Classical Field Theory & Quantization: Books for Physics Masters Course

  • Thread starter mkbh_10
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Another good book is Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model. This book covers a wide range of topics and provides a deep understanding of the subject. Overall, these books cover classical field theory, field quantization, radiation field, Dirac spinor field, and their applications in detail. They also cover symmetries, invariance, Noether's theorem, and spontaneous symmetry breaking. Additionally, these books provide a thorough understanding of quantization techniques and their applications in radiation-matter interactions. In summary, Greiner & Reinhardt and Schwartz are excellent books for studying these topics in a physics masters course.
  • #1
Please recommend me some good books which will help me to study these topics in physics masters course .

Classical field theory: L & H formulations, eqns of motion,symmetries & invariance, noether's theorem

Field quantization:fock space decomposition, canonical quantization of real scalar field,complex scalar field, interpretation of quantized field

Radiation field : maxwell field, gauge invariance,canonical quantization using radiation gauge, ambiguities in quantization,their removal & lorentz gauge quantization

Dirac spinor field & its quantization , spontaneous symmetry breaking,goldstone model, higgs model

Applications : interaction of radiation with matter, plankcs law, Kramer Heisenberg formula , coherent & raman scattrng, theory of line width, elementary theory of photoelectric effect, non relativistic theory of lamb shift.
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  • #2
I would recommend

Greiner & Reinhardt, Field Quantization. It has a gentler learning curve than many other QFT books and includes many solved exercises.
  • #3

Some recommended books for studying classical field theory and quantization at the graduate level include:

1. "Classical Field Theory" by Francis E. Low
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to classical field theory, covering topics such as Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations, symmetries and Noether's theorem, and applications to electromagnetism and gravitation.

2. "Quantum Field Theory" by Mark Srednicki
This book covers the basics of quantum field theory, including Fock space decomposition and canonical quantization, as well as more advanced topics such as renormalization and the path integral formulation.

3. "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell" by A. Zee
This book provides a more conceptual and intuitive approach to quantum field theory, covering topics such as Feynman diagrams, renormalization, and the Higgs mechanism.

4. "Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur" by Tom Lancaster and Stephen J. Blundell
This book is a great resource for self-study, providing a clear and accessible introduction to quantum field theory with many helpful examples and exercises.

5. "Field Quantization" by Walter Greiner
This book covers the quantization of both classical and quantum fields, with a focus on the mathematical foundations and applications to high energy physics.

6. "Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model" by Matthew D. Schwartz
This book provides a modern and comprehensive introduction to quantum field theory, with a focus on its application to the Standard Model of particle physics.

Overall, the best way to choose a book for your specific physics masters course would be to consult with your professor or colleagues and see what texts they recommend. It's also helpful to read reviews and browse through the table of contents to find a book that covers the topics you are interested in.

FAQ: Classical Field Theory & Quantization: Books for Physics Masters Course

1. What is Classical Field Theory?

Classical Field Theory is a theoretical framework in physics that describes the behavior of fields, which are physical quantities that vary in space and time. It is based on the principles of classical mechanics and electromagnetism, and can be applied to a wide range of physical systems.

2. What is Quantization in Classical Field Theory?

Quantization is the process of converting a classical field theory into a quantum field theory. It involves replacing the classical fields with operators that represent the underlying quantum states, and introducing a quantization rule that determines the allowed values of these operators. This allows for the study of quantum phenomena, such as particle interactions and creation and annihilation processes.

3. What is the difference between Classical Field Theory and Quantum Field Theory?

The main difference between Classical Field Theory and Quantum Field Theory is the level of description they provide. Classical Field Theory describes the behavior of fields at a macroscopic level, while Quantum Field Theory describes the behavior of fields at a microscopic level, taking into account the uncertainty and probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. Additionally, Quantum Field Theory allows for the study of phenomena that cannot be explained by Classical Field Theory, such as particle creation and annihilation.

4. What are some common applications of Classical Field Theory and Quantization?

Classical Field Theory and Quantization have a wide range of applications in physics, including the study of electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, and general relativity. They are also used in the development of quantum field theories, which have applications in particle physics, condensed matter physics, and cosmology.

5. Which books are recommended for learning Classical Field Theory and Quantization at a Masters level?

Some popular books for learning Classical Field Theory and Quantization at a Masters level include "Classical Field Theory" by Julian Schwinger, "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell" by A. Zee, and "Quantum Field Theory" by Mark Srednicki. It is recommended to consult with a professor or experienced physicist to determine the best book for your specific needs and level of understanding.

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