Velocity & Volume Change in Ideal Fluids

In summary, in an ideal fluid, doubling the pipe length and decreasing the radius by a factor of 2 will result in a constant volume but an increase in velocity by a factor of 4. In a real fluid, assuming incompressibility and constant volumetric flow rate, the velocity would remain the same as an ideal fluid but there would be a pressure difference across the pipe due to friction and an increase in kinetic energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In an ideal fluid, the pipe length is doubled, while radius is decreased by factor 2 what will have to the velocity and volume that is flowing?

Homework Equations

Q=Av = pi*r^2*v

The Attempt at a Solution

From this the volume that will pass, in ideal fluid cases, is constant (same throughout), but the velocity will increase by a factor of 4 since: Q/v = pi*r^2. Is this correct?

Also if I were considering the radius decreasing by a factor of 2, in real fluids, the velocity would increase by it would not increase as much as seen in ideal fluids?
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  • #2
Makes sense to me. Assuming the fluid is incompressible and the volumetric flow rate remains constant. The problem statement doesn't make those assumptions so I will. In the real world, and making those assumptions, there would be a pressure difference across the pipe due to friction affects and an increase of kinetic energy, however the velocity would remain the same as an ideal fluid. This is of course assuming constant volumetric flow rate.
  • #3

Your attempt at a solution is partially correct. In an ideal fluid, the volume that is flowing will remain constant regardless of changes in pipe length or radius. This is a result of the equation for volume flow rate, Q=Av, where A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe and v is the velocity of the fluid. Since the volume flow rate is constant, any changes in pipe length or radius will result in a corresponding change in velocity.

In the case of doubling the pipe length and decreasing the radius by a factor of 2, the cross-sectional area of the pipe will also decrease by a factor of 2. According to the equation Q=Av, this means that the velocity will increase by a factor of 2 to maintain a constant volume flow rate. So your statement that the velocity will increase by a factor of 4 is not entirely correct.

In real fluids, the velocity will also increase when the radius is decreased, but it will not increase as much as in ideal fluids due to the effects of viscosity and friction. These factors will cause some energy loss and decrease the velocity compared to what would be expected in an ideal fluid. However, the overall trend of velocity increasing with decreasing radius still holds true in both ideal and real fluids.

FAQ: Velocity & Volume Change in Ideal Fluids

What is velocity change in ideal fluids?

Velocity change in ideal fluids refers to the change in speed or direction of fluid flow. This change can occur due to external forces, such as pressure or gravity, or internal forces within the fluid itself. In ideal fluids, velocity change is considered to be instantaneous and without any resistance.

What is volume change in ideal fluids?

Volume change in ideal fluids refers to the change in the amount of space occupied by the fluid. This can occur due to changes in temperature, pressure, or the addition or removal of substances. In ideal fluids, volume change is considered to be continuous and without any loss or gain of mass.

How are velocity change and volume change related in ideal fluids?

In ideal fluids, velocity change and volume change are directly related. This means that as velocity increases, volume decreases and vice versa. This relationship is known as the continuity equation and is based on the principle of conservation of mass. Essentially, the total amount of fluid flowing into a given area must equal the total amount of fluid flowing out of that same area.

What is the Bernoulli's equation and how is it related to velocity and volume change in ideal fluids?

Bernoulli's equation is an important equation in fluid dynamics that relates the pressure, velocity, and height of a fluid in motion. It states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases and vice versa. This relationship can be seen in the continuity equation, where an increase in velocity results in a decrease in volume, and therefore a decrease in pressure.

What are some real-life applications of velocity and volume change in ideal fluids?

Understanding velocity and volume change in ideal fluids has many practical applications. It is used in the design and operation of various systems, such as hydraulic pumps and turbines, to optimize performance and efficiency. It is also important in understanding the flow of air and water in weather patterns, as well as in the study of blood flow in the human body.
