Gravity as a pushing (i.e., not pulling) force?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of energy packets being constantly emitted from the edge of the universe and how they could potentially explain the expansion of the universe and the speed of gravity. It also explores how this could impact the weight of objects and how it may cause objects to drift towards the edge of the universe. The idea is not new and has been disproven for over a century.
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This came across my mind today, I am not sure if it's been proposed/invalidated before. I don't have enough physics background to prove or disprove it so I came here for input:

Imagine if some energy packets were constantly and uniformly emanated at the speed of light from the edge of the universe from all directions. Assume such an energy packet would exert a directional force on any mass/energy particle upon impact, and then lose the energy. In a universe of finite size, the following would be observed:

1. a stationary mass particle at the center of the universe would receive equal pressure from these energy packets from all directions, and thus remain stationary.

2. a stationary mass particle at the edge of the universe would receive more energy packets from the direction opposite to this edge of the universe, and therefore the mass particle would move away from the center and towards this edge of the universe. (explains "expansion" of universe at edge)

3. back to the stationary mass particle at the center of the universe, now let's spontaneously introduce a huge mass body near this stationary particle, the following occur:
a. mass particles in the mass body block energy packets coming from this side of the stationary mass particle, therefore, energy packets from the other side push the stationary particle towards the mass body.
b. the effect of this spontaneous introduction travels at the speed of light because the energy packets that were already in between the mass body and the mass particle weren't blocked and continued at the speed of light towards the mass particle maintaining a temporary equilibrium. (explains why gravity travels at speed of light)

4. The "weight" of an object is then really the delta pressure between energy packets pushing from one side and energy packets pushing from the other side. Therefore for something/someone to get "crushed" by two bodies, enough mass particles need to exist on both sides to allow the energy packets to transfer the force, the more mass the more force is transferred.

5. #2 and #3 act against each other, at the center, #3 wins out, and at the edge #2 wins out. However, eventually, everything other than at the dead center will drift out towards an edge (assuming uniform); if non-uniform, any random drifts can happen at or near the center.

Any fallacies in this interpretation? has it been proposed before? if so where can I read about it?
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FAQ: Gravity as a pushing (i.e., not pulling) force?

1. How can gravity be a pushing force when it seems to pull everything towards the center of the Earth?

While it may appear that objects are being pulled towards the center of the Earth, this is actually due to the Earth's acceleration towards the objects. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass. This curvature causes objects to move along the shortest path, which can appear as if objects are being pulled towards each other.

2. What evidence supports the idea of gravity as a pushing force?

One piece of evidence is the observed acceleration of the expansion of the universe. This acceleration is attributed to the repulsive force of dark energy, which is believed to be a form of gravity pushing objects away from each other. Additionally, the behavior of galaxies and galaxy clusters also suggests the presence of a repulsive force counteracting the pull of gravity.

3. If gravity is a pushing force, why do objects fall towards the ground?

This is because the Earth's mass creates a curvature in spacetime, causing objects to follow a curved path towards the surface. This curvature can be thought of as a funnel, with objects being pulled towards the center of the Earth as they move along the curved path.

4. How does the concept of gravity as a pushing force affect our understanding of the universe?

The idea of gravity as a pushing force challenges our traditional understanding of gravity as a purely attractive force. It also has implications for our understanding of the expansion of the universe and the behavior of galaxies. Further research and experimentation in this area may lead to a deeper understanding of the fundamental forces of nature.

5. Can the concept of gravity as a pushing force be proven?

As with many scientific concepts, the idea of gravity as a pushing force is a theory that is supported by evidence and continues to be studied and refined. While it has not been definitively proven, ongoing research and experiments in this area may lead to further evidence and a better understanding of the true nature of gravity.
