Adjacency matrices - real matrices or tables?

  • Thread starter toofle
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In summary, an adjacency matrix is a real mathematical matrix used to represent a graph. It can also be used in equation systems, such as Ax=B, where x and B represent variables. Operations like finding eigenvalues and taking the determinant can provide useful information, even if they may seem irrelevant. Ultimately, a matrix is just a fancy name for a table, and the adjacency matrix is no exception.
  • #1
A graph can be represented by an adjacency matrix but how is that a real mathematical matrix and not just a table?
A matrix is part of an equation system Ax=B but what is x and B in this case if A is the adjacency matrix?

For example Google does PageRank with Eigenvalues but what would different operations on an adjacency matrix mean, why is it valid to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors on an adjacency matrix?
Like taking the determinant of an adjacency matrix, what information do we get?
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  • #2
A matrix and a table are the exact same thing. A matrix is just a fancy name for a table.

And no, a matrix does need to be part of an equation Ax=b. It can be part of it, but it doesn't need to be.
  • #3
The adjacency matrix is as named, a matrix. After all when you want to find the number of walks from one vertex to another you multiply the matrix to itself using matrix multiplication.
  • #4
toofle said:
Like taking the determinant of an adjacency matrix, what information do we get?

You can certainly give sensible interpretations to some matrix operations on adjacency matrices - addition and multiplication for example.

The fact that you can think of other operations that seem to be meaningless is irrelevant. It's hard to think what "information" you would get from finding the inverse tangent of the number of people in a room, but that doesn't mean that the integers, or trigonometry, have no practical uses.
  • #5

Adjacency matrices are indeed real mathematical matrices and not just tables. They are used to represent the connections or relationships between objects or nodes in a graph. Each entry in the matrix represents a connection between two nodes, with a value of 1 indicating a connection and a value of 0 indicating no connection.

In terms of an equation system, the adjacency matrix A represents the coefficients of the equations, while x and B represent the unknown variables and the solution vector, respectively. This means that by manipulating the adjacency matrix, we can solve for different variables and obtain information about the graph.

For example, using the Google PageRank algorithm, we can use the adjacency matrix to calculate the importance of each node in a graph. This is done by finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix, which provide insight into the structure and connections within the graph.

Taking the determinant of an adjacency matrix can also provide useful information. The determinant represents the number of spanning trees in a graph, which can be useful in various applications such as network analysis and optimization problems.

In conclusion, adjacency matrices are not just tables, but rather powerful mathematical tools that allow us to analyze and manipulate graphs in a meaningful way. They have applications in various fields such as computer science, engineering, and social sciences, making them a valuable tool for any scientist.

FAQ: Adjacency matrices - real matrices or tables?

1. Are adjacency matrices real matrices or tables?

Adjacency matrices can be represented as both real matrices and tables. It depends on how they are being used and interpreted in a particular context. In mathematics, they are typically viewed as real matrices, while in computer science and data analysis, they are often represented as tables.

2. How are adjacency matrices used in graph theory?

Adjacency matrices are used in graph theory to represent the connections or relationships between vertices in a graph. Each element in the matrix represents the presence or absence of an edge between two vertices. This allows for easy manipulation and analysis of the graph's structure.

3. Can adjacency matrices handle weighted graphs?

Yes, adjacency matrices can handle weighted graphs by assigning numerical values to the elements in the matrix instead of just using 0s and 1s. This allows for the representation of the strength or weight of the connection between vertices.

4. What are the advantages of using adjacency matrices?

One advantage of using adjacency matrices is that they can easily represent and store large graphs in a compact manner. They also allow for efficient operations and algorithms to be performed on the graph, such as determining the shortest path between two vertices.

5. What are the limitations of using adjacency matrices?

One limitation of using adjacency matrices is that they can become very large and memory-intensive for sparse graphs (graphs with few connections between vertices). They also do not handle well dynamic graphs, where the connections between vertices may change frequently.
