Double integrals and change of variables

In summary: So you would need to use a notation like x(t) = \int a(t) dt dt, where a is the acceleration function. In summary, you have a problem understanding the change of variables in double integrals. You can express the position function as a double integral of the acceleration function, but this is not the first answer.
  • #1
Hi, everyone!

I have a problem in understading the change of variables in double integrals. Here is an example
[tex]\int\int x^2+y^2dx dy=\int \frac{x^3}{3}+y^2x dy=\frac{x^3y}{3}+\frac{y^3x}{3}+C_1[/tex]
but if I first do a change in poral coordinates I get
[tex]\int\int r^2 r drd\theta=\int\frac{r^4}{4}d\theta=\frac{r^4\theta}{4}=\frac{1}{4}(x^2+y^2)^2 arctan(\frac{y}{x})+C_2[/tex]
which is not the first answer. A more simple example is
[tex]\int\int dxdy=xy+C_1[/tex]
and in poral
[tex]\int\int rdrd\theta=\int\frac{r^2}{2}d\theta=\frac{r^2\theta}{2}=\frac{1}{2}(x^2+y^2) arctan(\frac{y}{x})+C_2[/tex]

Can someone explain what I do wrong?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
you have to pick a region over which to integrate and then transform that region. for example let's integrate your first integral over the quarter of the unit circle in the first quadrant in the xy plane.

[tex]\int^{1}_{0}\int^{\sqrt{1-x^2}}_{0} x^2+y^2~dydx[/tex]

in polar coordinates your integral will look like

[tex]\int^{\frac{\pi}{2}}_{0}\int^{1}_{0} r^3 dr d\theta[/tex]
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  • #3
Why should I choose a region? When I have to evaluate a indefinite double integral, I can't apply change of variables?
  • #4
newmathman said:
Why should I choose a region? When I have to evaluate a indefinite double integral, I can't apply change of variables?

I think this is where the problem is, because you seem to think that when you evaluate an indefinite single variable integral that you aren't integrating over a "region" when in fact you are, the segment of the real line [a,x], so it is similar the in the multiple variable case that you still would need to chose an arbitrary region over which to integrate.
  • #5
Ahaa! So my integrals over [tex]dx dy[/tex] are correct by the ones over [tex]dr d\theta[/tex] are not?
  • #6
Actually no, since even if you're doing a double integral wrt dxdy, and not cylindrical or spherical coordinates, you'll still need to specify a region over which the integration is done.
  • #7
I was referring to d_leet's post. I mean the integrals over [tex]dx dy[/tex] are correct in sense that I can evalute them and then substitude the values a<x<b, c<y<d for some region. But for integrals over [tex]dr d\theta[/tex] I can not first evalute them and then substitude the values r1<r<r2, [tex]\theta_1<\theta<\theta_2[/tex].

Does it makes any sense, or I am talking nonsenses?? :smile:
  • #8
It's possible to integrate in both cylindrical and cartesian coordinates without the limits, but it's not possible to change variables without first knowing the limits. Or at least that's what I feel.
  • #9
I have a general question about double integrals. Since acceleration is the second derivative of the position function, can one not use a double integral notation to express the position function as a double integral of the acceleration function, like x(t) = [tex]\int a(t) dt dt[/tex]? (I can't seem to make two integral symbols back to back, but that is supposed to be two integrals before a(t).)
  • #10
1) Please don't "hijack" other people's threads for new questions.

2) A "double integral" is with respect to two different variables. When you go from acceleration to position, you are integrating, twice, with respect to time.

FAQ: Double integrals and change of variables

1. What is a double integral?

A double integral is a mathematical concept used to find the volume under a surface in a 3-dimensional space. It involves integrating a function of two variables over a region in the x-y plane.

2. How is a double integral calculated?

A double integral is calculated by first determining the limits of integration, which define the boundaries of the region in the x-y plane. Then, the function is integrated with respect to both variables, starting from the innermost integral and working outwards.

3. What is the purpose of using a change of variables in a double integral?

A change of variables in a double integral allows for the transformation of the original x-y coordinate system to a new coordinate system, making the integral easier to evaluate. This is especially useful when the region of integration is more complex.

4. How do you determine the appropriate change of variables for a double integral?

The appropriate change of variables for a double integral can be determined by identifying the symmetry of the region of integration and choosing variables that align with this symmetry. Other techniques, such as polar or cylindrical coordinates, can also be used depending on the problem.

5. What is the relationship between a double integral and a triple integral?

A double integral is essentially a special case of a triple integral, where one of the variables is held constant. In other words, a double integral can be thought of as integrating a function over a plane, while a triple integral integrates a function over a 3-dimensional space.

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