Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics and Degree Programs

In summary, physical chemistry and chemical physics are both fields that focus on the physical aspects of chemistry, but with different emphases. Physical chemists typically have a chemistry background and focus on topics such as spectroscopy and thermodynamics, while chemical physicists have a physics background and focus on more theoretical aspects like electronic structure. The distinction between the two fields can be seen in the topics covered in related journals. When choosing a school for undergraduate studies in these fields, it is important to find a program with strong chemistry and physics courses, as specialization typically occurs at the PhD level.
  • #1
I was wondering what the true difference between Physical Chem and Chemical Physics was.
And also, I would like to know if anyone knows a good undergrad school for either one?

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  • #2
By in large, physical chemists are people who have specialized in chemistry (as an undergraduate) and who deal with certain physical aspects of chemistry, such as spectroscopy, chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, applied quantum chemistry as opposed to synthetic bench chemists who work in wet labs and make drugs and materials be reacting compounds and reagents.
Chemical physicists are people who have specialized in physics (have an undergraduate degree in physics) and would generally work on somewhat deeper physical aspects of chemistry, for example, develop models for the calculation of electronic structure in molecules and crystals; here the approach is a lot more theoretical: its more or less molecular physics.
Bear in mind, a chemistry degree is a very experimental subject, with very little to offer someone with a mathematical predisposition. It’s a great degree however, where the emphasis is on a conceptual understanding of the atomic world.
Generally one doesn’t specialize until PhD level : so a physics BSc for chemical physics, and a chemistry BSc for physical chemistry would be my advice

cheers and gd luck,

  • #3
Thanks for that clarification!
Do you know what schools would be good for either one?
And again thanks for your help!
  • #4
I'm also not 100% sure about the distinction between chemical physics and physical chemistry (and the former is my actual area of work), but my impression is that chemical physics is mainly concerned with, say, systems of up to around 100 atoms, while physical chemistry is mainly concerned with larger systems.

One gets this impression when regularly looking at the topics of articles in the Journal of Chemical Physics (which publishes chem phys stuff) and Phys Chem Chem Phys or the Journal of Physical Chemistry A (both of which publish more phys chem stuff). For example, under chemical physics you would find topics like quantum chemistry, spectroscopy, chemical reaction dynamics etc while under physical chemistry you would also find surface chemistry, zeolites, electro chemistry, physical properties of macroscopic samples, and so on.

Regarding the schools: Find a school which offers good regular chemistry and good regular physics courses, the concrete school propably does not matter much. And then enroll in either physics or chemistry and take some courses of the other one as necessary. You typically specialize only after undergrad, but knowing some general chemistry and physics would certianly be helpful. If you know what you are looking for you can gain a large knowledge in the field before actually starting the PhD. I for example studied physics (with quite some chemistry on the side) with the explicit goal of going into some kind of theoretical chemistry, and this worked out spendidly.
  • #5

Hello! I can provide some insight into the differences between Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. Physical Chemistry is a subfield of chemistry that focuses on the application of physics to chemical systems, studying the fundamental physical principles that govern chemical reactions and properties. On the other hand, Chemical Physics is an interdisciplinary field that combines concepts and techniques from both chemistry and physics to study the behavior of matter at a molecular and atomic level. While there is some overlap between the two, Physical Chemistry tends to have a more chemical focus, while Chemical Physics takes a more physics-based approach.

As for undergraduate programs, there are many excellent schools that offer degrees in either Physical Chemistry or Chemical Physics. Some top schools in this field include MIT, Caltech, and the University of California-Berkeley. However, it's important to research and consider factors such as location, research opportunities, and faculty expertise when choosing a program that best fits your interests and goals. I recommend reaching out to current students or faculty in these programs to learn more about their experiences and the opportunities available. Best of luck in your academic pursuits!

FAQ: Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics and Degree Programs

1. What is physical chemistry/chemical physics?

Physical chemistry/chemical physics is a subfield of chemistry that focuses on the physical principles and laws that govern the behavior of matter at a molecular and atomic level. It combines the principles of physics, chemistry, and mathematics to understand and explain the properties and reactions of various substances.

2. What are some common topics covered in physical chemistry/chemical physics degree programs?

Some common topics covered in physical chemistry/chemical physics degree programs include thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, kinetics, and statistical mechanics. Students also learn about the properties of gases, liquids, and solids, as well as the principles of chemical bonding and molecular structure.

3. What types of careers can I pursue with a degree in physical chemistry/chemical physics?

A degree in physical chemistry/chemical physics can lead to a variety of careers in industries such as pharmaceuticals, materials science, energy production, and environmental science. Graduates can also work in research and development, academia, and government agencies.

4. What skills are important for success in physical chemistry/chemical physics?

Some important skills for success in physical chemistry/chemical physics include a strong foundation in mathematics, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, laboratory skills, and the ability to analyze and interpret data. Good communication and teamwork skills are also important for collaborating with other scientists and presenting research findings.

5. Is a graduate degree necessary for a career in physical chemistry/chemical physics?

While a bachelor's degree in physical chemistry/chemical physics can lead to entry-level positions in certain industries, a graduate degree, such as a master's or PhD, is often necessary for more advanced research and career opportunities. Additionally, graduate programs provide opportunities for specialized training and research experience, making graduates more competitive in the job market.

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