The Mysteries of Liquid Nitrogen

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of liquid nitrogen in low-temperature experiments and the process of calculating the amount of heat needed to produce 1.0 L of liquid nitrogen from room temperature nitrogen gas. Different formulas and methods are suggested, including using the specific heat of gaseous nitrogen and the heat of vaporization for liquid nitrogen.
  • #1
So i have been doing thsi question for about a week now and it's about liquid nitrogen. Here it is.

Liquid nitrogen is used in many low-temperature experiments. It is widely available, and cheaper than gasoline! How much heat must be removed from room temperature (20C) nitrogen gas to produce 1.0 L of liquid nitrogen? The density of liquid nitrogen is 810kg/m^3?

what id id was i found the amount of moles of nitrogen and used it in the forumla Q=nCvT
The Cv is a C subscript V which is the molar specific heat capacities of gases. well i don't know what other ways i can do this, so if someone would help that would be great!
Physics news on
  • #2
What is the gaseous nitrogen's specific heat?What is gaseous nitrogen liquifying latent heat?

  • #3
First, the formula you used is accurate only for relatively small temperature changes. The actual formula for a big temp. difference is the integral from T1 to T2 of nCdT. Try doing some web searches for things like heat capacity calculation formulas. I've used one that employed a multi-term series. Do the calculation at various temperatures and sum up the heats for the intervals. There are other ways of doing it, but this one is pretty simple. Also, remember you have to include the heat of vaporization for liquid N2 to get the total heat.

FAQ: The Mysteries of Liquid Nitrogen

1. What is liquid nitrogen and how is it different from regular nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen is the liquid form of nitrogen gas, which is a colorless and odorless element that makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere. It is different from regular nitrogen because it is cooled to a temperature of -320°F (-196°C), causing it to become a liquid with unique properties.

2. How is liquid nitrogen produced?

Liquid nitrogen is produced through a process called fractional distillation, which separates nitrogen from other gases in the air by cooling it to extremely low temperatures. The nitrogen gas then condenses into a liquid state.

3. What are the properties and uses of liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen has several unique properties, including its extremely low temperature and its ability to rapidly expand when exposed to warmer temperatures. It is commonly used in cryogenic freezing, medical procedures, and in the production of certain foods. It is also used in scientific research and in various industrial applications.

4. Is liquid nitrogen dangerous to handle?

Yes, liquid nitrogen can be dangerous if not handled properly. It is extremely cold and can cause severe frostbite upon contact with skin. It also rapidly expands when exposed to warmer temperatures, which can cause explosions if contained in a sealed container. Proper safety precautions, such as wearing protective gear and handling it in well-ventilated areas, should always be followed when working with liquid nitrogen.

5. Can liquid nitrogen be used as a source of energy?

No, liquid nitrogen cannot be used as a source of energy. It is a refrigerant and is used to cool and freeze objects, but it does not have any inherent energy that can be harnessed for other purposes. In fact, the process of producing liquid nitrogen requires a significant amount of energy.
