salvia but the most promising one seems to be 16-hydroxy-12-methoxy-methylcarnosate. I can't find any info on this compound but I suppose we could make an educated guess on what the boiling point and decomposition point of the compound may be. I'm a chem major but I'm in no way experienced enough to make a good estimate on something like that. Any takers?

EDIT: Also, why are there not more smoked or nebulised antibiotics in use? I'd assume intravenous or inhalation would be a superior route for many infections because you avoid wiping out your gastrointestinal fauna of friendly bacteria like you do when taking them orally. I'm guessing its down to convenience. More convenient for a person to pop a pill than inject themselves. Inhalers are pretty convenient though. I've never heard of smoking being used in conventional medicine, I wonder why. Inhaling the vapour of a volatile drug compound is an effective ROA.
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  • #3
Ah, I completely forgot about asthma cigarettes. My father told me that when he was a kid, asthmatic kids would bring datura (a plant containing atropine and other anticholinergics) into school and use them recreationally to induce a state of delerium. I suspect they are a thing of the past for obvious reasons.
  • #4
You post some weird topics. Anyways, why do you need smoke everything. Why isn't eating it or boiling it and drink it like any better of a solution like all herbs that were used thousands of years ago ? Are you smoking it to get high or something.
  • #5
Why not smoke it? Inhaling vapour allows the substance to be rapidly absorbed through the lungs and then carried, via the pulmonary vein to the heart, which pumps it throughout the body. Its a vastly superior ROA to oral ingestion. Cheaper than going out and buying a nebuliser. No, I did smoke salvia apiana to get high. As far as I know, there are no psychoactive compounds present in it. Salvia officianalis on the other hand contains thujone but I wouldn't particularly consider ingesting a GABA_a antagonist and 5-HT3 antagonist enjoyable.

BTW who says I smoke everything? I don't even smoke tobacco. I take the occasional bong hit of datura and belladonna every now and then but that's it. Only joking, only the profoundly deranged would ingest anticholinergics recreationally.

FAQ: Antibiotic effects of salvia apiana

What is Salvia apiana and how does it affect antibiotics?

Salvia apiana, also known as white sage, is a medicinal plant that has been traditionally used by indigenous cultures for its antibacterial properties. Studies have shown that it can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, making it a potential candidate for use in combination with antibiotics to enhance their effects.

What are the active compounds in Salvia apiana that contribute to its antibiotic effects?

The main active compounds in Salvia apiana are terpenoids, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. These compounds have been found to have antibacterial properties and work by disrupting the growth and replication of bacteria.

Is Salvia apiana safe to use as an antibiotic supplement?

While Salvia apiana has been traditionally used as a medicinal plant, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using it as an antibiotic supplement. Some individuals may be allergic to the plant or may experience interactions with other medications.

Can Salvia apiana be used to treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria?

There is limited research on the use of Salvia apiana in treating antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, some studies have shown that it may have a synergistic effect when used in combination with antibiotics, potentially making them more effective against resistant strains. Further research is needed in this area.

What are some potential side effects of using Salvia apiana as an antibiotic supplement?

Some potential side effects of using Salvia apiana as an antibiotic supplement may include gastrointestinal discomfort, allergic reactions, and interactions with other medications. It is important to use caution and consult with a healthcare professional before using it for this purpose.

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