Proof of the The Division Algorithm

In summary: In other words, is he talking about the r that we know is between 0 and n, or is he conveniently choosing r, as if its just some number, and then showing that it will, in fact be that r in the theorem? Does this question make any sense?Yes, it does make sense. r in the proof refers to the r in the theorem statement. He is showing that the chosen r in the proof is indeed the same r stated in the theorem."It remains to show that r<n."Why? If r<n, what does this accomplish?If r<n, then we have proven that 0\leq r<n. This
  • #1
This is going to be kind of a long post, and I'm citing the author because it's directly from a textbook, but I'm assuming this proof is standard and I won't be doing anything unethical. I'm basically going to post it with my questions interrupting the text. I'm not sure how he got from some points to others, I'm certain we're going to cover this in class tomorrow (probably quickly). So, here goes.

It comes from Abstract Algebra: A Concrete Introduction by Robert H. Redfield.

The division algorithm.




Let S denote the set of differences m-nx, where x is an integer and m-nx[itex]\geq[/itex]0. "

Why does he start in this way? How would you know to begin with a statement like this? Why is x an integer? I feel this I need to understand because much of the proof seems to be manipulation of this statement, and if I don't really grasp it the manipulation seems empty.

"Since n>0, n[itex]\geq1[/itex] and hence -n[itex]\geq[/itex]-1."

Why is n>0? He says "since" which implies that it's something that's been previously established; I see n>r, and also r[itex]\geq[/itex]0, but I don't know that n is necessarily >0. Or could you?

"Then m[itex]\geq[/itex]-[itex]\left|m\right|[/itex][itex]\geq[/itex]-n[itex]\left|m\right|[/itex]=n(-[itex]\left|m\right|[/itex])..."

Okokok. He says "Then", so I'm assuming this must follow from the directly preceding statement, but how? Isn't a number always greater than or equal to its negative absolute value? Why would he say "Then", then? Is the fact that a number is greater than or equal to its negative absolute value just a preliminary statement that doesn't necessarily depend on the last sentence--just to set up the fact that multiplying the previous equation through by the absolute value of m depended on, well, the previous sentence?

" that m-n(-[itex]\left|m\right|[/itex]) [itex]\in[/itex]S, i.e. S is not empty."

Why is it important that S is non empty? This probably seems very basic to someone who has studied this stuff but it's not particularly clear to me.

"So since S is bounded below by 0, the well ordering principle implies that S contains a minimal element r, and since r[itex]\in[/itex]S, 0[itex]\leq[/itex]r and m=nq+r for some integer q."

It's bounded below by 0 because he said the set S consists of m-nx[itex]\geq[/itex]0, right?

When he invokes r, is it the same r from the theorem statement. In other words, is he talking about the r that we know is between 0 and n, or is he conveniently choosing r, as if its just some number, and then showing that it will, in fact be that r in the theorem? Does this question make any sense?

"It remains to show that r<n."

Why? If r<n, what does this accomplish?

Suppose by way of contradiction that r[itex]\geq[/itex]n. Then r-n=m-nq-n=m-n(q+1) and r-n[itex]\geq[/itex]0 so that r-n[itex]\in[/itex]S. But, since r-n<r, this contradicts our assumption that r is minimal, and hence we may conclude that r<n."

This seems alright. So, I suppose the actual mechanics of the proof seem understandable...mostly just algebra, but I don't really understand why he does what he does. Should I drop this course, or is this natural?


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  • #2
He says suppose n>0 before he starts the proof. Hadn't seen it.
  • #3
blueberryfive said:
This is going to be kind of a long post, and I'm citing the author because it's directly from a textbook, but I'm assuming this proof is standard and I won't be doing anything unethical. I'm basically going to post it with my questions interrupting the text. I'm not sure how he got from some points to others, I'm certain we're going to cover this in class tomorrow (probably quickly). So, here goes.

It comes from Abstract Algebra: A Concrete Introduction by Robert H. Redfield."
The division algorithm.




Let S denote the set of differences m-nx, where x is an integer and m-nx[itex]\geq[/itex]0. "

Why does he start in this way? How would you know to begin with a statement like this?

He wants to find q and r such that m=nq+r. Thus he wants to find q and r such that m-nq=r. This urges us to look at the set of all m-nx with x an integer. Because we want [itex]0\leq r<n[/itex], it follows that wa want to choose r minimal. In order to prove that such an r minimal exist, we must prove that the set of all m-nx has a minimum. And we prove this by the well-ordering theorem.

Why is x an integer?

Because we choose x that way.

