Abstract algebra - direct sum and direct product

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between direct sum and direct product in group theory, particularly in abelian groups. The expert explains that the direct sum refers to modules over a ring, while the direct product is the direct sum of Z-modules. They also mention that the two concepts are not the same when viewed as different types of objects, and provide examples using matrices. The conversation also touches on the universal mapping problem and the difference between direct sum and direct product in finite and infinite cases.
  • #1
Hi everybody,
I'm new to absract algebra and I really can not understand different between direct sum and direct product in group theory (specially abelian groups).
could does anyone give me a clear example or ... ?
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  • #2
I think that direct sum refers to modules over a ring. One takes a direct product of abelian groups to get another abelian group. But if you view an abelian group as a Z-module then the direct product is the direct sum of Z-modules.
  • #3
thanks for reply,
Do you mean direct product and direct sum are the same for Z-modules?
but how do their definition are different for two matrices A and B as you know?
  • #4
markoX said:
thanks for reply,
Do you mean direct product and direct sum are the same for Z-modules?
but how do their definition are different for two matrices A and B as you know?

I think it is a direct product if you view the groups as groups, a direct sum if you view them as Z-modules. They are not really the same because they are being view as different types of objects.

I don't understand you matrix question. Can you explain it more?
  • #5
My second question is not related to group theory, suppose we have two matrices A and B. The direct product of these two matrices is A * B ( which is tensor product ) but the direct sum is something else.
how do these two objects can be same in Z-modules group?
  • #6
Each of these (direct sum, direct product) is the solution of a certain universal mapping problem. In the case of abelian groups, the resulting groups are isomorphic, but not the resulting maps.

For the "direct sum": given two abelian groups [itex]A, B[/itex] you get the direct sum group [itex]A \times B[/itex] and two embeddings, [itex]i_1 \colon A \to A \times B[/itex] and [itex]i_2 \colon B \to A \times B[/itex].

For the "direct product": given two abelian groups [itex]A, B[/itex] you get the direct product group [itex]A \times B[/itex] and two projections, [itex]p_1 \colon A \times B \to A[/itex] and [itex]p_2 \colon A \times B \to B[/itex].
  • #7
markoX said:
My second question is not related to group theory, suppose we have two matrices A and B. The direct product of these two matrices is A * B ( which is tensor product ) but the direct sum is something else.
how do these two objects can be same in Z-modules group?

I have never heard the tensor product called a direct product. If that is what your book says then this to me is non-standard terminology.

The direct sum of two matrices(linear maps) act on the direct sum of the two vector spaces - the tensor product acts on the tensor product of the vector spaces. If the 2 vector spaces have dimensions m and n then the dirct sum has dimension m + n , the tensor product has dimension mxn.
  • #8
In mathematics, the direct sum of groups: \Pi_{i\in I} G_i is the set of all "sequences" (x_i)_{i\in I} such that x_i\in G_i for all i\in I. The direct sum \bigoplus_{i\in I}G_i is the subset of the direct product consisting of the sequences with all except finitely many terms equal to the identities of the relevant groups. Thus, if I is finite the direct product is the same as the the direct sum .
  • #9
Sounds like most of you are making it more complicated than it needs to be. Either that or I have misunderstood something. I guess I'll find out now. Here's how I would define those terms:

If G and H are groups, then the direct product of G and H is the Cartesian product G×H with the multiplication operation defined by (g,h)(g',h')=(gg',hh').

The direct sum is exactly the same thing. The only difference is that when we're dealing with Abelian groups, we often use the notation g+g' instead of gg'. When we do, the definition of the "multiplication" operation on G×H is written as (g,h)+(g',h')=(g+g',h+h') instead of as above. It's still the same definition, but now we call the operation "addition" instead of "multiplication".

...and I see now that this thread is more than 6 months old.
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  • #10
@Fredrik: as Nessy said, for finite products/sums, there is no difference between direct sum and direct product. You are talking about two (=finitely many) groups G and H, so you're right.

The difference comes up when dealing with infinite products and sums, i.e. [tex]\prod_{i\in I}G_i[/tex] and [tex]\bigoplus_{i\in I}G_i[/tex], where I is an infinite index set.

\\edit: also, see here.

FAQ: Abstract algebra - direct sum and direct product

1. What is the difference between direct sum and direct product in abstract algebra?

The direct sum of two algebraic structures is a new structure that combines the elements from both structures in a unique way, while the direct product is a new structure that contains all possible combinations of elements from the two structures. In other words, the direct sum is a sum of structures, while the direct product is a product of structures.

2. How are direct sum and direct product used in abstract algebra?

Direct sum and direct product are used to create new algebraic structures from existing ones. They are particularly useful in ring theory and group theory, where they can help classify and study different types of structures.

3. What are the properties of direct sum and direct product?

The direct sum and direct product both have the properties of being commutative, associative, and distributive. In addition, the direct sum is idempotent, meaning that it is equal to itself when added to itself, while the direct product is not idempotent.

4. Can direct sum and direct product be applied to any type of algebraic structure?

Yes, direct sum and direct product can be applied to any type of algebraic structure, including rings, fields, vector spaces, and groups. However, the resulting structure may not always have the same properties as the original structures.

5. How do direct sum and direct product relate to other algebraic operations?

Direct sum and direct product are related to other algebraic operations such as addition and multiplication, but they are not the same. While addition and multiplication combine elements from the same structure, direct sum and direct product combine elements from different structures. Additionally, direct sum and direct product have their own unique properties and applications in abstract algebra.

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