Applications of Integration-Volume

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the volume generated by rotating a region bounded by two given curves about the y-axis using the method of cylindrical shells. The speaker expresses confusion about determining the domain of the function and making equations for areas and volumes. They seek clarification on how to correctly choose which function to subtract in the formula for volume and mention seeking help from their professor.
  • #1
I'm asked to find the volume generated by rotating the region bounded by the given curves about the y-axis (using the method of cylindrical shells).
I'm given the functions [tex]y= 4(x-2)^2 [/tex]and [tex]y = x^2 - 4x +7[/tex].
I'm not sure how to word this properly...they don't give me the domain of the function to find the in, most of the questions (and of course, all of the examples in the text) have given domains...find such and such when x=3 and x=0 or something of the like. I can do all the problems where the domain or range (in some cases) is given but I'm not entirely sure how to figure out my domains? Is that the intecept of the 2? Because then I would get x=1 and x=3. And if that's true then I'm just screwing something else up.
Another general question I have is when I'm making equations (and I'm consistently having this problem for areas etc), I always seem to subtract the wrong function from the other other words, I always seem to end up with a negative or incorrect area/volume. Say for volumes...
[tex] \int_{a}^{b} 2 \pi xf(x)dx [/tex]
for f(x) I always seem to subract the wrong function by the wrong function! How can I tell which one is going to be the correct one? And sometimes both answers are positive and one is correct and one is not. I asked my professor and he told us just to put a (+/-) at the front and then change it once you know what it is...?! At first I thought it was which function was "on top" of the graphed functions but that doesn't seem to work very well either!
Sorry for the super long post! It's been almost 4 years since I've done calc and now I have to take another course (calc II) so if my questions seem dumb, I'm sorry but I'm still trying to catch up! Thanks!
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  • #2
for the domain, you are getting the right region
you set the functions equal to each other to find out where they intersect..
this may help
the formula for the volume of a cylindrical shell is
V=2pi (delta r) h

so then
2*pi integral radius and your height
here radius is the distance from the y-axis to the center of the shell, which in this case is an x-distance..
now for the height, the height of the function is the top function minus the lower function...
hope this helps..
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  • #3
Thanks again! Those animations are awesome!

FAQ: Applications of Integration-Volume

1. What is the concept of integration-volume?

The concept of integration-volume is a mathematical method used to calculate the total volume of a three-dimensional object. It involves breaking down the object into smaller, simpler shapes and using the principles of integration to find the volume of each shape. The sum of these volumes gives the total volume of the object.

2. What are the real-life applications of integration-volume?

Integration-volume has numerous real-life applications, such as calculating the volume of containers or tanks, finding the amount of material needed to fill a shape, determining the displacement of an object in fluid mechanics, and calculating the volume of irregularly shaped objects in engineering and architecture.

3. How is integration-volume related to calculus?

Integration-volume is a fundamental concept in calculus. It is used to find the total volume under a curve or between two curves, which is known as the definite integral. Integration-volume is also used to find the volume of a solid of revolution, which is formed by rotating a curve around a specific axis. This concept is a crucial tool in solving many problems in physics, engineering, and economics.

4. What are the different methods of finding volume using integration?

There are two main methods of finding volume using integration: the disk method and the shell method. The disk method involves slicing the object into thin disks and finding the volume of each disk using integration. On the other hand, the shell method involves slicing the object into thin cylindrical shells and finding the volume of each shell using integration. Both methods are based on the principles of integration and can be used to find the volume of various shapes.

5. Are there any limitations to using integration-volume to find volume?

While integration-volume is a powerful tool for finding volume, it does have some limitations. It is not suitable for finding the volume of objects with holes or voids, as it assumes that the object is solid. It is also limited in finding the volume of objects with complex shapes, as it requires breaking them down into simpler shapes. In such cases, other methods such as numerical integration or computer-aided design may be more suitable.
