How Does Sunlight Reach the Moon During a Full Moon?

In summary, eclipses occur due to the lack of precision in the alignment of the Earth, sun, and moon. The moon's orbit is only about 5 degrees inclined to the ecliptic, and it crosses the ecliptic twice a month while the sun is only at this spot twice a year. The larger size of the sun is not the determining factor, but rather the angular size it subtends from the distance of the Earth and moon. Solar eclipses occur 2-5 times per year, with the last year to have 5 eclipses being 1935 and the next being 2206. Lunar eclipses can occur on a night with a full moon, but not every full moon produces a lunar eclipse. The
  • #1
When Earth is between sun and moon,we have full moon.
But I can not really understand that. How light of sun reach at moon? Does not hit in earth?
Or maybe light follow a curve as general theory says?

Thank you!
Astronomy news on
  • #2
You realize that the sun is many times larger than the earth, don't you?
  • #3
I realize that,but moon is close to earth. If light follow a straight line,I do not think that is possible this fenomeno.
  • #4
Hepic said:
I realize that,but moon is close to earth. If light follow a straight line,I do not think that is possible this fenomeno.

So I take it you think the moon is in the plane of the ecliptic. That's your problem.
  • #5
Hepic said:
When Earth is between sun and moon,we have full moon.
But I can not really understand that. How light of sun reach at moon? Does not hit in earth?
Or maybe light follow a curve as general theory says?
I think you better search for "eclipse", and learn about why they don't happen at every new and full Moon.
  • #6
No, neither of those is a good description of the problem. The problem is simply a lack of precision of the alignment.
  • #7
russ_watters said:
No, neither of those is a good description of the problem. The problem is simply a lack of precision of the alignment.
To extend this answer: The distance earth-moon is ~60 times the radius of earth. At this distance, the area where no sun is visible is a circle with a radius of 4500km (smaller than Earth as the sun is larger than earth). The moon usually passes "above" or "below" that circle as the orbits of Earth (around sun) and moon (around earth) are not in the same plane. Two times per year (=two times per orbit of earth), it switches between those options, and this can give an eclipse.

Hepic said:
Or maybe light follow a curve as general theory says?
While the theory of general relativity (not "general theory") gives a tiny deflection of the sunlight, this is completely negligible here.
Something you can see is the scattering and deflection of sunlight in the atmosphere of Earth - it makes the moon dark red during an eclipse.
  • #8
Of course, it does sometimes happen that the moon is directly "behind" the earth. That's when we get a "lunar eclipse". Even at those times the moon does not become completely dark (more of a dark red) because of sunlight bent by the Earth's atmosphere that reflects off the moon.
  • #9
Hepic said:
I realize that,but moon is close to earth. If light follow a straight line,I do not think that is possible this fenomeno.

The word you are looking for is 'phenomenon'.

Yes, light rays do travel in straight lines, discounting the effects of gravitational lensing. However, all of the rays emitted by the sun do not originate from the same point. Making a sketch would go a long way to showing this point.
  • #10
A few more notes of expansion, as I was typing from a phone at the time:

1. The moon's orbit is only about 5 degrees inclined to the ecliptic.
2. The moon crosses the ecliptic twice a month, but the sun is only at one of those spots twice a year - and their times being at that spot may not be at the same time.
3. Because the inclination isn't large compared to the Earth's apparent diameter (2 degrees) to the moon, you can have several at least partial eclipses a year; not just one or two. Extra ones are a month apart.
4. #3 is also why you have many more lunar eclipses than solar eclipses (the sun's and moon's apparent diameters to Earth are only 0.5 degrees).
  • #11
SteamKing said:
The word you are looking for is 'phenomenon'.

Yes, light rays do travel in straight lines, discounting the effects of gravitational lensing. However, all of the rays emitted by the sun do not originate from the same point. Making a sketch would go a long way to showing this point.

going from your 2 responses it would appear you also don't understand how eclipses happen :wink:

the larger size of the sun in this case isn't the important thing, as from the distance of the Earth and moon is from the sun, the sun subtends the same angular size as the moon
it has nothing to do with rays of the sun shining around the earth, gravitational lensing etc

it has ALL to do with what others have posted before this last post of yours :smile:

  • #12
I didn't say that gravitational lensing was responsible for the moon being able to shine when the Earth is between it and the sun. The OP did not discuss eclipses at all, which have no bearing on how sunlight is able to strike the moon when it is on the far side of the earth.

When the moon is between the Earth and the sun, the moon is able to block some of the sun's light from striking the surface of the earth, but the width of the moon's shadow on the surface of the Earth during a total eclipse is only a few miles wide. There is plenty of sunlight which illuminates the Earth on either side of the eclipse, outside the band of total or partial darkness.
  • #13
Is it true that Solar and lunar eclipses occur every full moon and new moon?(For some place on Earth)
  • #14
Is this possible?


