Quantization of Gravity: Testing with CMBR Polarization | Krauss, Wilczek

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential use of the Cosmic Microwave Background to test the quantization of gravity. While there is no direct evidence for this theory, the measurement of polarization of the CMB due to gravitational waves from Inflation in the Early Universe could provide evidence for its quantization. However, it is unlikely that such a detection will happen soon.
  • #1
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A short but interesting way of using the CMBR to test the quatization of gravity, what do you think ?

Lawrence M. Krauss (1,2), Frank Wilczek (3) ((1) Arizona State University, (2) Australian National Univeresity, (3) MIT)
(Submitted on 20 Sep 2013)
While many aspects of general relativity have been tested, and general principles of quantum dynamics demand its quantization, there is no direct evidence for that. It has been argued that development of detectors sensitive to individual gravitons is unlikely, and perhaps impossible. We argue here, however, that measurement of polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background due to a long wavelength stochastic background of gravitational waves from Inflation in the Early Universe would firmly establish the quantization of gravity.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
Link to the paper

I don't expect a detection of anything like that soon, but the idea looks interesting.

FAQ: Quantization of Gravity: Testing with CMBR Polarization | Krauss, Wilczek

What is quantization of gravity?

Quantization of gravity is the process of applying the principles of quantum mechanics to the theory of gravity, known as general relativity. This means treating gravity like any other force in nature, such as electromagnetism, and quantizing it into discrete units or particles.

Why is quantization of gravity important?

Quantization of gravity is important because it aims to unify the two major theories of physics, quantum mechanics and general relativity, which are currently incompatible. It is also crucial for understanding the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, such as in black holes and during the early universe.

What are some challenges in quantization of gravity?

One of the major challenges in quantization of gravity is the lack of experimental evidence to guide the development of a theory. Additionally, the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics and general relativity are very different and difficult to reconcile. There is also the issue of renormalization, where the equations become infinite and require a method of regularization to make sense.

What are some proposed theories for quantization of gravity?

There are several proposed theories for quantization of gravity, including string theory, loop quantum gravity, and causal dynamical triangulation. Each of these theories has its own approach to reconciling quantum mechanics and general relativity and has its own set of challenges and criticisms.

What are the potential implications of a successful theory of quantization of gravity?

A successful theory of quantization of gravity would have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the universe. It could potentially provide a unified description of all forces in nature and answer fundamental questions about the nature of space and time. It could also have practical applications, such as in the development of new technologies and energy sources.
