Modified equation of state of an ideal gas

In summary, the problem at hand is to show that the empirical temperature of a gas, \zeta, as defined by the zeroth law, is proportional to the thermodynamic temperature, T, as defined by the Carnot efficiency. This can be done by calculating the efficiency of a Carnot cycle using the equation of state for the gas, and comparing it to the definition of T.
  • #1
I have this problem, it doesn't seem very complicated but I can't figure out how to do it.

A gas obeys to the equation of state
[tex]P(V-b) = Nk\zeta[/tex]
where [tex]k[/tex] is the Boltzman's constant. The internal energy of the gas is a function of
[tex]\zeta[/tex] alone. Show that [tex]\zeta=T[/tex] using a Carnot cycle.

Any help greatly appreciated

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Physics news on
  • #2
Any ideas?
  • #3
Here is a hint to get you started.

The thermodynamic temperature [tex] T [/tex] is defined in terms of the efficiency of a Carnot engine as
\eta = 1-\frac{T_C}{T_H},
so what you want to do is calculate the efficiency of your Carnot cycle using your equation of state, the first law, and whatever other information may be available to you. Upon comparing the two, you will find that [tex] \zeta [/tex], which is an empirical temperature for the gas as defined by the zeroth law, is in fact equal (with a suitable choice of scale) to the thermodynamic temperature i.e. you want to find that [tex] \zeta [/tex] is proportional to [tex] T [/tex].
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  • #4
Physics Monkey said:
[tex] \zeta [/tex] [...] is an empirical temperature for the gas as defined by the zeroth law.

I don't really get why is that... any chance you can explain it to me

  • #5
I can certainly try, the zeroth law is usually taken as saying that it is possible to find a quantity, called empirical temperature, which is the same for two systems in equilibrium. This is probably fairly obvious, and it can be more or less rigorously shown using the zeroth law. The experimental observation that PV is constant in the limit of a dilute gas allows us to identify PV as being proportional to an empirical temperature for dilute or ideal gases. By defining the temperature of the triple point of water to be 273.16 K exactly, one defines the Kelvin scale in terms of an ideal gas temperature. The coeffecient then turns out to be N k so that we have the ideal gas law [tex] PV = N k \zeta [/tex]. This is one way to define a temperature scale, another way is in terms of the Carnot engine where we define the thermodynamic temperature [tex] T [/tex] in terms of the efficiency as [tex] \eta = 1 - \frac{T_C}{T_H} [/tex]. One very basic question one can ask is, "do these temperature scales coincide?" This is the subject of your problem.

While that is perhaps all very interesting, the point of the problem is just to show that [tex] \zeta [/tex] can be taken equal to [tex] T [/tex], which is defined in terms of the Carnot efficiency. To do this, you need to calculate the efficiency of your gas based Carnot engine and then compare it to the definition of [tex] T [/tex].
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FAQ: Modified equation of state of an ideal gas

What is the modified equation of state of an ideal gas?

The modified equation of state of an ideal gas is a mathematical expression that describes the relationship between the pressure, volume, and temperature of an ideal gas. It takes into account the effects of intermolecular forces and the volume occupied by the gas molecules, which are not considered in the ideal gas law.

How is the modified equation of state different from the ideal gas law?

The modified equation of state takes into account the non-ideal behavior of gases, while the ideal gas law assumes that gases behave ideally. It includes additional terms that account for the effects of intermolecular forces and the volume of gas molecules, making it more accurate in real-world situations.

What are the limitations of the modified equation of state?

The modified equation of state is only applicable to gases at low to moderate pressures and temperatures. It also assumes that the gas molecules are spherical and non-polar, so it may not accurately describe the behavior of more complex molecules or polar gases.

How is the modified equation of state derived?

The modified equation of state is derived using the principles of statistical mechanics, which consider the behavior of a large number of molecules. It takes into account the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules and the interactions between them to develop a more accurate equation for the behavior of real gases.

What are some real-world applications of the modified equation of state?

The modified equation of state is commonly used in chemical and industrial processes where accurate predictions of gas behavior are necessary. It is also used in the design and operation of gas pipelines and storage tanks, as well as in the study of atmospheric gases and their impact on climate change.
