Effect of Prandtl Number on Thermal Boundary Layer

In summary, the Prandtl number effect on boundary layers is determined by a balance between thermal convection and diffusion. A low Prandtl number results in a larger thermal boundary layer compared to the hydrodynamic boundary layer. This occurs because at high Reynolds numbers, the region where momentum diffusion is important becomes smaller, leading to a thinner hydrodynamic boundary layer. Similarly, at high Prandtl numbers, the region where thermal diffusion is important becomes smaller, resulting in a thicker thermal boundary layer. In practical scenarios, the thermal boundary layer thickness will decrease with increasing fan speed due to the increased velocity and Reynolds number. This leads to a higher temperature gradient near the skin and a higher heat transfer rate.
  • #1
I'm currently having a bit of an intuitive problem understanding the Prandtl number effect on boundary layers and I'm hoping that someone can explain it better than what I've read in some heat transfer books.

According to various HT books, a low Prandtl number means that heat diffuses quickly (predominantly via the conduction mechanism) whereas momentum does not diffuse as quickly. This results in a large thermal BL relative to the hydrodynamic BL. I am having trouble understanding why this occurs? Why is the thermal BL "thick"? My current thinking is that if the heat (thermal energy) diffuses/spreads through the fluid quickly (through molecular collisions between adjacent fluid laminae) the free-stream temperature would be approached more quickly, resulting in a thinner thermal BL. Basically,I would have thought that if heat diffuses quickly through the fluid that the thermal BL would be "thin" as the heat quickly reaches the free-stream temperature.

I know my understanding is flawed but if someone can explain to me why I'm wrong, I would appreciate it!

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  • #2
In a boundary layer, inertia U*U/L needs to balance with the viscous term nu*U/(L*L). In order for the viscous term to survive at high Reynolds numbers (we know it cannot disappear at high Reynolds numbers ), the length scale of the viscous term cannot be L, but should have its own lengthscale, δ,, which is the boundary layer thickness.
Therefore, the boundary layer thickness decreases for increasing velocity

The same analysis for a thermal boundary layer: again, the thermal boundary layer may not vanish for high Reynolds numbers, so there must be a balance between thermal convection and diffusion:
[itex]\frac{UT}{L} = \frac{T}{Re \cdot Pr} \frac{1}{\delta^2}[/itex]
So: when the Prandtl number is high, the thermal boundary layer thickness decreases

So: when the Reynolds number is high, inertia governs the flow, not viscosity. Therefore, the region where viscosity is important (the boundary layer) becomes smaller
When the Prandtl number is high, viscous/momentum diffusion governs the flow, not thermal diffusion. Therefore, the region where thermal diffusion is important (the thermal boundary layer) becomes smaller.

Note that usually, Pr is fixed for a certain gas, e.g. Pr=0.7 for air and 7 for water. So you can have a thick thermal boundary layer for air and a thin one for water.
  • #3
Thanks for the explanation, seems to make more sense now.

Just have one more question regarding the BL topic.
For a given fluid (e.g. Air), the Prandtl number will be constant provided that the temp. and pressure of the fluid remain relatively constant (e.g. Pr=0.7 for atmospheric air). So, suppose we have a forced-convection scenario where a fan is blowing air over a heated plate, what happens to the thermal BL when the fan speed is increased?

I know that the velocity of the air flow increases and thus, the Reynolds number will correspondingly increase. This implies that inertial forces will dominate and the region where viscous forces are felt becomes smaller (hydro BL becomes smaller). What effect does all this have on the Thermal BL?

  • #4
sanka said:
Thanks for the explanation, seems to make more sense now.

Just have one more question regarding the BL topic.
For a given fluid (e.g. Air), the Prandtl number will be constant provided that the temp. and pressure of the fluid remain relatively constant (e.g. Pr=0.7 for atmospheric air). So, suppose we have a forced-convection scenario where a fan is blowing air over a heated plate, what happens to the thermal BL when the fan speed is increased?

I know that the velocity of the air flow increases and thus, the Reynolds number will correspondingly increase. This implies that inertial forces will dominate and the region where viscous forces are felt becomes smaller (hydro BL becomes smaller). What effect does all this have on the Thermal BL?


When it is windy outside, my skin feels cooler than when there is no wind. This means that the thermal boundary layer is thinner when it is windy, so that the temperature gradient near my skin is higher, and the heat transfer rate is higher.

FAQ: Effect of Prandtl Number on Thermal Boundary Layer

1. What is the definition of Prandtl Number?

The Prandtl Number is a dimensionless number that helps to characterize the relative importance of momentum and thermal diffusivities in a fluid. It is defined as the ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity, and it is often used in studies of boundary layer flows.

2. How does Prandtl Number affect the thermal boundary layer?

The Prandtl Number has a significant effect on the thermal boundary layer. A higher Prandtl Number means that the thermal diffusivity is larger relative to the momentum diffusivity, resulting in a thicker thermal boundary layer. Conversely, a lower Prandtl Number leads to a thinner thermal boundary layer.

3. What is the relationship between Prandtl Number and heat transfer?

The Prandtl Number directly affects heat transfer in a fluid. A higher Prandtl Number means that the fluid is more thermally diffusive, resulting in a slower rate of heat transfer. A lower Prandtl Number leads to a more rapid rate of heat transfer.

4. How can the Prandtl Number be manipulated in experiments?

In experiments, the Prandtl Number can be manipulated by changing the properties of the fluid, such as its viscosity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat. These properties directly influence the fluid's momentum and thermal diffusivities, and therefore, the value of the Prandtl Number.

5. What are the practical applications of studying the effect of Prandtl Number on thermal boundary layer?

Understanding the effect of Prandtl Number on thermal boundary layer is important in various fields, such as aerospace engineering, meteorology, and chemical engineering. It allows for the prediction and control of heat transfer in different fluids and can aid in the design and optimization of heat exchangers and other thermal systems. It also has implications in atmospheric and oceanic circulation, which play a crucial role in climate studies.

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