How Light Moves: Exploring a Hypothesis

  • Thread starter Alp_Oztek
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of electrons and photons moving by "jumping" or disappearing from one place and appearing in another. This idea is challenged by the principles of special relativity and the concept of mass-energy equivalence. The conversation also introduces the concept of electron tunneling and its limitations. The original poster is encouraged to continue learning about modern physics and to question their own theories and preconceived notions.
  • #1
I think that electrons can move by what I call jumping, that is disappearing in one place and instantly appearing somewhere else. The distance that can be jumped like this, in my opinion, has a relationship with the quantity energy/mass. If an electron can do it, a photon must also be able to do it, if the lower limit of energy/mass can be satisfied. Then, light would move by a series of consecutive jumps with very small time between two jumps. This would explain why light's speed cannot be exceeded, for a photon's energy/mass is infinite, since I have read somewhere that the mass of a photon is zero, and it would also explain how light can travel in vacuum.
I would really appreciate it if you could play devil's advocate and tell me of any mistakes or inconsistencies you find in this hypothesis and also your ideas. Thanks for your time and effort.
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  • #2
Electrons do not "disappear in one place" and "instantly appear somewhere else."
  • #3
Tide said:
Electrons do not "disappear in one place" and "instantly appear somewhere else."

I heard that they do somewhat of an action of disapearing and apearing I'm just not sure exactly how it works...

Alp_Oztek said:
for a photon's energy/mass is infinite

From what I understand a photon is massless and has nothing but frequency. In order for it to travel a "c" it must have low energy, because as ironic as it is, when a particle traveling at high speeds, as light, the more energy, the slower it goes. In other words, energy slows it down. So I'm not 100% sure on what I'm saying, but I believe a photon's energy is it's frequency, emiting at different colors.
  • #4
Here I found this at
"Photons have zero invariant mass but a definite finite energy."
  • #5
DB said:
I heard that they do somewhat of an action of disapearing and apearing I'm just not sure exactly how it works...

As Tide said,there's no such thing as "disappearing" from one place and "appearing" in another one.It would contradict the second postulate of special relativity which governs the "movement" of light.

DB said:
From what I understand a photon is massless and has nothing but frequency. In order for it to travel a "c" it must have low energy, because as ironic as it is, when a particle traveling at high speeds, as light, the more energy, the slower it goes. In other words, energy slows it down. So I'm not 100% sure on what I'm saying, but I believe a photon's energy is it's frequency, emiting at different colors.

1.A photon is massless.
2.It has only energy,taking \hbar=1,it's energy is the same with frequency,taking c=1,its energy is the same with relativistic mass.The speed of propagation (in vacuum) has nothing to do with its frequency.The energy/frequency/relativistic mass can be as large as one may want,the speed is still "c".
3.The citation from wikipedia si correct,generally educated people write articles there. :-p

  • #6
Electron tunnelling:

"A quantum particle can be described by a waveform which is the plot of a mathematical function related to the probability of finding the particle at a given location at any time. If the particle is confined to a box, it turns out that the wave does not fall to zero at the walls of the box, but has a finite probability of being found outside it. This means that a quantum particle is able to penetrate, or "tunnel through" its confining boundaries. This remarkable property is called the tunnel effect."
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  • #7
DaveC426913 said:

"A quantum particle can be described by a waveform which is the plot of a mathematical function related to the probability of finding the particle at a given location at any time. If the particle is confined to a box, it turns out that the wave does not fall to zero at the walls of the box, but has a finite probability of being found outside it. This means that a quantum particle is able to penetrate, or "tunnel through" its confining boundaries. This remarkable property is called the tunnel effect."

However, take note that for an infinite well, the wavefunction IS zero at the boundary and that there is zero probability of any extension into the forbidden region. This is typically the first exercise a student sees in a QM class.

Another thing to keep in mind about quantum tunneling is that there are two separate probability to consider that affects the ability of a particle to tunnel through: (i) the probability rate itself, and described by the tunneling matrix element, and (ii) the probability that the state it is tunneling to is empty. This is especially true for fermions which have occupancy restrictions. Thus, even if there is a large probability of tunneling for an electron, if the state it can tunnel through is occupied, then it will either need to gain/lose energy to tunnel to a different empty state (a lower probability) or not tunnel at all!

I must say that I don't get the reason why you are introducing an electron tunneling effect in this thread. The "disappearing" and "appearing" that were mentioned in this thread isn't due to any tunneling effect.

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  • #8
Tunneling is a well know and understood phenomena. However, It is not how electrons or photons move. The original poster needs to be aware that his personal theories are not welcome here. If he wishes to learn how modern physics views the universe he needs to read more posts in these forums and post questions about what he reads. It would also be very helpfully to suppress preconceived notions which may not be based on sound physics.

FAQ: How Light Moves: Exploring a Hypothesis

1. How does light travel?

Light travels in the form of electromagnetic waves. These waves move at a speed of approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum.

2. What is the speed of light?

The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. This is also known as the universal speed limit, as nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

3. Does light always travel at the same speed?

Yes, light always travels at the same speed of approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. However, the speed of light can be affected by the medium it is traveling through.

4. How does light move through different mediums?

When light travels through different mediums, such as air, water, or glass, its speed can be affected. This is due to the fact that these mediums have different densities, which cause the light waves to either speed up or slow down.

5. What is the hypothesis being explored in "How Light Moves"?

The hypothesis being explored in "How Light Moves" is that light travels in the form of electromagnetic waves and moves at a constant speed in a vacuum. This hypothesis has been extensively studied and is a fundamental principle in the field of physics.
