What do 'nerdy' guys like in girls?

  • Thread starter MissSilvy
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about what qualities nerdy boys like in girls. The group discusses the challenges of dating nerdy guys who are often shy and give mixed signals. Some suggest that nerdy guys may appreciate a direct approach, while others mention qualities such as intelligence, ambition, and being an atheist as attractive to nerdy guys. The conversation also touches on the importance of physical appearance and having a good sense of humor. Overall, the group agrees that nerdy guys have high standards and are looking for someone who is intelligent, accomplished, and kind.
  • #806
MissSilvy said:
I figured I'd have to do that, good idea :) I was just curious about which qualities the guys find attractive in girls.

Nice line by the way!

the same as any other man.
you either like someone or you dont.
there is no one thing
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  • #807
Talking from personal experience, I guess that the quiet guys lack experience and are less confident initiating a conversation, especially when there's physical attraction. Due to their inexperience, they might also have difficulties recognizing cues. They also may have difficulties understanding signals which are rather unambiguous, so you may waste a lot of energy trying to give obvious signals and as a consequence you may feel rejected when the guys is actually interested in you. If such a guy is especially nervous around you or quickly looking away when you catch him looking at you, you can be quite confident that they're interested in you.
So the best way to get their attention is to initiate a conversation in a setting where they can confidently be themselves (so not with tons of people hanging around) and ask them out on a date. When they know you're interested, most of their fears will have gone.

What kind of girls do nerdy guys like? Of course they will also want something nice to look at but since all girls are different and most girls are beautiful in one way or another, this shouldn't really be a problem. For a long term relationship however, I suppose that nerdy guys appreciate a deeper emotional and intellectual depth. I know that I do.
  • #808
Back when I was a single guy, I was attracted to cute girls with whom I could have an interesting conversation. The girls who I found interesting to talk to were, of course, intelligent. In the end, I married a musician whose father, as well as one grandfather and great-grandfather, were physics professors. Unlike most other girls, when I told my future wife that I had a B.S. in physics her eyes actually lit up! One should note that quite a few scientists have married the sisters and daughters of other scientists. Paul Dirac was married to Eugene Wigner's sister. Hans Bethe was married to the daughter of Paul Ewald.
  • #809
luitzen said:
Talking from personal experience, I guess that the quiet guys lack experience and are less confident initiating a conversation, especially when there's physical attraction. Due to their inexperience, they might also have difficulties recognizing cues.

That is so true, especially for young nerds. Older ones get over it. In my case many years ago we had time to kill between classes so she asked to go for a walk. The beach was close so we went there. After a while I decided she was nice, but we had no future together. She could not possibly like me because we had absolutely nothing in common. She a social worker and me an engineer.

As I turned to walk away she yelled:


I turned around and she said:

I'm at least going to get a hug out of you.

So she gave me a huge rib crushing hug and held it for a long time . We were both silent.

Then I said, "Goodbye."

She said:

Don't ever say that.

Say "See you later."

She then made me repeat back her phone number several times until she was sure that I had memorized it.

Looking back on it, I now know that she had been giving me subtle signs for weeks that I completely missed. I missed her not so subtle signs during our walk. But I finally got it.

Now nearly 4 decades later we are still very happily married. She is my soul mate.
  • #810
Pkruse said:
luitzen said:

Looking back on it, I now know that she had been giving me subtle signs for weeks that I completely missed. I missed her not so subtle signs during our walk. But I finally got it.

Now nearly 4 decades later we are still very happily married. She is my soul mate.

Yeah, nerdz is dumb. And also more desirable than a meat-bag in terms of a partner. I wonder how long she was in love with you before she lost patience and yelled at you. My little routine is the best one out there for (quite frankly) guys who lack confidence and a clue. It allows you to set the pace, and gives you a narrow window for action (8 seconds of courage is plenty).

My wife pinned me down in a tickle fight and demanded to know when I would be marrying her. I guess they would never get the decent guys if they waited around, right?

