Himalayan Earthquakes: Role of Tibetan Plateau

  • Thread starter billiards
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In summary, this conversation is about the relationship between the Indian and Tibetan plates and the earthquakes that occur there. The Indian plate is being pushed north by the African and Australian plates into the Eurasian plate. The Himalayas form part of the region between the Indian and Eurasian plates (this includes the Pamirs and Himalayas). India is particularly active as is evident from the activity along the Sunda trench along the eastern and southern borders of Indonesia. The December 2004 Tsunami was caused by the displacement of water and energy in the subduction zone. There is debate as to where the strain energy is released which causes earthquakes: people have assumed that the release of compressional strain accumulating close to the Greater
  • #1
This is just a shameless plea for people to share their knowledge/ references (web links would be good :smile:) regarding Himalayan Earthquakes. I want to know how and where they are generated, I am particularly interested in the role that the Tibetan plateau has to play.

So far I have it that India is being subducted beneath Tibet, the crust beneath Tibet seems to be unusually plastic and it is extending at right angles to the subduction. There is debate as to where the strain energy is released which causes earthquakes: people have assumed that the release of compressional strain accumulating close to the Greater Himalaya has been responsible for earthquakes, but now there is a group whi suggest that a 'significant fraction of the southernmost 500 km of the Tibetan plateau participates in driving great ruptures'.

(Feldl & Bilham, Great Himalayan earthquakes and the Tibetan plateau, Nature, Nov 2006)
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
Start here - http://geology.er.usgs.gov/eastern/plates.html

The Indian tectonic plate is being pushed north by the African and Australian plates into the Eurasian plate. The Himalayas form part of the region between the Indian plate and Eurasian plate (this includes the Pamirs and Himalayas). The Australian plate is particularly active as is evident from the activity along the Sunda trench along the eastern and southern borders of Indonesia. December 2004 Tsunami - http://iri.columbia.edu/~lareef/tsunami/



http://pubs.usgs.gov/imap/2800/ - downloadable map

Massive Himalayan Earthquake Overdue, Scientists Conclude

Anomalous Intensities in the Gangetic Plain Following Great Himalayan Earthquakes

This might be of interest, but one has to register.

Monitoring the Himalayan Earthquake Zone

Now somewhere I have some information of Pakistan and India's research.
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  • #3
thanks astronuc, those links were pretty helpful, the more specific ones to the himalayas especially.

  • #4
Even more interesting are the things, not published. A friend of mine doing his BSc thesis, found out that the collision of India roughly 50 ma ago with the asian continent resulted in an...accelleration of the plate tectonics
  • #5
I wonder what role low angle thrust faults play, as they seem fairly common in large mountain belts.

Andre said:
Even more interesting are the things, not published. A friend of mine doing his BSc thesis, found out that the collision of India roughly 50 ma ago with the asian continent resulted in an...accelleration of the plate tectonics

Sounds interesting. Are you talking about global changes?
  • #6
Not really, I think. The forming of the Himalaya has been thought to be forming a major carbon dioxide sink, because of the increased exposure of the rock to weathering. This would have decreased the CO2 levels in the atmosphere, which would have triggered the transition to cooler climates in the Eocene and ultimately the Quartenary ice age ages.

Problem is that several fossil leaf stomata proxies independently from each other confirm that the CO2 levels during the Tertiary were already down, comparable to modern levels, I discussed that in another thread. So another beautiful hypothesis down the drain.

It occurs to me that the devellopments in geologic/ paleo climate research are so rapid and divers that nobody has the overal picture anymore, especially about cleaning up the mess of failed hypotheses, which ideas linger on and poison the minds of future researchers, ultimately making it impossible to discover what really happened.

But concerning the original subject, I'd be very interested in the Pleistocene chronology of the seismic activities. Our little pulsating equator hypothesis for the ice ages would elict a prediction that the most active tectonic periods would be at the onset and termination of interglacials.
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  • #7
Pakistan sits astride the tectonic intersection of the India and Arabian plates with the Eurasian plate. As a result they are expected to and do experience some significant earthquake activity.

Here is the information on the geology and tectonic zones of Pakistan.


