Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem for Non Uniform flow

In summary, the conversation is about the Reynolds transport theorem and mass conservation, specifically calculating the mass flow rate through a control surface with a non-uniform velocity. The equation given is used to calculate the mass flow rate, and it is explained that integrating the velocity profile over the surface area is necessary because the velocity may not be constant. The relevance of the integral is also discussed, as well as its use for different types of flows such as linear and non-linear. The conversation also includes a discussion on how to calculate the average velocity in a section of pipe with laminar flow. The concept of integration is explained as a way to add up the flow rates through smaller surface areas with nearly constant velocities to get the total mass flow rate through the
  • #1

Homework Statement

I will honestly be so grateful if someone can explain this to me. I am studying the Reynolds transport theorem, particularly mass conservation. I have read over my notes and I really do not understand how to calculate the mass flow rate through the control surface if it has a non uniform velocity. The equation I was given was:

[itex]\dot{m}[/itex]i = integralcsi ρVdA

I don't even understand why this would give the mass flow rate. I think the problem is I don't understand the relevance of the integral. How can integrating with respect to the control surface area give you the mass flow rate?
Also how can you integrate density x velocity with respect to area?

Does the mass flow rate have different types of integrals for different types of flow? (e.g. linear, non-linear)

I am so confused and keep panicking. Please someone help me!

Homework Equations

[itex]\dot{m}[/itex]i = integralcsi ρVdA
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  • #2
What would the integral be if rho and V were constant? What if the control surface were represented by a section of pipe, with a fluid like water flowing through it?
  • #3
If rho and V were constant you get mass flow rate = rho x V x A .. which is the equation I use when the velocity is constant to calculate mass flow rate, so that makes sense!

What would happen if the control surface was a section of pipe with fluid flowing through it? I don't actually know. This is where I lack understanding I think.

Doing a question on this and there is a linear velocity profile at an inlet.. supposedly the average velocity can be calculated using V= Vmax(y/h).
This is also what I struggle with: how does the above equation for velocity come about?

I am useless at this!
  • #4
Don't you use mass flow rate= rho * A * V when you have water flowing through a pipe? After all, mass in = mass out of the pipe, because the water cannot migrate through the pipe walls.
  • #5
VdA is the volumetric throughput rate through a differential element of area dA, where V is the velocity normal to the area. Once you know the differential volumetric throughput rate, you can get the differential mass throughput rate by multiplying by the density ρ.

Suppose you have laminar flow in a pipe, and you want to apply your equation. For laminar flow in a pipe, you probably know that the velocity profile is given by

where [itex]\overline{v}[/itex] is the average axial velocity (the volumetric throughput rate Q divided by the cross sectional area of the pipe)

Suppose you want to determine the mass throughput rate. In this case, you have to integrate the velocity profile radially, with dA = 2πrdr. The volumetric throughput rate through this annular cross section is given by [itex]2πrVdr[/itex]. Therefore, multiplying by the density, and integrating over the entire cross section gives:
  • #6
This explanation helps me a lot, thank you. It may be a silly question, and I may not need to know the answer, but why do we integrate in the first place? I think I may lack knowledge of the functions of integration.
  • #7
LauraMorrison said:
This explanation helps me a lot, thank you. It may be a silly question, and I may not need to know the answer, but why do we integrate in the first place? I think I may lack knowledge of the functions of integration.

You need to integrate because the fluid velocity may not be constant over the entire surface through which the mass is flowing, and you want to calculate the total mass flow rate through the surface. So you need to break the surface down into smaller surface areas, each of which has a nearly constant velocity through it. By integrating, you add these flow rates up to get the total.
  • #8
Thank you so much! Makes so much more sense :D

FAQ: Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem for Non Uniform flow

1. What is Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem for Non Uniform flow?

Mass conservation and Reynold transport theorem for non-uniform flow is a fundamental principle in fluid mechanics that states that the total mass of a fluid remains constant over time, and that the rate of change of mass within a control volume is equal to the net mass flow rate into or out of the control volume.

2. Why is Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem important in fluid mechanics?

Mass conservation and Reynold transport theorem is important because it allows us to understand and analyze the behavior of fluids in non-uniform flow situations. By applying this principle, we can determine the flow rates, velocities, and pressures of fluids in different systems, which is crucial for various engineering and scientific applications.

3. How is Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem applied in real-world scenarios?

Mass conservation and Reynold transport theorem can be applied in many real-world scenarios, such as analyzing the flow of water in rivers, the movement of air in the atmosphere, and the flow of oil in pipelines. It is also used in the design and analysis of various engineering systems, such as pumps, turbines, and heat exchangers.

4. What are the limitations of Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem?

One of the main limitations of Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem is that it assumes the fluid is incompressible and has a constant density. This may not always be the case in real-world scenarios, especially when dealing with compressible fluids or fluids with varying densities. Additionally, it also assumes that the flow is steady and does not account for any unsteady or turbulent effects.

5. How does Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem relate to the Navier-Stokes equations?

Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem is one of the key principles used in the derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations, which are a set of equations that govern the motion of fluids. The mass conservation equation is the continuity equation in the Navier-Stokes equations, while the Reynold transport theorem is used to derive the momentum and energy equations.

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