Micrometer reading/area of wire calculation

In summary, the conversation discusses the measurement of the diameter of a wire, which is 0.30 mm, and the calculation of its cross sectional area using the formula Πr². The result is 7.0 x 10⁻⁸m². The units for the diameter and cross sectional area are clarified as millimeters and square millimeters respectively. There is some confusion regarding the exponent on 10 and the units for the wire diameter, but it is eventually resolved.
  • #1
I measured the diameter of a wire and got 0.30. This is in millimeters right?

How would you calculate the cross sectional area? Is it just Πr²?

so Π x (0.15x10⁻³ x 0.15x10⁻³)
= 7.0 x 10⁻⁸m²

Is this right?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well, it could be 0.30 mm, but without further information it could just as easily be for instance 0.30 cm.

Assuming that the wire has a circular cross-section, then yes, your approach is right.
  • #3
Deliria said:
I measured the diameter of a wire and got 0.30. This is in millimeters right?

How would you calculate the cross sectional area? Is it just Πr²?

so Π x (0.15x10⁻³ x 0.15x10⁻³)
What is the exponent on 10 below? It looks like an accent mark, not a number.
Also, since your units are mm for the wire diameter, I think, why not leave the cross-section area in sq. mm.?
Deliria said:
= 7.0 x 10⁻⁸m²

Is this right?
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  • #4
Thanks for the help guys! :)

I'm pretty sure the diameter was in millimeters.

Mark44 said:
What is the exponent on 10 below? It looks like an accent mark, not a number.
Also, since your units are cm for the wire diameter, I think, why not leave the cross-section area in sq. cm.?

In my final answer? 8

I couldn't fit it all in the answer box, lol. Standard form was the only way :(
  • #5
Yeah, I meant mm, not cm. I edited these units in my previous post.

FAQ: Micrometer reading/area of wire calculation

What is a micrometer and how does it work?

A micrometer is a precision measuring instrument used to measure the diameter or thickness of small objects, such as wires. It works by using a screw mechanism to move a spindle across a fixed anvil, with the spindle moving a specified distance for each rotation of the screw. The distance moved by the spindle is then displayed on a scale, allowing for precise measurements to be taken.

Why is micrometer reading important in the calculation of wire area?

Micrometer reading is important because it allows for accurate measurements of the diameter of a wire to be taken. The area of a wire is calculated using the formula A = πr², where r is the radius of the wire. Without precise micrometer readings, the calculation of wire area would not be accurate.

What are some common units of measurement used in micrometer reading?

The most common units of measurement used in micrometer reading are millimeters (mm) and micrometers (µm). However, some micrometers may also have scales for measuring in inches or centimeters.

How do you perform a micrometer reading?

To perform a micrometer reading, you first need to zero the micrometer by closing the jaws and adjusting the thimble until the zero line on the thimble aligns with the zero line on the sleeve. Then, place the wire between the jaws and tighten them gently until the wire is secure. Finally, read the measurement on the thimble and sleeve scales and add them together to get the total measurement.

What are some common errors to avoid when using a micrometer for wire measurement?

Some common errors to avoid when using a micrometer for wire measurement include not zeroing the micrometer before use, applying too much pressure when tightening the jaws, and not taking multiple readings to ensure accuracy. It is also important to make sure the wire is placed perpendicular to the jaws to avoid inaccurate readings.