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  • #15
adjacent said:
Is it true that Solar and lunar eclipses occur every full moon and new moon?(For some place on Earth)

It's hard to evaluate exactly what your source is saying, since you provide no direct link to these statements.

However, solar eclipses are remarkable because they occur somewhat rarely.

This article describes their frequency of occurrence:

According to this article, 2-5 solar eclipses occur each year. The last year to have 5 solar eclipses was 1935; the next year with 5 eclipses won't be until 2206.

A lunar eclipse can occur only on a night with a full moon, but it does not necessarily follow that every night with a full moon produces a lunar eclipse. Every year produces at least two lunar eclipses.
  • #16
SteamKing said:
It's hard to evaluate exactly what your source is saying, since you provide no direct link to these statements.
Ah,( Its a sky simulating software
(I don't have it right now.This laptop is slow.I will recheck once I get to my other home(Next year)
SteamKing said:
According to this article, 2-5 solar eclipses occur each year. The last year to have 5 solar eclipses was 1935; the next year with 5 eclipses won't be until 2206.
Since the moon always come between the Earth and the sun during new moon,Why not?
At least the shadow should get to somewhere on the Earth.
  • #17
adjacent said:
Ah,( ....
Since the moon always come between the Earth and the sun during new moon,Why not?
At least the shadow should get to somewhere on the Earth.

not unless there is an alignment and there isn't one every new moon

reread the earlier posts by mfb and russ_watter and tfr000
and do a google on eclipses and what is needed to produce one, even a partial one

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  • #18
davenn said:
not unless there is an alignment and there isn't one every new moon

reread the earlier posts by mfb and russ_watter and tfr000
and do a google on eclipses and what is needed to produce one, even a partial one


Oh.I see.
Thank you
  • #19
Bob said:
Is this possible?

I am wonder that too.
Can answer Bob's question?
  • #20
Hepic said:
I am wonder that too.
Can answer Bob's question?

his drawing is out of proportion

your question has been answered :)

have your google searched eclipses yet ?

  • #21
adjacent said:
Since the moon always come between the Earth and the sun during new moon,Why not? At least the shadow should get to somewhere on the Earth.
The Moon does not always come between the Earth and Sun at new moon. The Moon's orbit is not in the same plane as the Earth's orbit around the Sun. It is close, but there is enough of an angle between them to cause "misses". You need to do some web searching for "eclipse" - there are websites that explain it much better than we can here.
  • #22
russ_watters said:
3. Because the inclination isn't large compared to the Earth's apparent diameter (2 degrees) to the moon, you can have several at least partial eclipses a year; not just one or two. Extra ones are a month apart.
4. #3 is also why you have many more lunar eclipses than solar eclipses (the sun's and moon's apparent diameters to Earth are only 0.5 degrees).
#4 depends on the interpretation. While the shadow of Earth is larger, the Earth is also a larger target to catch the smaller shadow of moon. The required alignment is the same in both cases, both for partial and full eclipses (at least if we neglect annular eclipses).
For a given location on earth, lunar eclipses are much more frequent as they are visible from half the surface on earth, while solar eclipses are visible within a very narrow band only, but the frequency of "one of those happens somewhere" is the same.

In the next 10 years, there will be 20 lunar eclipses 8 of them total) and 20 solar eclipses (6 of them total).
I'm not sure if two lunar eclipses with a distance of 1 month are possible, but a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse 2 weeks afterwards (or vice versa) is common.

Bob said:
Is this possible?
  • #23
I'm having a doubt, but let's check:

They go by decade, so let's look at 2011-2010:

Solar Eclipses: 24
Total: 6

Lunar Eclipses: 23
Total: 9

And solar eclipses can indeed happen a month apart just like lunar eclipses, such as in June and July of 2011. So yeah, with a solar eclipse it is a smaller shadow but bigger target, so those effects must cancel out. You are indeed correct that I fooled myself by thinking about the visibility issue (and therefore publicity issue) with solar eclipses only being visible at certain places while lunar eclipses are visible everywhere.

FAQ: How Does Sunlight Reach the Moon During a Full Moon?

1. How does light from the sun reach the moon?

The light from the sun reaches the moon through a process called reflection. The sun's light is reflected off the surface of the moon and then travels through space and reaches our eyes on Earth.

2. Does the light from the sun travel directly to the moon?

No, the light from the sun does not travel directly to the moon. It first travels through space and then reaches the moon after being reflected off its surface.

3. How long does it take for the light from the sun to reach the moon?

The light from the sun takes approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the moon. This is because the distance between the sun and the moon is about 93 million miles.

4. Is the light from the sun the only source of light on the moon?

Yes, the light from the sun is the only source of light on the moon. Unlike Earth, the moon does not have its own source of light such as a sun or stars.

5. Can the light from the sun reach the moon at all times?

Yes, the light from the sun can reach the moon at all times. However, due to the moon's rotation and orbit around the Earth, there are times when the sun's light is not visible on certain parts of the moon's surface.

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