Boundary condition (Electromagnetics)

In summary, the author says that the boundary condition for Hy0 at z=-L is satisfied, and so Hy0 at z=0 should also be satisfied.
  • #1
I got some problem about using boundary conditions,especially in the fifth pics,those sentences marked by red.I really don't know how to use
Js=An x H,since I don't know the fields well enough.Some questions of mine are illustrated in the sixth pic by different colors.

I'm sorry the pics are so ugly.If someone can understand me,please give me some hints. It's too late and I must go to bed,I'll edit it tomorrow.Thanks!


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  • #2
Well, do you know how these boundary conditions are derived ? What is the theory behind that ? I don't understand what you mean by

"I really don't know how to use
Js=An x H,since I don't know the fields well enough"

Are you saying you do not know the H-field in this situation ? I mean it is derived in the pictures you show us. Or are you asking why this boundary condition is valid or how you acquire it's formula ? To answer that, try answering my first question to you.

You need to be a bit more specific, please.

  • #3
In the last two pic,it said that Hy0 satisfied Js=An x H at z=-L.

My most confused question is,why doesn't author choose z=0?
I guess the boundary in consideration is x=0,
then at z=0,x<0 Hy0 exists,x>0 Hy0=0

This situation is the same as at z=-L,x<0 Hy0 exist ,x>0 Hy0=0.isn't it?

And Hy0 is not varying with z,so Hyo at z=0 should be the same as Hy0 at z=-L.So I think at z=0 Hy0 might aslo satisfied Js=An x H.

But if Hy0 satisfied Js=An x H at z=0,which means Hy2=0 at z=-L,then by (5.98),C=0,a different answer.

I must be somewhere wrong,I really want to find it out.@@

Thanks for attention.
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FAQ: Boundary condition (Electromagnetics)

1. What is a boundary condition in electromagnetics?

A boundary condition in electromagnetics is a set of conditions that describe how an electromagnetic field behaves at the interface between two different mediums. It defines how the electric and magnetic fields are related at the boundary between the two media.

2. Why are boundary conditions important in electromagnetics?

Boundary conditions are important in electromagnetics because they help us understand how electromagnetic fields interact with different materials and how they propagate through space. They also allow us to solve Maxwell's equations and accurately model complex electromagnetic systems.

3. What are the different types of boundary conditions in electromagnetics?

There are two main types of boundary conditions in electromagnetics: electric boundary conditions and magnetic boundary conditions. Electric boundary conditions describe the relationship between the electric fields on either side of the boundary, while magnetic boundary conditions describe the relationship between the magnetic fields.

4. How do you determine the appropriate boundary conditions for a specific problem?

The appropriate boundary conditions for a specific problem can be determined by analyzing the physical properties of the materials involved and the geometry of the system. For example, if the boundary is a perfect conductor, the electric field must be zero at the boundary, and if the boundary is a perfect insulator, the electric field must be continuous across the boundary.

5. Can boundary conditions be applied to real-world situations?

Yes, boundary conditions are commonly used in real-world situations to model and analyze electromagnetic systems. They are essential in designing and optimizing devices such as antennas, circuits, and sensors. Real-world boundary conditions may be more complex than ideal conditions, but they can still be accurately described and applied using electromagnetic theory.
