Physics window experiment,please comment

In summary, the author has an idea for a physics demonstration involving a small model window being changed in refractive index using electricity. Materials and equipment needed include 25g of KPD (Kerr Medium), which must be watered down, inserted between 2 glass panels, and placed between electrodes. The demonstration may be done using a voltage regulator instead of a battery, and an isolation transformer should be included in the circuit in case of accident.
  • #1
I have an idea for a physics demonstration, but i am unsure if it will work. Here it is.

Aim: To change the refractive index of a small model window using electricity.

Materials: 25g KPD (Kerr Medium) watered down and inserted between 2 glass panels.
Electrodes placed above and below panels powered by upto 9V Car battery

Diagram: See Website

I hope to beable to change the refractive index which should distort the light through the 16x8cm Window
Please Tell me if you have spotted any problems or any suggestions that would make this experiment a success(As it is quite an expensive experiment, it would be ashame for it not to work)
Thanks For your Suggestions
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  • #2
I'm afraid that I've never heard of KPD. The first 7 pages of Googling, in fact, turned up only one reference, which is an article that you have to pay for. There was one other possible hit, but it wasn't in English.
My main concern here is that you'll need a voltage regulator; there aren't any 9V car batteries. Standard is 12V (charged at 13.5), and you might be able to find an old 6V one kicking around since VW used them in their older models. Do you really need that much current, though?
If your proposal is all that expensive, could you not perhaps do your demonstration using a pre-fab LCD display?
  • #3
Sorry, Please Don't hate me, It's a typo it's actually KDP (not kurdish democratic party) Potassium dihydrogenphosphate

I'm also unsure about the voltage I said car battery as it could supply a bit more energy
  • #4
Believe me, buddy... nobody around here is ever going to hate you for a typo. Everybody makes them; it just has a bit more significance in an acronym. Anyhow, I got a lot more hits with the revised version. Unfortunately, I don't really have time to read through them, and probably wouldn't understand much about it anyway. The one that I looked at a bit (part of a Masters degree qualification) referred to KDP as a magneto-optical medium as opposed to an electro-optical one, but I don't know if it's important or not.
Still, all being said and done, I'd recommend using a variable power supply rather than a battery. If there's any possibility of accident, stick an isolation transformer into the circuit to keep house juice from coming into direct contact with the setup.
  • #5
Thanks for your help, I guess there's no harm in trying both the KDP and the LCD, hopefully it will work
  • #6
Good luck with it. Keep us posted.

FAQ: Physics window experiment,please comment

What is the purpose of the Physics window experiment?

The purpose of the Physics window experiment is to demonstrate the principles of refraction and how light behaves when passing through different mediums.

How is the experiment set up?

The experiment involves placing a transparent material, such as glass or acrylic, in a window frame and shining a light source through it. A protractor or other measuring tool can be used to measure the angle of incidence and refraction.

What factors affect the angle of refraction in this experiment?

The angle of refraction is affected by the angle of incidence, the refractive index of the material, and the wavelength of the light being passed through.

What can be learned from this experiment?

This experiment can demonstrate Snell's law and the relationship between the angle of incidence and angle of refraction. It also shows how different materials can refract light differently due to their refractive index.

How can the experiment be modified for further investigation?

The experiment can be modified by using different materials with varying refractive indexes, changing the angle of incidence, or using different sources of light with different wavelengths. It can also be used to study other properties of light, such as polarization.
