Spiders Taking Over: More of Them Than Users

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the idea of spiders and their potential for posting on websites. The speakers discuss the prevalence of spiders compared to human users and the possibility of using spiders to post on websites. They also mention the use of tools like wget and cURL to facilitate this process. One speaker expresses their fear of spiders, while another shares their experience with maintaining a blog that received a high number of spider visitors.
  • #1
Gold Member
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They are takeing over, there are more of them than users, pity they don't
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  • #2
I have not seen a spider for three weeks now. Right now, they're just lots of ants crawling all over the place.

At least spiders don't invade a house in colonies.
  • #3
If you really wanted to write a spider that could post you could. Basically you'll use wget to download the pages, then using a little regex you'll find all the "<a href=""></a>". You'll then do another wget, traversing link after link until you get to a page that has a post quick reply. Using the cURL library you'll POST the message you want to the server. One major thing that you'll need to do is send the cookie containing your userid to the server. Without this you'll never be able to post.
  • #4
At least spiders don't invade a house in colonies.

  • #5
dduardo said:
If you really wanted to write a spider that could post you could. Basically you'll use wget to download the pages, then using a little regex you'll find all the "<a href=""></a>". You'll then do another wget, traversing link after link until you get to a page that has a post quick reply. Using the cURL library you'll POST the message you want to the server. One major thing that you'll need to do is send the cookie containing your userid to the server. Without this you'll never be able to post.

  • #6
I had a blog once, which I maintained for around 3 months until I realized that most of the visitors I was getting were probably spiders.

FAQ: Spiders Taking Over: More of Them Than Users

1. What is causing the increase in spider population?

The increase in spider population is likely due to a combination of factors including climate change, land development, and human behavior. These factors can create a more suitable environment for spiders to thrive and reproduce.

2. Are these spiders dangerous to humans?

Most spiders are not dangerous to humans and will only bite in self-defense. However, there are some species of spiders that can be venomous and potentially harmful to humans. It is important to educate yourself on the types of spiders in your area and their behaviors to avoid any potential danger.

3. Will these spiders cause harm to the ecosystem?

Spiders play a crucial role in the ecosystem as they help control insect populations and serve as a food source for other animals. While an increase in spider population may disrupt the balance temporarily, it is not likely to cause any significant harm to the ecosystem.

4. Can we do anything to control the spider population?

There are some measures that can be taken to control the spider population, such as removing clutter and debris around your property, sealing cracks and openings in your home, and keeping your outdoor lights off at night to avoid attracting insects that spiders feed on. However, it is important to remember that spiders are a natural part of the ecosystem and it is not necessary to completely eradicate them.

5. How can we coexist with the increasing number of spiders?

It is possible to coexist with spiders by taking some simple precautions, such as regularly cleaning and decluttering your home, sealing any openings, and avoiding direct contact with spiders. It is also important to remember that spiders are beneficial to the environment and pose little threat to humans. By educating ourselves and respecting their role in the ecosystem, we can peacefully coexist with spiders.

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