What happens to the stored energy when a compressed spring is dissolved in acid?

In summary, when you compress a spring, you change the lattice energy and this affects the thermality of the reaction.
  • #1
I have a question:

2 glass containers have the same amount of a particular acid. In one container, drop a fully compressed spring retained in the compressed state by some means. In another container, drop a similar spring, in its free form. The acid in the containers start to dissolve the spring material. What happens to the stored energy in one of the spring, which was compressed earlier?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
interesting question. I have no idea. I kind of want to try this experiment out.
  • #3
I would imagine that energy of the compressed spring is slowly dissipated, as opposed to a more irreversible processes. Think about what happens when the cross section of the springs becomes smaller, would the spring constant change? The thermodynamics of the acid reaction with the compressed spring will differ from an ordinary reaction (non-compressed spring), in the former you have more energy released, at the molecular level the atoms are somewhat more closer together, the PE is higher, similar to a situation in an organic molecule where you have a steric strain.

Others may be able to give you a more official/detailed explanation, try one of the physics/quantum subforums.
  • #4
the energy would be dissipated as heat?
  • #5
acid base reactions are exothermic at standard conditions (arrhenius acid base that is, and I do not know of any that are endothermic, consider the bond energies of products and reactants; so you'll need to consider a limited physical/engineering situation for endothermicity...), I would imagine that an acid base reaction with a compressed/"pressurized" molecular structure would be even more exothermic, yes I think it would be dissipated as heat. The network would have more PE associated with them due to strain probably.
  • #6
Simply speaking, by compressing the spring you are changing the lattice energy for the metal. This will naturally affect the thermicity of the reaction as expected.

(I agree with GCT : It's exactly the same as changing the PE by a steric strain.)

FAQ: What happens to the stored energy when a compressed spring is dissolved in acid?

What is "Dissipation of stored energy"?

Dissipation of stored energy refers to the release or transfer of energy from a system to its surroundings. This can occur through various processes such as heat transfer, work done, or radiation.

What are the different forms of energy that can be dissipated?

The most common forms of energy that can be dissipated are thermal, mechanical, and electromagnetic energy. Thermal energy is associated with heat transfer, mechanical energy is associated with work done, and electromagnetic energy is associated with radiation.

Why is the dissipation of stored energy important?

The dissipation of stored energy is important because it allows for the conversion of energy from one form to another, which is essential for many natural and human-made processes. It also helps to maintain a balance in energy distribution within a system.

What factors affect the rate of dissipation of stored energy?

The rate of dissipation of stored energy depends on several factors such as the properties of the material, temperature, surface area, and the presence of external factors such as friction or resistance. These factors can either increase or decrease the rate of energy dissipation.

What are some real-life examples of dissipation of stored energy?

There are many examples of dissipation of stored energy in our daily lives. Some common examples include the dissipation of heat from a hot cup of coffee to its surroundings, the dissipation of mechanical energy when a pendulum comes to rest, and the dissipation of electromagnetic energy in the form of light and sound from a firework explosion.
