Temperature due to laser pulse

The thermal diffusivity of the copper block is given as 0.1 cm^2/s. In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of calculating the surface temperature of an object when it is hit by a laser pulse of known power and duration. The intensity and duration of the pulse, as well as the wavelength, absorption coefficient, and thickness of the material, are all factors that must be taken into account. The conversation also mentions the relationship between thermal diffusivity, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity in determining the peak temperature. A laser flash technique is suggested as a method for measuring thermal diffusivity. However, the conversation notes that without knowing the density of the material and the specific type of metal, it is difficult to accurately
  • #1
Hi, I am wondering if anyone here has a way to calculate the surface temperature of an object as it gets hit by a radiation (laser) pulse of known power and duration, (and wavelength...). Thanks.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
If the pulse is short enough then the temperature is determined by the absorptivity of the material as a function of the material, light frequency, pulse length and intensity distributed over the beam width and skin depth.
  • #3
Cool, I have that data and am pretty well off actually. Is it safe to say that initial temperature at the surface is proportionnal to beam intensity? It seems like so and makes sense, but I cannot find hard confirmation that initial temperature or "applied temperature" is equivalent (proportionnal) to beam intensity. If they are proportionnal, I feel there should be a simple proportionnality constant, containing the data you mentioned, between the two quantities I and Tinitial. Am I missing something simple here?
  • #4
You're right on the mark. The intensity is the power flow of light energy per unit area so that multiplying the intensity (assuming it's constant or, say, the average value) by the duration of the pulse and its area will give the energy delivered by the light. Multiply also by the absorption coefficient to find the amount of energy deposited.
  • #5
... and T is proportionnal to energy deposited through Boltzman's constant? (and 3/2, or 1/2 or whatever)?.
  • #6
Actually Gonzo you are right on the mark -- you CANNOT know the exact temerature without knowing the ejecta which carry away a certain amount of energy -- I think that you can see that this is an extremely complex question -- rather like asking how deep is a crater from an impact.
Only in the simplest cases of known object surface , light freqency , etc could you answer this .
It is well known that intensity alone CANNOT answer your question , light impinging on a metal surface of ANY intensity may not eject a single thing
but of the right frequency may release a wealth of electrons -- similarly if the light is simply reflected then there is no temperature change
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  • #7
Extremely complex is right. The question can so simply be stated, yet I'm finding that Fourier spent a great deal of his research working on this (it's what lead him to create his series), and this was way before lasers, the photoelectric effect etc. I suppose I want to be extra sure there isn't a shortcut or simple approximations I'm not aware of (even empirical formulas). The entire general theory on the subject of inding T as a function of all beam and material variables seems to be more than what could fit a single book.
  • #8
A little direction

I am registered in an introductory course and have been given the following information:
Time of laser pulse - 1 ns
Energy - 1 J
Area - 1 cm^2
Thickness - 0.0005 m
Thermal Diffusivity - 0.1 cm^2/s
Wavelength - 0.37 um
Absorption Coefficient - 8000 cm^-1

I need to find the peak temp but am having trouble figuring out what to do with this information. There is no textbook for my course, any suggestion would be appreciated.
  • #9
No density?

Is one familiar with the relationship between thermal diffusivity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity?

This would be a time dependent thermal conduction problem. The laser pusle puts some much energy in at the surface of the material, which then conducts.

See this example - http://www.calce.umd.edu/general/Facilities/laser_flash/Results.pdf

A laser flash technique is used to measure thermal diffusivity of a material.
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  • #10
There is no density given and the type of metal is not specified. The question says that the sheet metal is mounted on a copper block which is held at constant room temperature.

FAQ: Temperature due to laser pulse

What is temperature due to laser pulse?

Temperature due to laser pulse refers to the increase in temperature of a material caused by the absorption of energy from a laser pulse. This increase in temperature can be localized to a specific area, making it useful for precise heating applications.

How is temperature due to laser pulse measured?

The temperature due to laser pulse can be measured using a variety of techniques, including infrared thermography, thermocouples, and thermoreflectance. These methods allow for accurate temperature measurements at different depths and time scales.

What factors influence temperature due to laser pulse?

Several factors can influence the temperature due to laser pulse, including the laser power, pulse duration, repetition rate, beam diameter, and material properties such as absorption coefficient and thermal conductivity.

What are the potential applications of temperature due to laser pulse?

The localized heating provided by temperature due to laser pulse has a wide range of applications, including laser cutting, welding, and drilling in industrial processes. It is also used in medical treatments, such as laser surgery and skin resurfacing.

How can temperature due to laser pulse be controlled?

The temperature due to laser pulse can be controlled by adjusting the laser parameters, such as power, duration, and repetition rate, as well as the material properties and the cooling method used. Advanced control techniques, such as feedback control and adaptive optics, can also be implemented for precise temperature control.
