What do you think humans would evolve into

  • Thread starter chrisalviola
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discussed the potential evolution of humans in the future due to pollution, exposure to loud noises and solar radiation. Some speculated that humans may develop height, better diet, and immunity to diseases, while others joked about becoming machines or experiencing failed attempts at reproduction with Microsoft Condoms. The conversation also touched on the idea of humans splitting into two separate species, with one being tall, good-looking, and smart, and the other being "goblin-like" and dim-witted. However, others argued that our smaller faces and jaws were a result of resources being precious and energy being put to use elsewhere. The conversation ended with a reference to the movie Wall-E and a discussion about Neanderthals and their larger brains and
  • #1
from all the pollution like noise from load musics and the suns radiation humans would loose the ability to hear, feel and see, maybe our brain would function like our senses like having mental telepathy or something. what do you think?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
chrisalviola said:
from all the pollution like noise from load musics and the suns radiation

(it's Paris Hilton)
  • #3
Having just watched idiocracy last night, I'm not so sure. :smile:

Much as we are now, our intelligence will probably drift slightly higher, but not much, we may well get taller because of better diet. Our limbs may grow proportionately. But to be frank in 300,000 years time there isn't any reason to believe we will look all that different from how we are now. In a million, well fairly similar, a billion? Who knows, all depends on where and what we develop.
  • #4
Humans are xenophobic to some degree. People who have a lot of common traits, including culture, tend to live together.

So if we have "mutants" which would be what is required by our understanding of evolution, then they would probably be forced live in the sewers (my son watches Futurama). So they would not be part of the mainstream, Paris Hilton notwithstanding.
When they wanted to become "us" they'd have to bump us off one way or another.

I think the remaining Paris Hilton's would resent any attempt at bumping off.
  • #5
I doubt it, any mutation would be treated much the same as it is now. In the West with some sort of sympathy mostly, in other countries according to their cultures, ie abandoning at birth or freak shows, putting them in homes, sympathy and so on. That said any non physical mutation that was beneficial, would be studied much the same as it is now. Like the genes that grant relative immunity to AIDS and The Black Death. If it was a some sort of spooky mental powers, then you can be sure the military would probably have it analysed to see where it could use it.

Futurama, hehe, love that series.
  • #6
I personally don't think that we will last long enough to find out.
  • #7
From the initial question involving exposure to loud noises and an intolerance for solar radiation, I can only surmise that we're all going to become... Edgar Winter.
  • #8
ShawnD said:

(it's Paris Hilton)

If this is the future of our species...why should we even try anymore??!?:rolleyes:
  • #9
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Having just watched idiocracy last night, I'm not so sure. :smile:

:smile: I LOVE that movie. I always recommend it to people. One of my all-time favorite speculative fiction movies.
  • #10
I don't think we'd lose those senses because we're irritated by other things from time to time. Vision and hearing are very important to us.

Hopefully we'll evolve better livers so we can drink what we want without risk of dying and perhaps our bodies will adapt more to a sedentary lifestyle that is becoming increasingly more popular/unavoidable.
  • #11
This may have been discussed previously somewhere on PF in the past. The article quatoes an evolutionary theorist who speculates that humans will break into two species: one would be tall, good-looking, and smart; the other, "goblin-like" and dim-witted.


Hmmm, a little too speculative to be taken seriously, but amusing nonetheless.
  • #12
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Having just watched idiocracy last night, I'm not so sure. :smile:

Great movie. It's so very true. More true than many may think it is.
  • #13
moe darklight said:
:smile: I LOVE that movie. I always recommend it to people. One of my all-time favorite speculative fiction movies.

ManDay said:
Great movie. It's so very true. More true than many may think it is.

Yeah I just happened to catch it by chance. I'm paraphrasing here:

It's the electrolytes that are important to make the plants grow!

What are electrolytes?

They're what makes the plants grow. :confused:

Have you tried water?

What out of the toilet?

  • #14
We'll probably evolve slowly into machines. Hope you paid Gates for the new virus protection.
  • #15
Huckleberry said:
We'll probably evolve slowly into machines. Hope you paid Gates for the new virus protection.

Microsoft Condoms 2.04b: they look good, but they have a lot of holes in them.
  • #16
Everytime I bring out a condom my girlfriend mentions the words micro and soft.
  • #17
  • #18
tribdog said:
Everytime I bring out a condom my girlfriend mentions the words micro and soft.

:smile: :smile:
  • #19
Glad you all are laughing. I'm getting a complex.
  • #20
:smile: maybe you just need a little more ram. and make sure not to run Quicktime.
  • #21
Sounds like you're trying to boot from the floppy drive instead of the hard disk.
  • #22
tribdog said:
I'm getting a complex.

