Speed of object sliding to a stop w/ air resistance with respect to position

In summary, Andrew studied math/physics extensively as an undergrad, but is still struggling to solve differential equations. His day job keeps him doing more basic physics and math regularly, but he is having difficulty calculating the initial velocity of an object sliding to a stop. After struggling to find help online, he eventually solves the problem using an equation that he developed himself. His calculations show that the drag force is not always proportional to v^2.
  • #1
Bill M
Okay, first a brief intro. I studied math/physics extensively as an undergrad...but that was over 10 years ago now. My day job keeps me doing more basic physics and math regularly, but I haven't, for example, solved a differential equation in over a decade! Anyway...

I'm trying to calculate the initial velocity of an object sliding to a stop over a single level surface with a known friction coefficient and a known distance (D). This is easy ignoring air resistance, but I want to factor that in. I'm setting up my forces so that the object is traveling in the positive x direction (therefore, friction and drag are negative).

The F = ma equation that I came up with is

F = -fMg - kv2(x) = ma = mV'(x)V(x)

where V(x) is the velocity as a function of x, f is the coeff. of friction, M is the object's mass, g is gravitational acceleration, k is a constant representing all the other constants in the drag equation before the v2 (cross sectional area, density, drag coeff).

Solving for v(x) while breaking out my old diffy q book and looking for help on the internet (and having substitution/chain rule flashbacks), I came up with the following:

V(x)=Sqrt[ (-Mfg+Mfge(-2kx+2kd)/M) / k]

I know I skipped a lot of steps, but it's a lot of typing! I can include more if needed, but I'm curious if I'm on the right track. I used the fact that when x=d, v=0 (end of deceleration) to solve it. The numbers vs. ignoring drag make sense when I do the calculations.

Any help/advice would be appreciated.
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  • #2
The problem is that the drag force is not always proportional to v^2. This is true for higher speeds with turbulent flow. For lower speeds where there is no turbulence, drag force is proportional to v. So I think you will have to know the speed at which turbulent flow ends.

  • #3
Andrew, that's a good point. I suppose I'd like to ignore that for now and first figure out if I came up with the right solution:

[itex]V(x) = \sqrt{-\frac{Mfg}{k}(1-e^{\frac{-2k(x-D)}{M}})}[/itex]

My calculations are showing that the drag produces very little difference in calculated speeds for a large object (say, a vehicle). This isn't surprising given the speeds involved and the strength of the frictional force (due to the object's weight) compared to drag in this instance, but I'd like to make sure my numbers are accurate. Then I can go through the more complicated process of factoring in the point where turbulence ends if I truly want to drive myself crazy.

FAQ: Speed of object sliding to a stop w/ air resistance with respect to position

1. What is air resistance and how does it affect the speed of an object sliding to a stop?

Air resistance is the force that opposes the motion of an object through the air. It is caused by the friction between the air molecules and the surface of the object. As the object moves, the air resistance increases and ultimately slows down the object's speed.

2. How does the position of an object affect its speed when sliding to a stop with air resistance?

The position of an object does not directly affect its speed when sliding to a stop with air resistance. However, the distance the object travels and the time it takes to come to a stop will be different depending on its starting position.

3. Does the shape of an object affect its speed when sliding to a stop with air resistance?

Yes, the shape of an object does affect its speed when sliding to a stop with air resistance. Objects with a streamlined shape experience less air resistance and therefore have higher speeds compared to objects with irregular shapes.

4. How does gravity impact the speed of an object sliding to a stop with air resistance?

Gravity affects the speed of an object sliding to a stop with air resistance by pulling the object towards the ground. This gravitational force acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion and ultimately contributes to slowing it down.

5. Can the speed of an object sliding to a stop with air resistance be calculated accurately?

The speed of an object sliding to a stop with air resistance can be calculated accurately using mathematical equations that take into account factors such as the object's mass, shape, and air resistance. However, in real-world scenarios, there may be external factors that can affect the object's speed and make it difficult to calculate accurately.