Since n>0, n[itex]\geq1[/itex] and hence -n[itex]\geq[/itex]-1."

Why is n>0? He says "since" which implies that it's something that's been previously established; I see n>r, and also r[itex]\geq[/itex]0, but I don't know that n is necessarily >0. Or could you?

n>r and [itex]r\geq 0[/itex], this implies that n>0.

"Then m[itex]\geq[/itex]-[itex]\left|m\right|[/itex][itex]\geq[/itex]-n[itex]\left|m\right|[/itex]=n(-[itex]\left|m\right|[/itex])..."

Okokok. He says "Then", so I'm assuming this must follow from the directly preceding statement, but how? Isn't a number always greater than or equal to its negative absolute value? Why would he say "Then", then? Is the fact that a number is greater than or equal to its negative absolute value just a preliminary statement that doesn't necessarily depend on the last sentence--just to set up the fact that multiplying the previous equation through by the absolute value of m depended on, well, the previous sentence?

The statement [itex]m\geq -|m|[/itex] follows immediately. The "since" is there for the next inequality. I.e. in order to prove [itex]-|m|\geq -n|m|[/itex]. To prove this, we need to know that [itex]-1\geq -n[/itex].

" that m-n(-[itex]\left|m\right|[/itex]) [itex]\in[/itex]S, i.e. S is not empty."

Why is it important that S is non empty? This probably seems very basic to someone who has studied this stuff but it's not particularly clear to me.

We want to prove that S has a minimum. We want to prove it by invoking the well-ordering theorem. But in order to invoke this, we need to prove that S is non-empty. Indeed, the well-ordering theorem says that every non-empty bounded-below set has a minimum.

"So since S is bounded below by 0, the well ordering principle implies that S contains a minimal element r, and since r[itex]\in[/itex]S, 0[itex]\leq[/itex]r and m=nq+r for some integer q."

It's bounded below by 0 because he said the set S consists of m-nx[itex]\geq[/itex]0, right?


When he invokes r, is it the same r from the theorem statement. In other words, is he talking about the r that we know is between 0 and n, or is he conveniently choosing r, as if its just some number, and then showing that it will, in fact be that r in the theorem? Does this question make any sense?

He is conveniently choosing r and he shows that it is the r of the theorem.

"It remains to show that r<n."

Why? If r<n, what does this accomplish?

Well, we must show that our r is indeed the r from the theorem. In order to show this, we must show three things:

  • m=nq+r for a certain q.
  • [itex]r\geq 0[/itex]
  • r<n

Only the last points has not yet been proven (the other two points follow from the choice of our r). So we must only still prove that r<n.
Suppose by way of contradiction that r[itex]\geq[/itex]n. Then r-n=m-nq-n=m-n(q+1) and r-n[itex]\geq[/itex]0 so that r-n[itex]\in[/itex]S. But, since r-n<r, this contradicts our assumption that r is minimal, and hence we may conclude that r<n."

This seems alright. So, I suppose the actual mechanics of the proof seem understandable...mostly just algebra, but I don't really understand why he does what he does. Should I drop this course, or is this natural?


  • #4
Thanks a lot.
  • #5

As a scientist, it is important to understand the underlying logic and reasoning behind mathematical proofs. It is perfectly normal to have questions and doubts while learning abstract concepts in math. It is important to discuss your questions with your instructor and classmates in order to fully understand the material. Dropping the course would not be necessary, as this is a natural part of the learning process. Keep asking questions and seeking clarification, and you will gain a deeper understanding of the proof and its implications.

FAQ: Proof of the The Division Algorithm

What is the Division Algorithm?

The Division Algorithm is a mathematical method used to determine the quotient and remainder when dividing two integers. It is commonly used in long division and is an important concept in number theory.

What is the proof of the Division Algorithm?

The proof of the Division Algorithm involves using the properties of division and the concept of greatest common divisor (GCD) to show that for any two integers, there exists a unique quotient and remainder when dividing one integer by the other.

Why is the Division Algorithm important?

The Division Algorithm is important because it provides a systematic way of dividing integers and finding the remainder. It is also used in other mathematical concepts such as Euclidean algorithm and fundamental theorem of arithmetic.

Can the Division Algorithm be applied to non-integer numbers?

No, the Division Algorithm is only applicable to integers. For non-integer numbers, other methods such as decimal division or long division can be used to determine the quotient and remainder.

How is the Division Algorithm used in real life?

The Division Algorithm is used in various fields such as computer science, engineering, and finance. It is used to solve problems involving division of quantities, finding the remainder in modular arithmetic, and in coding algorithms for efficient data processing.

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