Black Body Radiation: Why Maintaining Constant Temp?

In summary, the purpose of maintaining a constant temperature in a hollow metallic enclosure with a small hole, which is a perfect black body, is not necessary for its definition as a thermodynamic object, but rather for discussions about equilibrium and as a metrology standard.
  • #1
# Hi guys! One question is troubling me a lot. It is know fact that a hollow metallic enclosure with a small hole is a perfect black body. When electromagnetic waves of any frequency are incident on the hole, it is completely absorbed after a number of reflections. So, the condition for absorptivity=1 is satisfied as required for it to be a perfect black body. But it is said that the inner walls of the cavity should be maintained at constant temperature. What is the purpose of having this?
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  • #2
Amith2006 said:
# Hi guys! One question is troubling me a lot. It is know fact that a hollow metallic enclosure with a small hole is a perfect black body. When electromagnetic waves of any frequency are incident on the hole, it is completely absorbed after a number of reflections. So, the condition for absorptivity=1 is satisfied as required for it to be a perfect black body. But it is said that the inner walls of the cavity should be maintained at constant temperature. What is the purpose of having this?

Its not nessesary from the black body meaning. In this simple picture of the hollow metallic enclosure I remember it was the fact that the particle is reflected "chaotic" so it never finds its way back out of the hole again, independent of what the temperature is in there.

But if you keep T constant you could use Boze-Einstein statistics for the photons and you could derive the classic properties of black-bodies, like Wien's displacement law etc. If you have a temperature gradient there you would get a perturbation of the BE-distribution and you would have some kind of drift of photons inside the body.
  • #3
Amith2006 said:
# Hi guys! One question is troubling me a lot. It is know fact that a hollow metallic enclosure with a small hole is a perfect black body. When electromagnetic waves of any frequency are incident on the hole, it is completely absorbed after a number of reflections. So, the condition for absorptivity=1 is satisfied as required for it to be a perfect black body. But it is said that the inner walls of the cavity should be maintained at constant temperature. What is the purpose of having this?

I don't think it's required that the black body be maintained at a constant temperature in order for it to be a well-defined thermodynamic object. I think the "requirement" for constant temperature is required for discussions about "equilibrium" (i.e. the equilibrium spectrum of a photon gas). And of course, it's useful for a metrology standard.

FAQ: Black Body Radiation: Why Maintaining Constant Temp?

1. What is black body radiation?

The concept of black body radiation refers to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by an object that absorbs all incoming light and does not reflect or transmit any of it. It is a theoretical concept used to understand the behavior of light and heat in relation to objects.

2. Why is maintaining a constant temperature important in black body radiation?

Maintaining a constant temperature is important in black body radiation because the amount and wavelength of radiation emitted by an object is directly proportional to its temperature. This means that any changes in temperature will result in changes in the radiation emitted, which can affect various processes and systems in the object and its surroundings.

3. How does black body radiation relate to thermodynamics?

Black body radiation is closely related to the laws of thermodynamics, specifically the second law which states that all objects naturally emit and absorb radiation to maintain thermal equilibrium. The concept of a black body is used in thermodynamics to understand the behavior of heat and energy transfer in various systems.

4. What is the significance of the Stefan-Boltzmann law in black body radiation?

The Stefan-Boltzmann law is a fundamental law in thermodynamics that describes the relationship between the temperature and the total radiation emitted by a black body. It states that the total energy emitted per unit area per unit time is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature, and it is used to calculate the total energy emitted by an object at a certain temperature.

5. What are some practical applications of black body radiation?

Black body radiation has numerous practical applications, including in the fields of astronomy, thermodynamics, and materials science. It is used to study the behavior of stars and galaxies, as well as to develop energy-efficient technologies such as solar panels and thermal imaging devices. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of materials and their properties, such as in the development of heat-resistant materials for various industries.