  • #811
We had only known each other for 3 weeks, so she did not waste much time. The first hint was when she signed up for a fencing class and by the third day she had managed to trade partners to get me. That was the only class she could get me in, she studying social work and me engineering.
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  • #812
That's a pretty ironic, a strong signal. Fencing is a strong nerd sport, alright, she went right into the lion's den to emerge with you. IMHO, we should always be aware who is stalking us. So, you met her, enrolled in fencing, she enrolls in fencing, and somehow pays someone off or intimidates them to get them to switch partners? Man, sirens should have been going off at that point. I guess college is very distracting.
  • #813
I was clueless about anything that did not require a slide rule or a deck of punched cards. But it all worked out very well. Back in those days most folks did not know what stalking was. It was not part of our national consciousness. Things are different today.
  • #814
They like kinda strange, not so strange that she doesn't like you two days after she asks you out. Nice and nerdy.
  • #815
Evo said:
I always had to ask the nerdy guys out myself. I would just go up to them and ask "where are you taking me Friday night?" It always worked. You will find that nerdy guys will answer a direct question.

i say it to girls and never works..i thought it was a great line also .
but i ain't nerdy/smart guy either so maybe its a girl line.
  • #816
Nerdy guys like what all guys like in girls. Health, youth (aka fertility) and a rough match in the looks/intelligence/income/social power scale.

The Nerdy guys equations are usually skewed by their overactive brains. This results in vaccilation, low or no confidence, and a tragically incorrect set of criteria by which to sort them out ("they should love science as much as I do so I won't have to figure out how to talk about shoes or shopping.") This usually makes the girls run for the hills.
  • #817
Antiphon said:
Nerdy guys like what all guys like in girls. Health, youth (aka fertility) and a rough match in the looks/intelligence/income/social power scale.

The Nerdy guys equations are usually skewed by their overactive brains. This results in vaccilation, low or no confidence, and a tragically incorrect set of criteria by which to sort them out ("they should love science as much as I do so I won't have to figure out how to talk about shoes or shopping.") This usually makes the girls run for the hills.

i ain't nerdy but probly match the no confidence also to go along with no being a smart guy..i would almost never ask a girl out for date.
  • #818
From our lady family members. Just remember - one thing girls are very good at is talking. Ask them relevant questions - career plans, hobbies, things that are important to them, things they like to do for fun, favorite foods and so on and be seriously interested. Look your best and if you have a wart on the end of your nose, get rid of it - how you look DOES MATTER. Grooming, clothing and on are important and remember, girls have a really sensitive nose - you'd better smell GOOD or forget it. Lose the colognes though. Nice and clean are good.

And try OKCupid online dating. It's a nerds delight. I have several friends who use it and have found really great people on there. Don't even bother if the picture is too good, the profile is stupid and mushy and they haven't answered many questions and NEVER send anyone money. A friend just lost $3k because she believed a guy who said he loved her blah blah blah. DUMB. Stick to local people you can check on, don't give your address, real name, real age or any identification info until you know the person is for real like they're in your classes and you've googled the sex offender list and the criminal lists.

One pickup option that has worked - go to a really crowded pizza place or burger place at lunch time. Find a girl or girls who have an empty seat at their table. Smile at them and see if they smile back. If they do, say "I promise not to use any lame pickup lines if I can join you for lunch cause I'm really starving and have a class/meeting/have to get back to work soon". If they say yes, fine, just chat normally about the usual. If they say no, don't take it personally. Try again.

Have fun. Keep the girls laughing and you'll never be dateless. It's not your looks, it's what you do with your looks that matters.
  • #819
1. Intelligence.

2. Interesting personality. (I can't stand 'plastic' girls.)

3. Kindness.

4. Physical attractiveness. (To be honest...)

5. It's a plus (but of course not a must) if she's japanese. (I have always loved japanese girls. I really don't know why...)

EDIT: I don't think that I'm (that big of) a nerd, but I guess some people would consider me a bit nerdy, because I like math and things like that...
  • #820

if a girl finds me interesting, she's attractive.
  • #821
Topher925 said:
I am a nerdy guy...

1. Intelligents

This could be a meme.
  • #822
What do 'nerdy' guys like in girls?

Probably the same thing nerdy girls like in guys...

How about sense of humor, interest in things other than their friends, sincerity, chemistry...ever watch BIG BANG THEORY on TV?

NERDS tend to be shy, so Evo's approach of asking them out is a good one. But don't get too aggressive, that is SCARY to nerds...

