Isomers: Geometric and Diastereometric Isomers

In summary, Diastereomers and Geometric Stereomers are both types of stereoisomers. Geometric Stereomers, also known as Geometric Isomers, have the same atoms connected in a different way, while Diastereomers have to do with chirality and can have multiple chiral centers. Enatiomers are a type of Diastereomer that are exact mirror images of each other, while other pairs of Diastereomers can have different chemical and physical properties.
  • #1
What is the difference between Diastereomers and Geometric Stereomers?

Im a little confused on this one as I thought they were the same thing?

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  • #2
I assume by Geometric Stereomers, you mean Geometric Isomers. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Geometric Isomers usually have the same atoms hooked to the other same atoms, but in a different way. Cis-2-Butene and Trans-2-Butene are examples.

Diastereomers have to do with chirality, and are currently hazy in my head right now, but I think that it's when a molecule has two chirality centers, You have (R,R), (R,S), (S,R), (S,S). (R,R) and (R,S) are diastereomers (as are (S,R) and (S,S)), while (R,R) and (S,S) are stereoisomers.
  • #3
Char. Limit said:
Diastereomers have to do with chirality, and are currently hazy in my head right now, but I think that it's when a molecule has two chirality centers, You have (R,R), (R,S), (S,R), (S,S). (R,R) and (R,S) are diastereomers (as are (S,R) and (S,S)), while (R,R) and (S,S) are stereoisomers.

Diastereomers and enatiomers are both stereoisomers (isomers that have to do with chirality). Diastereomers are stereoiosmers that aren't enatiomers. Enatiomers are exact mirror images of one another- that is all chiral centers have opposite optical configurations. So in your example of two chiral centers RR and SS form one enatiomeric pair and SR and RS form another pair. Any other two pairs would be diastereomers (RR and SR, SS and RS). Note that diastereomers can also refer to molecules with greater than 2 chiral centers (eg. RSRR and RRRS). Enatiomers are identical except for the fact that they rotate plane polarized light in opposite directions. Diasteromers, on the other hand, have different chemical and physical properties (melting point, solubility, etc.)

FAQ: Isomers: Geometric and Diastereometric Isomers

What are isomers?

Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements. This means that they have the same number of atoms of each element, but the atoms are arranged differently in space.

What is the difference between geometric and diastereometric isomers?

Geometric isomers are isomers that have the same connectivity but differ in the orientation of their atoms in space. Diastereometric isomers are isomers that have different connectivity and differ in the orientation of their atoms in space.

How are geometric isomers named?

Geometric isomers are named based on the relative position of substituent groups on either side of a double bond or ring. The prefix "cis" is used when the substituent groups are on the same side, and "trans" is used when they are on opposite sides.

What is an example of diastereometric isomers?

An example of diastereometric isomers is 2,3-dichlorobutane. Its diastereomers include 2,3-dichloro-2-butene and 2,3-dichloro-3-butene, which have different connectivity and differ in the orientation of their atoms in space.

How do isomers affect the physical and chemical properties of molecules?

Isomers can have different physical and chemical properties due to their structural differences. For example, geometric isomers can have different melting points and boiling points, while diastereometric isomers may have different reactivity towards certain chemicals.

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