Can the Uncertainty Principle Prove Electrons Cannot Be Inside the Nucleus?

In summary: The physical picture they are suggesting is that the electron is running around in the nucleus confined by a potential barrier which it eventually tunnels through. Which means it's emission energy should be comparable to it's kinetic energy confined in the nucleus. Like anything done with the uncertainty principle, this an estimate. But a large deviation from the estimate suggests that picture is not correct.Not sure I'm following you completely. I assumed like you said that the emission energy was comparable to the kinetic energy inside the nucleus. That way I got a max value for the momentum inside the nucleus from the emission energy alone. My calculation was the estimate, so what is the value that diviates? The huge uncertainty I got? (more than 100% uncertainty relative to the momentum)
  • #1

Homework Statement

It is given the maximum energy of electrons emitted in beta decay. I'm asked to show using that and the uncertainty principle that electrons cannot be inside the nucleus.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I can't show my work because I don't even know how to start!
Physics news on
  • #2
Think about what the uncertainty principle would say about the kinetic energy of an electron confined in a nucleus. KE=p^2/2m.
  • #3
For the uncertainty principle to say something about that, wouldn't it need one of two uncertainty inputs in order to return a value? But where is this input given or derived from?
  • #4
teleport said:
For the uncertainty principle to say something about that, wouldn't it need one of two uncertainty inputs in order to return a value? But where is this input given or derived from?

The delta x corresponds to the size of the nucleus.
  • #5
OK, by using the greatest nucleus (I believe around 15 fm but not sure of the exact number) I get a lower bound on the minimum momentum uncertainty which is greater than the upper bound on the momentum itself derived from the given max energy of electrons by about a factor of 10. Is this what you meant? If so, why is such a (although high)fractional uncertainty the answer to the impossibility of such an event from occurring? Because it's high enough?
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  • #6
The physical picture they are suggesting is that the electron is running around in the nucleus confined by a potential barrier which it eventually tunnels through. Which means it's emission energy should be comparable to it's kinetic energy confined in the nucleus. Like anything done with the uncertainty principle, this an estimate. But a large deviation from the estimate suggests that picture is not correct.
  • #7
Not sure I'm following you completely. I assumed like you said that the emission energy was comparable to the kinetic energy inside the nucleus. That way I got a max value for the momentum inside the nucleus from the emission energy alone. My calculation was the estimate, so what is the value that diviates? The huge uncertainty I got? (more than 100% uncertainty relative to the momentum)
  • #8
Maybe you should post what numbers you are getting. I'm getting that the emission energy of a confined electron is implausibly large compared with the confined electron estimate. By more than a factor of 10.
  • #9
I substracted the rest energy, which makes it smaller if you didn't. Good thanks, I'm ok with the answer.

FAQ: Can the Uncertainty Principle Prove Electrons Cannot Be Inside the Nucleus?

1. What is the role of electrons within the nucleus?

The electrons within the nucleus play a crucial role in determining the chemical properties and behavior of an atom. They determine the atom's reactivity and ability to form chemical bonds.

2. How are electrons held within the nucleus?

Electrons are held within the nucleus by the strong force, which is the strongest of the four fundamental forces of nature. This force is responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.

3. Can electrons move within the nucleus?

No, electrons are not able to move within the nucleus. They are confined to specific energy levels and orbitals outside of the nucleus. The nucleus itself is very small and tightly packed, making it impossible for electrons to move within it.

4. How do electrons contribute to the mass of an atom?

Electrons have a very small mass compared to protons and neutrons, so their contribution to the overall mass of an atom is negligible. The majority of an atom's mass comes from the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

5. Can electrons be found in the nucleus of all atoms?

No, electrons are only found outside of the nucleus in most atoms. However, in certain rare cases, such as with hydrogen-1 atoms, the electron can be found within the nucleus. This is known as "quantum tunneling" and is due to the very low mass of the electron.
