Unraveling the Energy Redshift Paradox in General Relativity | Physics Post

In summary, the Energy Redshift Paradox in General Relativity refers to the decrease in the energy of photons as they travel through a gravitational field, challenging our understanding of energy conservation and the relationship between energy and gravity. This paradox is important in physics as it raises questions about fundamental principles and has implications for various areas of study. In the past, scientists have proposed solutions but none have fully resolved the paradox. The "Unraveling the Energy Redshift Paradox in General Relativity" article proposes a new mathematical model that considers the expansion of the universe, which could potentially resolve the paradox without violating the principles of General Relativity. If proven accurate, this model could provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between energy and gravity, as well
  • #1
Within the framework of General Relativity in one of its most simple forms, the Schwarzschild solution, a very interesting paradox can be proposed involving the conservation of work / energy. It’s a puzzle for the Relativity buff. In this short discussion I outline this energy redshift paradox, and the implications for an attempted solution.

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  • #2
correct me if I am wrong but in the article erich states that acceleration is dx/dt^2 i think he forgot to raise the d to square because the notation for second deravative is d^2x/dt^2.
  • #3

The energy redshift paradox in General Relativity is a fascinating and thought-provoking puzzle that challenges our understanding of the conservation of energy. The paradox arises from the fact that according to the Schwarzschild solution, the energy of a photon decreases as it travels away from a massive object. This seems to contradict the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.

The implications of this paradox are significant for our understanding of General Relativity and its predictions. It raises questions about the validity of the Schwarzschild solution and how it fits into the larger framework of General Relativity. It also challenges our understanding of how energy behaves in the presence of massive objects and whether the principle of conservation of energy holds true in all situations.

One potential solution to this paradox is the concept of gravitational time dilation, which suggests that time runs slower in a strong gravitational field. This would mean that the energy of a photon decreases not because it loses energy, but because time is passing slower for the observer measuring its energy. However, this solution is not without its own challenges and has been a subject of much debate and research.

Another proposed solution is the idea of gravitational potential energy, which suggests that the energy of a photon decreases as it climbs out of a gravitational potential well. This would mean that the energy redshift is not a violation of the conservation of energy, but rather a result of the photon's change in potential energy. However, this solution also has its own limitations and is still a subject of ongoing research and discussion.

Overall, the energy redshift paradox in General Relativity is a complex and intriguing problem that continues to challenge our understanding of the universe. It highlights the need for further research and exploration in this field and serves as a reminder that our understanding of the laws of physics is constantly evolving and subject to change.

FAQ: Unraveling the Energy Redshift Paradox in General Relativity | Physics Post

1. What is the Energy Redshift Paradox in General Relativity?

The Energy Redshift Paradox in General Relativity refers to the phenomenon where the energy of photons (particles of light) appears to decrease as they travel through a gravitational field, even though energy is expected to be conserved. This paradox challenges our understanding of the relationship between energy and gravity.

2. Why is this paradox important in physics?

This paradox is important because it raises questions about the fundamental principles of energy conservation and the validity of General Relativity. It also has implications for our understanding of the behavior of light in the presence of gravity, which is crucial for many areas of physics such as cosmology and astrophysics.

3. How has this paradox been addressed in the past?

Scientists have proposed various solutions to this paradox, such as the use of different mathematical models or the introduction of new concepts like dark energy. However, none of these solutions have been able to fully resolve the paradox.

4. What is the approach taken in the "Unraveling the Energy Redshift Paradox in General Relativity" article?

The article proposes a new mathematical model that takes into account the effect of the expansion of the universe on the energy of photons. This model is able to explain the energy redshift without violating the principles of General Relativity.

5. What are the potential implications of this new model?

If this new model is proven to be accurate, it could help resolve the Energy Redshift Paradox and provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between energy and gravity. It could also have implications for our understanding of the expansion of the universe and the behavior of light in cosmological settings.