No question about it, though, beautiful, dumb girls, are fun...
but only for a maximum of about 7 minutes [made that up of course!].
  • #823
Naty1 said:
Probably the same thing nerdy girls like in guys...

How about sense of humor, interest in things other than their friends, sincerity, chemistry...ever watch BIG BANG THEORY on TV?

NERDS tend to be shy, so Evo's approach of asking them out is a good one. But don't get too aggressive, that is SCARY to nerds...

No question about it, though, beautiful, dumb girls, are fun...
but only for a maximum of about 7 minutes [made that up of course!].

I second that! :smile:
  • #824
Evo said:
I always had to ask the nerdy guys out myself. I would just go up to them and ask "where are you taking me Friday night?" It always worked. You will find that nerdy guys will answer a direct question.

O' RLLY? SRSLY?? When did this happen? I mean a girl coming to a guy? RLLY?

I've always wanted a girl come up to me and then I feel more with confidence I already have to get to know her more and I know she has interest in me then trying to guess.
The whole nervous part of the hold thing for all guys is as they forget to ask or too nervous to ask is "DO YOU LIKE ME AND IN WHICH WAY?" And we guys mean as a friend for interest in love or "FRIEND ZONE". We are afraid of the FRIEND ZONE!
Also we hate being in it. If I hate anything, it would be this; my biggest pet-peeve: ASSUMING and not just that...assuming of thinking the guy is a loser when he is really not a loser, he really he is really nice guy and know how to treat a lady...but wait! They don't give those cretins smart and caring guys a chance. I am thinking to myself...really ladies, why can't you take a moment of your time to talk to the guy before you judge and actually use your mind testing games towards him to see any worthiness.
I've been taught with manners and respect towards others, while your with a jerk who's parents didn't rise their children to be respectful and manners towards others as he slaps and beats you or threats to kill you and you still see potential in him girls...really? I see a low self-stem little girl *not a woman* who does not know what she wants and scared of commitment relationship. BYE!
One other thing when I feel instantly connected with a girl, some of them in some way of their mind like to drive me up the wall. They will talk to someone instead near me and flirt with someone we both know she won’t go out with and I see in her eyes she is
Deliberately doing trying to get my respond or reaction. I hate it and I feel and I know she knows and acts she knows nothing.!>.<! Instead being jealousy upset I'll switch my mood being depress and try to hide it and F you too vibes at the same time come talk to me, because that's mean to me and I really really like you and think about you the whole day then this happens to me. *SIGH*

I am not looking for a girlfriend and never will, because Girlfriend and Boyfriend relationship means unstable commitment. I am looking for a partner/wife aka a commitment relationship who is my best friend ever...of who ever that is going to be.

I am straight forward and sacarist smart-*** who has a tender heart *kindhearted*
I'll love to have my own special nerdy girl I can call all mine. I'll be her prince and she's be my future queen and have our royal children...even she a mother now I feel connected to her, then it does not matter to me. But I'll look forward to have at least one child. Icy

I love it, when a nerdy girl who shows her true self to me, show me your wits, charm, your silly side, your loving and caring side, your obessation of your fav. Show like star wars, star trek, and Maveral, DC...whatever most likely I'll love your collection anyways. Also I have comic studio, so I like pretty much everything :)
I like for love/like traveling with me to place to places short or far journeys.

I am a tech savvy 23 man named Darren and I am a graphic designer and Disc Jockey on the radio here and there. My other hobby besides DJ is I am an über gamer and world TWL and Other World Tournaments of championship. I do some cosplay and I love to have fun :P
But I know when to man and get things done of whatever must be done.

I am in a hurry so, I am sorry for any error in my grammar and spelling mistakes. And if this thread is dead, then I am sorry i brought it back to life. I just wanted share my thoughs to others.

Afriendlycow7 a.k.a Darren
  • #825
Hercuflea said:
This could be a meme.
I think it might be: http://alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/large/misc-genius-l.png (the image is too large to post here).
Evo said:
I always had to ask the nerdy guys out myself. I would just go up to them and ask "where are you taking me Friday night?" It always worked. You will find that nerdy guys will answer a direct question.

I think this also stems from them not knowing how to act on such feelings (speaking from experience).
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