Breaking Symmetries: 20 Real Scalars and 24 Symmetries

In summary, for a gauge group with 24 independent symmetries and a set of 20 real scalar fields, after using the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism, there will be 8 massive spin 1 fields, 8 massless spin 1 fields, 0 Goldstone scalars, and 4 Higgs scalars remaining.
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Homework Statement

Suppose that there is a gauge group with 24 indepenent symmetries and we find a set of 20 real scalar fields such that the scalar potential has minima that are invariant under only 8 of these symmetries. Using the Brout-Englert-Higss mechanism, how many physical fields are there that are
- massive spin 1
- massless spin 1
- Goldstone scalars
- Higgs scalars

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not sure since I only saw an example worked out where there was a gauge "group" with 1 symmetry and we had 2 real scalar fields and the 1 symmetry was broken, and it ended up giving one massive spin 1, zero massless spin 1, zero Goldstone scalars and 1 Higgs scalar. I'm not sure how to generalize this to a more general case.

But let's give it a try: if we assume that for each broken symmetry, a gauge boson gets mass, we end up with "16 massive spin 1" (since 24 - 8 symmetries are broken). Hence "8 massless spin 1" remain. If I now presume that each gauge boson getting a mass is accompanied with the eating of one Goldstone scalar (which seems sensible from the perspective of the gauge boson gaining one degree of freedom), 16 Goldstone scalars have been eaten, and presuming that no (physical) Goldstone scalars can remain (?) (i.e. "0 Goldstone scalars"), we conclude that from the 20 real scalar fields, "4 Higgs scalars" survive.

Is the answer and/or some of the reasoning correct? Maybe I'm making it too complicated... (for reference we're using Griffiths' Introduction to Elementary Particles, although note that the question is not in the book itself).
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Your reasoning is mostly correct. Let's break it down into each type of field:

- Massive spin 1: Since 8 out of 24 symmetries are broken, there will be 8 massive gauge bosons. This is because for every broken symmetry, a gauge boson gets a mass. So 8 out of the 24 gauge bosons will have a mass.
- Massless spin 1: Since there are 8 unbroken symmetries, there will be 8 massless gauge bosons. These are the gauge bosons corresponding to the unbroken symmetries.
- Goldstone scalars: As you mentioned, for each broken symmetry, a Goldstone scalar gets "eaten" by the corresponding gauge boson, giving it a mass. So in this case, 8 Goldstone scalars will be eaten and there will be no physical Goldstone scalars remaining.
- Higgs scalars: The remaining 4 scalar fields will be the Higgs scalars, responsible for giving mass to the gauge bosons and fermions through the Higgs mechanism.

So to summarize, there will be 8 massive spin 1 fields, 8 massless spin 1 fields, 0 Goldstone scalars, and 4 Higgs scalars. Keep in mind that this is just a generalization and the specific numbers may vary depending on the specific gauge group and scalar fields involved.

FAQ: Breaking Symmetries: 20 Real Scalars and 24 Symmetries

1. What are symmetries in physics?

Symmetries in physics refer to the invariance of physical laws under certain transformations. These transformations can include rotations, translations, and reflections, among others. Symmetries play a crucial role in understanding the fundamental laws of nature and in predicting the behavior of physical systems.

2. Why is breaking symmetries important in physics?

Breaking symmetries allows us to better understand the behavior of physical systems by revealing hidden properties and patterns. It also helps us to explain why certain physical phenomena occur, such as why particles have mass or why certain forces are stronger than others.

3. What are real scalars?

Real scalars are physical quantities that have only magnitude and no direction. Examples include temperature, mass, and energy. In contrast, vectors have both magnitude and direction, such as velocity and force.

4. How are symmetries and real scalars related?

Symmetries and real scalars are related through the concept of symmetry breaking. When symmetries are broken, they can give rise to real scalars and other physical phenomena. For example, the Higgs field breaking the symmetry of the electroweak force is what gives particles their mass.

5. Can you give an example of symmetry breaking in nature?

One example of symmetry breaking in nature is the formation of crystals. The underlying molecular structure of a crystal has a symmetric arrangement, but when the crystal forms, this symmetry is broken and the molecules align in a specific pattern, resulting in the crystal's distinct shape and properties.
