Understanding Resonance & Tuning Forks

In summary, resonance is the concept behind both the functioning of the ear and tuning forks. Just like pushing someone on a swing at the right frequency will increase its amplitude, a tuning fork will also resonate at a certain frequency. When a sound wave with the same frequency as a particular tuning fork is present, it will act as a push and only that fork will start ringing. Other forks will not ring because the sound wave does not interfere constructively with them. However, if a tuning fork is hit at the wrong moment, it may disrupt or even destroy the resonance.
  • #1
Hi. I'm having some trouble understanding resonance. I was reading about how ears work on howstuffworks.com, and it noted that the ear picks up different frequencies basically because little hairs inside the ear resonate at different freqencies. It said that this is also the concept behind tuning forks.

I don't understand why though. Why does a tuning fork repeat a sound at a certain frequency?
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  • #2
Like any simple harmonic oscillator, there is a natural frequency. Think of pushing a kid on a swing; depending on the length of the swing, there is only one frequency that the swing will have. You have to push at exactly the same frequency in order to increase the amplitude of the swing.

If you set up a large number of tuning forks, each of a different frequency, and then make a noise nearby, the frequency of the noise will act like pushes against the tuning forks. But only the tuning fork that matches the frequency of the noise will increase in amplitude and start ringing itself. For the others, its like pushing the swing at the wrong moment, or "out of phase."
  • #3
I know there is a natural frequency, I just don't understand why.

If we are relating a swing to a tuning fork, how do you push at the wrong moment?

And why does the fork with the right frequency start ringing? Where does it get this energy from? Why don't any of the other forks ring (other than they aren't the right frequency)? Is it simply that the sound wave only interferes constructively with the right tuning fork, (and possibly both constructively and destructively with the others)?
  • #4
KingNothing said:
If we are relating a swing to a tuning fork, how do you push at the wrong moment?

You do this by hitting the tuning fork really hard, or not very hard at all, there will still be a sound but it won't be resonating (just like if you push someone on a swing really weakly or really hard, they wil lstill move by they won't move in the "resonating" fashion).

Hmm, just re-read you question again, and although the above is correct it isn't exactly what you asked. If a tuning fork is already resonanting (like a swing is swinging nicely), you ask what is the analogy for pushing the swing at the wrong moment? Well you have to remember that a tuning fork generally resonates faster than a swing (think about ho the two prongs on the fork move back and forth when they are vibrating). This would make it difficult for you to say when it is a "bad" time to strike the fork again (its obvious in the swing case because its going slow enough for us to see what's going on).

Indeed, I think if you start a tuning fork resonanting and then hit again you may destroy the resonance quickly, or it may only disturb it. You have some chance of actually re-enforcing the resonance of the fork also, but I'd imagine you'd have to hit it just right and be really lucky!

FAQ: Understanding Resonance & Tuning Forks

What is resonance?

Resonance is the phenomenon in which an object vibrates at its natural frequency when exposed to external vibrations at the same frequency. This results in a larger amplitude of vibration and a sustained oscillation.

How do tuning forks work?

Tuning forks are small, metal instruments that produce a specific frequency when struck. This frequency is called the "fundamental frequency" and it is the natural resonant frequency of the fork. When the tuning fork is struck, it vibrates at this frequency, creating a pure tone that can be heard.

What is the purpose of using tuning forks?

Tuning forks are used to tune musical instruments, as their pure tone can help musicians accurately adjust the pitch of their instruments. They are also used in medical settings to test hearing, as well as in physics experiments to demonstrate resonance.

How are tuning forks tuned?

Tuning forks are usually tuned by adjusting the length of the two tines. This changes the frequency of the fundamental tone produced by the fork. Some tuning forks also have adjustable weights on the end of the tines, which can also be used to tune the fork.

Can tuning forks lose their resonance?

Yes, tuning forks can lose their resonance over time due to factors such as corrosion, damage, or changes in temperature. It is important to store tuning forks properly and handle them carefully to maintain their resonance.
