Understanding Electron Volts: The Main Unit of Energy in Physics

In summary, electron volts are a unit of energy commonly used in atomic and particle physics to measure the energy of particles and their masses and momentum. One electron volt is equal to 1.6 x 10^-19 joules, and it is often used to describe the kinetic energy of particles accelerated through a potential difference of one volt. This unit is useful in the world of physics as it relates directly to the way particles are produced and allows for easier calculations and comparisons.
  • #1
Help me to wrap my brain around this notion of 'Electron Volts'

The lamp on the table has 120 Volts...

explain this MeV...in comparison to the Lamp Bulb please.

Is every type of energy measured in the form of electricity
in the world of Physics?

if i get this info i can move deeper in QM i feel. :approve:

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The electron volt is the energy required to accelerate an electron through a potential difference of one volt. 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19[\sup]. Electron Volts are usually used in atomic and particle physics where it is more useful to determine energy in terms of eV's. Electron volts are also used to measure mass againt in particle physics where the masses are very small.

  • #3
Electron-Volts are just a unit of energy, like Joules or ergs. 1 V = 1 J/C (one Joule per Coulomb) so multiplying an electron, which is a fraction of a coulomb (i.e. a coloumb is an amount of charge equal to some large constant amount of electrons) gives a fraction of a Joule, so eV are very small amounts of energy compared to Joules. This is kind of like "kilowatt-hours" as it's the amount of energy used by something with a power of 1 kilowatt over 1 hour. Watts are J/s (Joules per second) so kilowatts are thousands of joules per second. A kilowatt-hour is 1000 joules per second times 1 hour, i.e:

1000J/s * 1hr
= 1000J/s * 3600s
= 3600000 J
= 3.6 MJ
  • #4
If you allow an electron to accelerate from rest through a potential difference of 1 V, it will gain 1 eV of kinetic energy.

- Warren
  • #5
And the reason why the electron volt is the main unit of energy in atomic, nuclear, particle physics, etc., is that it relates directly to the way that we usually produce particles with a specified amount of kinetic energy: we accelerate it with an electric field produced by a potential difference.

For example, set up two electrodes with a potential difference of 10,000 volts between them. Produce some protons near the positive electrode. The electric field accelerates them towards the negative electrode. Put a hole in the negative electrode so the protons can fly through, and voilà, a proton beam with a kinetic energy of 10,000 electron volts! (or 10 keV)

You can of course convert the units to the equivalent [itex]1.6 \times 10^{-15}[/itex] joules, but 10 keV is a much nicer number to work with. :!)

And thanks to Einstein's formula

[itex]E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2[/itex]

where m is the invariant mass a.k.a. "rest mass" of the particle, we can see that [itex]E[/itex], [itex]pc[/itex] and [itex]mc^2[/itex] all must have the same units. So (especially) particle physicists use electron volts for mass and momentum also, which can be a bit confusing at first. They say things like "the mass of the electron is 511 keV" when they really mean "[itex]mc^2[/itex] for the electron is 511 keV", and they say "the momentum is 1 MeV" when they really mean "[itex]pc[/itex] is 1 MeV."

FAQ: Understanding Electron Volts: The Main Unit of Energy in Physics

1. What is an Electron Volt?

An electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy commonly used in the field of particle physics. It is the amount of energy gained or lost by an electron when it moves through an electric potential difference of one volt.

2. How is an Electron Volt related to Joules?

One electron volt is equal to 1.602 x 10^-19 joules. This means that one joule is equal to 6.242 x 10^18 electron volts. The relation between eV and joules is important in understanding the energy levels of particles at the atomic level.

3. How is Electron Volt used in particle accelerators?

In particle accelerators, particles are accelerated using electric fields. The energy gained by these particles is often measured in electron volts. This allows scientists to determine the energy and speed of these particles as they collide with each other.

4. Can Electron Volts be used to measure the mass of particles?

Yes, scientists can use the energy of particles in electron volts to determine their mass. This is done by using the equation E=mc^2, where E is the energy in joules, m is the mass in kilograms, and c is the speed of light in meters per second.

5. What is the significance of Electron Volts in nuclear reactions?

In nuclear reactions, the energy released is often measured in electron volts. This is because nuclear reactions involve the exchange of energy between particles at the atomic level. By measuring the energy in eV, scientists can better understand and analyze these reactions.