Geological Survey of India

Finding accessible material about Tibet or in China on-line is very difficult, but one can find articles in ACTA SEISMOLOGICA SINICA published by Springer.

A tectonic stress map of China and adjacent regions from earthquakes occurred during 2000∼2004

Present-day Movement and Tectonic Strain Rate Field of Active Crustal Blocks in China Continent in A Window on the Future of Geodesy
Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy IAG General Assembly Sapporo, Japan June 30 – July 11, 2003

But there is this -

A second look at the geologic map of China: the "Sloss approach"
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  • #8
Andre said:
Even more interesting are the things, not published. A friend of mine doing his BSc thesis, found out that the collision of India roughly 50 ma ago with the asian continent resulted in an...accelleration of the plate tectonics

Really? Sounds a bit iffy to me. But then agian, do you think this might explain why the Himalayas are higher than the Alps?
  • #9
billiards said:
Really? Sounds a bit iffy to me. But then agian, do you think this might explain why the Himalayas are higher than the Alps?

Perhaps there was more energy/force in pushing India into Asia, than Africa into Eruope.
90 million years ago India rifted away from Madagascar and began its rapid movement northward, ultimately colliding with Asia between 55-50 million years ago. During the late Cretaceous (80 - 65 mya), India was moving at rates of more than 15 cm/year. No modern plate moves that fast. India's northward race towards Asia may be something of a plate tectonic speed record. The reason it moved so quickly was because it was attached to a large oceanic slab of lithosphere that was subducting beneath the southern margin of Asia.

It would appear that the African plate did not move quite as much or as fast as the Indian plate. Also the Alps was formed with other ranges.

The Alpine orogeny (sometimes also called Alpide orogeny) is an orogenic phase in the Tertiary that formed the mountain ranges of the Alpide belt. These mountains include (from west to east) the Atlas, the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Dinaric Alps, the Hellenides, the Balkan, the Taurus, the Caucasus, the Alborz, the Zagros, the Hindu Kush, the Pamir, the Karakoram, and the Himalayas. Sometimes other names occur to describe the formation of separate mountain ranges: for example Carpathean orogeny for the Carpathians, Hellenic orogeny for the Hellenides or the Himalayan orogeny for the Himalayas.

This might be of interest



It appears that there is not shortage of studies on tectonics and mountain formation.
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FAQ: Himalayan Earthquakes: Role of Tibetan Plateau

1. What is the Tibetan Plateau and why is it important in understanding Himalayan earthquakes?

The Tibetan Plateau is a large, elevated region in Central Asia that is often referred to as the "Roof of the World." It is important in understanding Himalayan earthquakes because it is located directly north of the Himalayan mountain range and is believed to play a critical role in the formation and movement of tectonic plates in the region.

2. How does the Tibetan Plateau influence the occurrence of earthquakes in the Himalayas?

The Tibetan Plateau is located at the convergence of two major tectonic plates - the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. This convergence has resulted in the formation of the Himalayan mountain range and causes ongoing tectonic activity in the region. The Tibetan Plateau's large size and high elevation also contribute to the force and frequency of earthquakes in the Himalayas.

3. What is the relationship between the height of the Tibetan Plateau and the intensity of Himalayan earthquakes?

Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between the height of the Tibetan Plateau and the intensity of earthquakes in the Himalayas. This is because the high elevation of the plateau causes it to exert a strong gravitational force on surrounding tectonic plates, leading to increased tectonic activity and more powerful earthquakes.

4. How have recent advancements in technology helped scientists better understand the role of the Tibetan Plateau in Himalayan earthquakes?

New technologies, such as satellite imagery and seismological monitoring systems, have allowed scientists to gather more accurate data on the movements and interactions of tectonic plates in the Himalayan region. This has greatly improved our understanding of the role of the Tibetan Plateau in causing earthquakes and has helped researchers make more accurate predictions about future seismic activity.

5. What are the potential implications of the Tibetan Plateau's role in Himalayan earthquakes for nearby populations?

The high population density in the Himalayan region, combined with the potential for large and destructive earthquakes, poses a significant risk to nearby populations. It is important for governments and local communities to be aware of the potential hazards and to take necessary precautions, such as implementing earthquake-resistant building practices, to mitigate the impact of future earthquakes.

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