Better than a Simplex.
  • #23
What will humans evolve into?

More humans.
  • #24
Oh dear! What an awful imagination!
  • #25
  • #26
  • #27
ManDay said:
Oh dear! What an awful imagination!

OK: tall, bald humans, with fewer teeth.
  • #28
All forms of H. will probably die out soon.
  • #29
lisab said:
This may have been discussed previously somewhere on PF in the past. The article quatoes an evolutionary theorist who speculates that humans will break into two species: one would be tall, good-looking, and smart; the other, "goblin-like" and dim-witted.


Hmmm, a little too speculative to be taken seriously, but amusing nonetheless.

Huh. Amusing.

Receding chins due to not having to chew? They why amongst the great apes do -we- have chins? We have smaller jaws and therefore smaller -faces- because we don't need huge jaws, teeth, and jaw muscles to chew. Jaws were probably a random mutation that got isolated and was subject to sexual selection.

However, we developed smaller faces because resources were precious, and energy not put into building a huge jaw and face could be put to use elsewhere, such as height and brains. But in our modern technological world which we rule, resources are not very precious. Sexual selection rules.
  • #30
future evolution

Have you seen Wall-E?
  • #31
Polymorph said:
However, we developed smaller faces because resources were precious, and energy not put into building a huge jaw and face could be put to use elsewhere, such as height and brains.
You are really just speculating. There is no way to know why our smaller faces were selected. The minimum requirement for a mutation to endure is simply that a new trait must not be a disadvantage.

Neanderthals had both larger brains and larger jaws than ours. They lasted something like 124 thousand years before the emergence of Cro-Magnon man, so I think we can rule out the notion that downsizing the jaw allows resources to be shunted to a larger brain.
  • #32
zoobyshoe said:
You are really just speculating. There is no way to know why our smaller faces were selected. The minimum requirement for a mutation to endure is simply that a new trait must not be a disadvantage.

Neanderthals had both larger brains and larger jaws than ours. They lasted something like 124 thousand years before the emergence of Cro-Magnon man, so I think we can rule out the notion that downsizing the jaw allows resources to be shunted to a larger brain.

You are absolutely correct, I am just speculating.

Neanderthals probably had reasons for larger jaws. Wear on the teeth found would seem to indicate that they not only ate a rougher diet, there has been speculation that they used them to hold skins while cleaning them. Bite down, scrape away.
  • #33
We haven't found a monolith yet, so when we do find one we will slowly evolve into higher intelligence without us knowing.
  • #34
lisab said:
This may have been discussed previously somewhere on PF in the past. The article quatoes an evolutionary theorist who speculates that humans will break into two species: one would be tall, good-looking, and smart; the other, "goblin-like" and dim-witted.


Hmmm, a little too speculative to be taken seriously, but amusing nonetheless.

It sounds much too silly for me, though; there's far too much interbreeding for such a split to be possible. Maybe it was sensible speculation back in Wells' day, but not now.
  • #35
lisab said:
This may have been discussed previously somewhere on PF in the past. The article quatoes an evolutionary theorist who speculates that humans will break into two species: one would be tall, good-looking, and smart; the other, "goblin-like" and dim-witted.


Hmmm, a little too speculative to be taken seriously, but amusing nonetheless.

I think HG Wells already did that one.

edit. Ah CRGH caught that already.

FAQ: What do you think humans would evolve into

1. What factors influence human evolution?

There are many factors that can influence human evolution, including changes in the environment, natural selection, genetic mutations, and cultural practices. These factors can all impact the traits and characteristics that are passed down through generations and ultimately shape the evolution of humans.

2. Will humans continue to evolve?

Yes, humans will continue to evolve as long as the factors that influence evolution are present. However, the rate and direction of human evolution may change depending on the future environmental and cultural changes that occur.

3. What are some potential future adaptations for humans?

Potential future adaptations for humans could include changes in physical features such as increased height or changes in skin color, as well as changes in cognitive abilities or immune system responses. However, it is impossible to predict exactly what adaptations may occur in the future.

4. How long does it take for humans to evolve?

The timeline for human evolution varies and can take thousands or even millions of years. Evolution is a slow process that occurs over many generations, so it is difficult to determine an exact timeframe for when specific changes may occur.

5. Can humans control their own evolution?

While humans can influence their environment and potentially impact the factors that influence evolution, it is not possible for humans to directly control their own evolution. Evolution is a natural process that occurs over time and is influenced by a variety of complex factors.

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