Three question on error-propagation and flow measurements

In summary, the M-Bus interface to which the flow meter is connected restricts the accuracy of the data that can be read. There is no way to get more accuracy than 10 liter. The best way to analyze this data is to use maximum likelihood approximation. There is no need to change the flow meter.Second question: What's the best way to measure the accuracy of the data? There is no way to get more accuracy than 10 liter. The best way to measure accuracy is to use maximum likelihood approximation. Third question: Should we change the flow meter? No, the flow meter is not necessary to get accurate data.
  • #1
I’m calculating a discrete integral from distinct water-flow measurements. That means I have a few thousand data values in liter/second and I calculate from them the totally flown water in liter. The accuracy of the data is +/- 0.5 liter and I get one value every 5 seconds. The total time of measurement is about 3 hours. The water is coming in bunches of about 25 liters in a duration of 30 seconds to about 3 minutes. Between these flows there’s no water, so the accuracy is 100% then.
  • First question: how will the error propagate?
I can read out the flow meter before and after the measurement in hi-res mode with 0.01 l accuracy, but not in-between. This is some restriction of the M-Bus interface to which the meter is connected. But I can read out the sum-value every 5 seconds together with the flow rates but only with 10 liter accuracy. Anyway, the moment of the switch to the next 10 liter value provides some information on at least one hidden decimal number, as it seems to me. So perhaps I can use something like ‘maximum likelihood’ approximation to get more accuracy?
  • Second question: what’s the best way to analyze this data?
As I’ve found out meanwhile, the regime we are measuring in is just between home water technique and flow-rates seen in some processes in pharmaceutical and food industries. Normal home water meters are not built to this accuracy we would need (0.1 liter) or at least do not provide this accuracy remotely and those better flow-meters like perhaps HygienicMaster FEH300 from ABB probably cost a factor 20 to 100 more as the setup just now.
  • Third question: should we change the meters?
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  • #2
First question: If you're simply summing values that have independent and random errors, then you add the uncertainties in quadrature; i.e., for N measurements:
[tex] \delta V = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{\delta V_{i}}^2[/tex]

FAQ: Three question on error-propagation and flow measurements

1. What is error propagation and why is it important in scientific measurements?

Error propagation is the process of determining the overall uncertainty or error in a final measurement that is derived from multiple sources of uncertainty. It is important in scientific measurements because it allows us to understand the reliability and accuracy of our data, and helps us make informed decisions about the validity of our results.

2. How do you calculate error propagation?

Error propagation involves using mathematical equations to determine the combined uncertainty of a final measurement based on the uncertainties of the individual measurements that went into it. This can be done through various methods such as the root sum of squares or the law of propagation of uncertainty.

3. What is the difference between absolute and relative error propagation?

Absolute error propagation refers to the uncertainty in a final measurement expressed in the same units as the measurement itself. Relative error propagation, on the other hand, expresses the uncertainty as a percentage of the final measurement. Both methods are commonly used in scientific measurements, depending on the specific context and requirements of the experiment.

4. How can error propagation be minimized in scientific measurements?

There are several ways to minimize error propagation in scientific measurements. This includes using more precise instruments, taking multiple measurements and averaging the results, and identifying and reducing sources of systematic error. It is also important to carefully consider and account for any potential sources of uncertainty in the experiment design.

5. How does flow measurement accuracy affect error propagation?

The accuracy of flow measurements can have a significant impact on error propagation. Inaccurate flow measurements can introduce a large amount of uncertainty into the final result, especially if the flow rate is a crucial component of the experiment. Therefore, it is important to carefully calibrate and validate flow measurement instruments to minimize the potential for error propagation.
