How Do You Differentiate Truncated Position Data in Real Time?

In summary: I've used Kalman filters to fuse encoder and accelerometer data in a feedback loop. Typically, you wouldn't have a problem with the velocity derivative swinging wildly unless you have a very noisy sensor or a very high control loop rate (which won't be the case for a small robot).If you have access to the raw sensor data, try implementing a simple low-pass filter on it to remove the high-frequency noise. Then you can use a simple (but not necessarily accurate) differentiation method like the forward difference formula. That should give you a decent estimate of the velocity. If you need something more accurate, you can try using a higher order differentiation formula, but that might be more prone to noise amplification. In summary, the problem
  • #1
I don't have a ton of experience in numerical methods, so I'm hoping someone can help me out. Suppose I have a sequence of position data points for a car, but they've been truncated to integer values. I want to find the speed (derivative), but for speeds which are low relative to the time between measurements, I find that repeated measurements kill my evaluation of the derivative. For example, if the actual position sequence of the car was {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9}, it would be measured as {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}. So if I apply a simple difference operator, instead of getting a constant speed like the actual position sequence implies, I would be getting mostly zero speed with a sudden spike at the point where the measured position changes from 0 to 1.

So my question is, how do I properly differentiate data that looks truncated or stepped like this? (noting that I need to be able to do it in real time, i.e. without using any future data points) I've tried a few different things, but have only had marginal success. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
You need a mathematical model (based on physical considerations) for what the underlying data might look like. The simplest would be constant speed, next a constant accn, etc. The number of parameters should be rather less than the number of datapoints. E.g. with only 3 or 4 datapoints go for constant speed; with 8 or 9 you might justify an acceleration term.
Having chosen the model(s), find the parameters that give the best (least squares) fit to the data. So for constant speed it would be a straight line fit.
A more sophisticated approach could involve background knowledge, like expected limits on acceleration (which might depend on the speed).
All of that should be manageable in real time, but the results might still not be wonderful.
  • #3
thegreenlaser;4167688Sup said:
, how do I properly differentiate data that looks truncated or stepped like this? (noting that I need to be able to do it in real time, i.e. without using any future data points)

As haruspex indicates, your question doesn't have a definite answer since you haven't provided enough "givens" to solve it or to define what a "proper" way would be. Perhaps if you describe the actual real life problem, some more "givens" will be revealed.

We should start by using better terminology. Your goal isn' t to "differentiate the data". Your goal is apparently to estimate the velocity of an object from truncated position data. To define a "proper" way, we need to know the penalties for making an error. And what is the overall objective of computing the velocity. Is it an end in itself? Or are you trying to aim a gun to hit a moving target or something where the velocity is merely an aid to the final objective?
  • #4
Stephen Tashi said:
As haruspex indicates, your question doesn't have a definite answer since you haven't provided enough "givens" to solve it or to define what a "proper" way would be. Perhaps if you describe the actual real life problem, some more "givens" will be revealed.

We should start by using better terminology. Your goal isn' t to "differentiate the data". Your goal is apparently to estimate the velocity of an object from truncated position data. To define a "proper" way, we need to know the penalties for making an error. And what is the overall objective of computing the velocity. Is it an end in itself? Or are you trying to aim a gun to hit a moving target or something where the velocity is merely an aid to the final objective?

I guess I was hoping for some more general solutions to the problem of truncated data, and the velocity was just an example of it. However, since those general solutions don't seem to exist, I'll give a little more info. Basically I'm trying to implement a PID controller on a small robot car (which should never exceed about 1 m/s^2 acceleration, though that's a very rough value). To implement the feedback loop, I need to be able to accurately estimate the velocity in real time (i.e. using the current position, and the last n positions). I need accuracy, because if the estimated velocity is too high or too low, it causes the car to over/under-react. In particular, the truncated data causes the derivative to swing wildly, which makes the car's movement very jerky, which is unacceptable.

By the way, since I posted the initial question my group members and I hacked out a solution (involving a moving average), which works just well enough to make the car's motion acceptably smooth. I'm still very curious to hear what someone who knows something about numerical methods would have to say about this problem, though.
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  • #5
thegreenlaser said:
. To implement the feedback loop, I need to be able to accurately estimate the velocity in real time (i.e. using the current position, and the last n positions). I need accuracy, because if the estimated velocity is too high or too low, it causes the car to over/under-react. In particular, the truncated data causes the derivative to swing wildly, which makes the car's movement very jerky, which is unacceptable.

The bottom line of this problem is to control the car. Since you are doing something to exert force on the car then what you do is another "given". The deluxe approach to control problems is called Kalman filtering. This implies more than filtering the data from one variable (such as the velocity data.) It requires setting up the physics of the problem and I don't know if the method handles data where some of the measurement error is due to truncation. We should investigate that question.

I'm not an expert on Kalman filtering, but I might be able to help you with the math just to the extent that I've read about now and then. The engineering sections of the forum would be the place to ask about actually implementing something on a PID controller.
  • #6
Stephen Tashi said:
The bottom line of this problem is to control the car. Since you are doing something to exert force on the car then what you do is another "given". The deluxe approach to control problems is called Kalman filtering. This implies more than filtering the data from one variable (such as the velocity data.) It requires setting up the physics of the problem and I don't know if the method handles data where some of the measurement error is due to truncation. We should investigate that question.

I'm not an expert on Kalman filtering, but I might be able to help you with the math just to the extent that I've read about now and then. The engineering sections of the forum would be the place to ask about actually implementing something on a PID controller.

The Kalman filtering thing is interesting. I'll read up on it and post here again if I'm having any trouble with it.
  • #7
I see people write articles about Kalman filtering with "quantized data". Perhaps truncated measurements fall into that category.

FAQ: How Do You Differentiate Truncated Position Data in Real Time?

1. What is truncated data?

Truncated data refers to a dataset that has been cut off or limited in some way. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as data collection errors or restrictions on the amount of data that can be stored.

2. How does truncated data differ from incomplete data?

Truncated data and incomplete data are similar in that they both lack complete information, but truncated data specifically refers to data that has been shortened or limited, while incomplete data can refer to any type of missing or insufficient information.

3. What are the potential consequences of working with truncated data?

Working with truncated data can lead to biased or inaccurate results, as the limited data may not accurately represent the entire population. It can also affect statistical analyses and models that rely on complete data.

4. How can truncated data be handled or corrected?

If possible, the missing data can be collected or filled in to create a more complete dataset. Truncated data can also be addressed by using statistical methods to estimate or account for the missing information.

5. Is it ethical to use truncated data in research or decision-making?

The use of truncated data must be carefully considered and justified in research or decision-making. It is important to acknowledge and account for any potential biases or limitations that may arise from working with truncated data.

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