Possible Solutions for Dual Boot and Driver Compatibility Issues with HP Desktop

In summary, the conversation is about an individual who has an HP desktop with Vista and Ubuntu installed, but then tries to use a live CD of opensuse and it causes problems with their computer. They are now looking to reformat their hard drive and install XP, but are having trouble finding the necessary drivers. They are seeking help from a computer-service place and are considering reinstalling the boot loader to save their original Vista and Ubuntu installations. Their main concern is finding compatible drivers for XP.
  • #1
I have an HP a6528p desktop that came installed with Vista. I dual boot Vista and Ubuntu 8.1 with no problems. I bought a magazine that came with a copy of opensuse 11.1 and I tried to use the disk as a LiveCD. But when I inserted the disk it asked if I wanted to install opensuse, I said no and it aborted the installation and rebooted my computer. Now when I try to run Vista or Ubuntu a screen comes up that says it is attempting to install opensuse and I need to insert disk 1. But I don't want to install opensuse. I'm getting sick of not being able to use my personal computer anymore. Can anyone help me reformat my hard drive and install XP. I have the XP installation disk, but I cannot find the drivers I need to install XP. Can anyone help?
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  • #2
Go to a computer-service place and ask them to do a repair-install of XP SP2. You can't do it on your own, but they can get you going, and once you have registered the repair-install with MS, the OS will search for relevant drivers.
  • #3
I don't understand what you mean by you can't find the drivers you need. Have you already installed XP and are now just trying to get devices to work? If not how do you know you don't have the drivers?

There is a good chance that your original Vista and Ubuntu are still there, maybe just your boot loader was messed up. I would try to save them, you can probably just reinstall the boot loader.

Download a different live CD, Ubuntu works fine. Boot to it and you should be able to see what is on your partitions. If your files are still there it should just be a matter of reinstalling the boot loader. I'm going to assume your computer came with Vista, and that you then installed Ubuntu afterwards, and that you were using grub as a boot loader, is that correct? If it is a Google search for 'reinstall grub' should give you the help you need. This site looks like a similar situation:

If you really want to install XP then my question would be what type of XP disc do you have? Is it a full install CD, an upgrade CD, or one of those discs that come with new computers that are pretty much worthless? If you have a full install CD installing XP is easy, just put it in and follow the directions. It should have enough drivers to get everything working on a basic level. You will probably have to install drivers for your video card and network card. If you need drivers for the network card your internet won't work until you do, so it's very helpful if you have a second computer you can use to download stuff.

Please give some more info on the specifics of your situation, as well as your expertise (I'm assuming you did the Ubuntu install), and I'll be happy to give more help if you need it.
  • #4
DaleSwanson said:
I don't understand what you mean by you can't find the drivers you need. Have you already installed XP and are now just trying to get devices to work? If not how do you know you don't have the drivers?

I haven't installed XP on my computer yet because there aren't compatible drivers for XP. I have Vista on my computer and I had XP on my old computer. I am wondering if there are drivers for my specific computer that will work with XP. And yes I did the installation of Ubuntu. My current problem is that opensuse tries to install everytime I turn on the computer and Vista and Ubuntu won't boot anymore.

FAQ: Possible Solutions for Dual Boot and Driver Compatibility Issues with HP Desktop

1. What causes a computer crash?

There can be many reasons for a computer crash, including hardware failures, outdated software, viruses or malware, corrupt system files, and overheating. It is important to regularly update your software and run virus scans to prevent crashes.

2. How do I know if my computer has crashed?

If your computer freezes, becomes unresponsive, or shows a blue screen error, it may have crashed. You may also hear strange noises coming from your computer or notice unusual behavior. It is always a good idea to save your work frequently to prevent data loss in case of a crash.

3. Do I need to reinstall XP after a computer crash?

If your computer has crashed due to software issues, you may need to reinstall XP. This will erase all your data, so it is important to back up your files beforehand. However, if the crash was caused by a hardware failure, reinstalling XP may not fix the problem and you may need to replace the faulty hardware.

4. How do I reinstall XP on my computer?

To reinstall XP, you will need the installation disc and a valid product key. Insert the disc and follow the on-screen instructions to format your hard drive and install XP. Make sure to back up your important files beforehand, as they will be erased during the reinstallation process.

5. How can I prevent future computer crashes?

To prevent future computer crashes, make sure to regularly update your software and run virus scans. It is also important to clean your computer's hardware and fans to prevent overheating. Backing up your files regularly can also help prevent data loss in case of a crash.
