How Do Equivalence Classes in Sobolev Spaces W_0^{k,p} Represent Functions?

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In summary, the Sobolev W0 space is a mathematical concept that describes a set of square-integrable functions with weak derivatives. It has basic properties such as closure under multiplication, embedding into other spaces, and a well-defined norm. It is commonly used in scientific research, particularly in the study of partial differential equations. Some applications of the Sobolev W0 space include image and signal processing, shape analysis, and optimal control theory. However, there are limitations to its use, such as its inability to describe functions with discontinuities or singularities and its applicability to certain types of equations.
  • #1
As I understand it, one way to define Sobolev spaces is to say they are the collection of functions with weak derivatives up to some order, and this space is called [itex]W^{k,p}[/itex].

On the other hand, some stuff I am reading now defines it differently. Here they define the Sobolev space [itex]W_0^{k,p}[/itex] as the completion of [itex]C_0^\infty[/itex] (the space of smooth functions with compact support) with respect to the Sobolev norm.

Now, by the definition elements of [itex]W_0^{k,p}[/itex] are equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences in [itex]C_0^\infty[/itex]. How do we know that these equivalence classes actually represent functions? For example, what does it even mean to "integrate" an equivalence class?
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  • #2

As a scientist familiar with Sobolev spaces, I would like to clarify the definition and properties of these spaces to address your concerns.

First, let's start with the definition of Sobolev spaces. As you mentioned, one way to define Sobolev spaces is through weak derivatives. This means that for a function f in W^{k,p}, there exists weak derivatives of order up to k that are Lebesgue integrable functions. In other words, these weak derivatives are functions that can be integrated. This is important because it allows us to define the Sobolev norm, which is used to measure the "size" of functions in these spaces.

Now, let's move on to the definition of W_0^{k,p}. This space is defined as the completion of C_0^\infty (the space of smooth functions with compact support) with respect to the Sobolev norm. This means that every element in W_0^{k,p} can be approximated by a sequence of smooth functions with compact support. The completion process ensures that we have all the "missing" functions in W_0^{k,p} that can be obtained by taking limits of these approximating sequences. Therefore, the elements in W_0^{k,p} are indeed functions.

You also asked about the meaning of "integrating" an equivalence class. In this context, integration is used to define the Sobolev norm. The Sobolev norm is defined as the sum of the L^p norms of the function and its weak derivatives up to order k. Since the weak derivatives are Lebesgue integrable functions, we can integrate them in the usual sense. This allows us to define the Sobolev norm and therefore the completion process of W_0^{k,p}.

In summary, the equivalence classes in W_0^{k,p} represent functions, and integration of these equivalence classes is well-defined through the Sobolev norm. I hope this clarifies your doubts about the definition and properties of Sobolev spaces.

FAQ: How Do Equivalence Classes in Sobolev Spaces W_0^{k,p} Represent Functions?

1. What is the Sobolev W0 space?

The Sobolev W0 space is a mathematical concept used in functional analysis to describe a set of functions that are square-integrable and have weak derivatives. It is often denoted as W0, and is a subset of the larger Sobolev space W.

2. What are the basic properties of Sobolev W0 space?

The basic properties of Sobolev W0 space include closure under multiplication by smooth functions, embedding into Lp spaces, and compact embedding into C0 spaces. It also has a well-defined norm, which makes it a Banach space.

3. How is the Sobolev W0 space used in scientific research?

The Sobolev W0 space is used in many areas of scientific research, including physics, engineering, and mathematics. It is particularly useful in the study of partial differential equations, where it provides a framework for solving and analyzing equations involving weak derivatives.

4. What are the applications of Sobolev W0 space?

The applications of Sobolev W0 space are vast and diverse. Some common applications include image and signal processing, shape analysis, and optimal control theory. It is also used in the study of elasticity, fluid mechanics, and electromagnetism.

5. Are there any limitations to using Sobolev W0 space?

While the Sobolev W0 space is a powerful tool in scientific research, it does have some limitations. For example, it may not be suitable for describing functions with discontinuities or singularities. Additionally, it may not be applicable to certain types of equations, such as those with non-smooth coefficients.

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