A countable basis vs. countably locally finite problem

In summary, the problem discussed is about distinguishing between a "countable basis" and "countably locally finite" collections of subsets of X. It is stated that a collection A is countably locally finite if it can be expressed as A = U Ai, where is goes over the positive integers, and where for each i, the collection Ai is locally finite. The solution involves showing that if X has a countable basis, then a collection A of subsets of X is countably locally finite if and only if it is countable. It is proven that for every x in X, a set Bi can be chosen, and the resulting collection of Bi is countable, thus making the collection A countable as well. This is because
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Homework Helper
A "countable basis" vs. "countably locally finite" problem

Homework Statement

Sometimes it's fairly difficult to name a thread for a specific problem. :smile:

So, one needs to show that, if X has a countable basis, a collection A of subsets of X is countably locally finite of and only if it is countable.

(A collection A is countably locally finite if it can be expressed as A = U Ai, where is goes over the positive integers, and where for each i, the collection Ai is locally finite.)

The Attempt at a Solution


Assume A is a countable collection of subsets of X, so it can be indexed with the positive integers, so we have A1, A2, ... Ai, ... . Now, let pick some x in X. Trivially, X is a neighborhood of x which intersects Ai, for any i, and hence only finitely many members of the collection Ai (Ai is the only member of Ai). So, A is countably locally finite.


Let A be a countably locally finite collection of subsets of X. Pick x in X, and some element Ai from the collection A (Ai is a collection of sets itself). Then there exists some neighborhood U of x which intersects Ai in only finitely many elements. Let B be a countable basis for X. Pick an element Bi containing x and contained in U. Then Bi intersects Ai in only finitely many elements too (possibly even in none of them, but that meany finitely, too). Do this for every x in X. Now here's probably a wrong conclusion: if I do this for every x, I can't arrive at a countable collection of basis elements {Bi} which cover X, right? Since X may be uncountable. Since if this was true, then {Bi} would be an open cover for X, and every element of {Bi} would intersect Ai in a finite number of elements. Hence, Ai would be countable, which would make A countable.

But I fear this won't work. Since if X is uncountable, I can't choose, for every x in X, the a basis element containing x and contained in the neighborhood Ux of x which intersects Ai in finitely many elements. Or?
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  • #2

Well, I think you've proven it, but you don't realize it yet...
For every x, you can choose a set Bi. Now, the resulting collection of Bi is countable (even if X is uncountable). This is since the entire basis B is countable. So the collection of all the Bi must be countable...
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micromass said:
Well, I think you've proven it, but you don't realize it yet...
For every x, you can choose a set Bi. Now, the resulting collection of Bi is countable (even if X is uncountable). This is since the entire basis B is countable. So the collection of all the Bi must be countable...

Well, then this works after all! Great!

For some reason, I thought something wasn't right here... But indeed, since B is countable, we arrive at a countable collection at the end.

FAQ: A countable basis vs. countably locally finite problem

What does it mean for a set to have a countable basis?

A set has a countable basis if all of its elements can be written as a finite linear combination of a countable set of vectors. In other words, there exists a countable set of vectors that can be combined in different ways to represent any element in the set.

What is the difference between a countable basis and a countably locally finite set?

A countably locally finite set is a set that can be divided into countably many finite subsets. This means that every element in the set is contained in only finitely many of these subsets. In contrast, a countable basis is a set of vectors that can be used to represent any element in the set, but it does not necessarily have to be finite or locally finite.

Why is the distinction between countable basis and countably locally finite sets important?

This distinction is important in mathematics, particularly in the fields of topology and functional analysis, because it helps us to understand the properties of different types of sets and how they can be used to represent other mathematical objects. It also allows us to study the structure of sets and their relationships to other mathematical concepts.

Are there any real-life applications of countable basis and countably locally finite sets?

Yes, these concepts have applications in various areas of science and engineering, such as in signal processing, image and video compression, and data analysis. They are also important in the study of physical systems, such as in quantum mechanics and fluid dynamics.

What are some examples of sets that have a countable basis or are countably locally finite?

Examples of sets with a countable basis include the set of polynomials with integer coefficients and the set of all continuous functions on a closed interval. Some examples of countably locally finite sets include the set of rational numbers and the set of positive integers.
