How will humanity prepare for the end of the world in 5113 years?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, people would spend their last month living extravagantly, apologizing to everyone, and trying to make amends for their past.
  • #36
Abstr7ct said:
And when you sit down and think deeply of how you, as a human being, is exposed to death any time and at any place, it feels painful. It's really scary every time I think about it. What then? is there really anything waits for us after death or it's just that, an eternal sleep in a very dark place.

I die and don't know what the world will be like 50 years later! what's the purpose of life? what's going to happen to Earth and to people? will humans go extinct? are life and the universe just a cyclic process (cyclic model)? if it's a cyclic universe, would I have another chance living on the new Earth with a new consciousness? it all comes down to thinking, why is there something rather than nothing?
It doesn't matter because you will no longer exist to think about it.
Earth sciences news on
  • #37
I'd hack into the television network, and start broadcasting the word "exterminate" into space with all the satellites' power. Hopefully then the aliens coming to destroy Earth will think we've already been invaded by Daleks, and be too scared to attack.
  • #38
I would acquire as many puppies as possible, fill my flat with them, and play amongst them until the end.
  • #39
nobahar said:
I would acquire as many puppies as possible, fill my flat with them, and play amongst them until the end.
Strangely philosophical - I like it.
  • #40
nobahar said:
I would acquire as many puppies as possible, fill my flat with them, and play amongst them until the end.
Oooooh, yes, and kittens, and all of my favorite foods.
  • #41
I'm thinking about people who can't spend their time with their beloved 1s, so I guess first of all I'd want to help these people...
  • #42
Abstr7ct said:
And when you sit down and think deeply of how you, as a human being, is exposed to death any time and at any place, it feels painful. It's really scary every time I think about it. What then? is there really anything waits for us after death or it's just that, an eternal sleep in a very dark place.
It isn't scary. Being a die-hard Atheist, I know that there is nothing after life. While I'm not afraid of death, I don't like to envision a Universe that doesn't include me.
I would do nothing differently than I do now. Four years ago, my doctor gave me 6 months to live. I told him to "something" off, because that was unacceptable. A year and a half ago, he proved me wrong. I did not at all like my brief period of being dead, however, and so put it aside. Things were acceptable until a month ago, when I once again had to depart my home via ambulance. I got back home a couple of days ago, but now am on oxygen full-time. That's okay, because I quite smoking back when I died from it. Not much chance of exploding, since I don't use ignition sources any more.
When it comes to death: been there, done that, didn't like it, got over it, don't intend to repeat the experience.
  • #43
Lisa! said:
I'm thinking about people who can't spend their time with their beloved 1s, so I guess first of all I'd want to help these people...
:!) Nice Lisa :!)

  • #44
I will die on my own terms.
  • #45
Danger said:
It isn't scary. Being a die-hard Atheist, I know that there is nothing after life. While I'm not afraid of death, I don't like to envision a Universe that doesn't include me.

I'm still young and perhaps naive, but I think of death as the greatest mystery. I don't know if there's an afterlife, but I hope they have telescopes there if there is. But I take pride in the fact that everything I've done in life, even the simple act of breathing, has influenced the future of the universe forever. Even if it is only a tiny influence.
  • #46
Something that hasnt been said Read faster
  • #47
mathsciguy said:
I'd try starting a new religion on the spot. If there would be people who'd survive, I might just become the new prophet haha.

Praise be to the Prophet Haha!
  • #48
Ivan Seeking said:
Praise be to the Prophet Haha!
Ah, ha, Haha!
  • #49
Ivan Seeking said:
Praise be to the Prophet Haha!

...and more praise for the profit :devil:!
  • #50
lisab said:
...and more praise for the profit :devil:!

Hush, my disciple.
  • #51
Spend time with my family, and my beloved ones, welll ammmmm that's it, xD
  • #53
Hopefully this has nothing to do with Lord Haw-Haw.
  • #54
Relax, there's nothing to worry about.
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  • #55
I bought myself some of Dan Akroyd's Crystal Head vodka, so I will be around next month.
"The ancient Maya from Central America passed on a legend that tells of the 13 crystal sculls able to save the world from a terrible catastrophe."

Also, since at the end of the year I normally throw out last years calendar and hang up the new years calendar... Does that mean we have to throw that big Mayan stone calendar out the window and carve a new stone calendar?
  • #56
Jimmy Snyder said:
Hopefully this has nothing to do with Lord Haw-Haw.

Do you mean Roy Clark?
  • #57
Ivan Seeking said:
Do you mean Roy Clark?
No, that would be Hee Haw.
  • #58
Evo said:
No, that would be Hee Haw.

Ho ho!
  • #61
I got an invitation to an "End of the world party" next week. I never know what to bring to these things.
  • #62
Borg said:
I got an invitation to an "End of the world party" next week. I never know what to bring to these things.
How about a brick of gold and a big bottle of the most expensive booze you can get. If you're going to die, go out with a bang and die poor.

If you are a bit doubtful about the end of the world, how about a shrimp platter and a bottle of wine? At least the evening might go well...
  • #63
Search for 'Hidden Hand' on Google. He had interesting things to say, even about the promised Friday of next week.

  • #64
I'm going to play great music and dance like a crazy lady on the beach.
  • #65
Evo said:
I'd spend all of my money buying all of the best foods I've never allowed myself to splurge on, and share with friends and family, one HUGE BINGE. Unfortunately, one month wouldn't be long enough to travel to all of the places I have yet to visit. Besides, who's going to be working?

Why spend ?? just steal ,it's all going to be destroyed anyway ,steal and set fire !
  • #66
Monsterboy said:
Why spend ?? just steal ,it's all going to be destroyed anyway ,steal and set fire !

People might be hurt if everyone steals. It might be better to spend all of your money as you can't take it with you.
  • #67
I would just relax.
  • #68
I would get through my stack of books I've been meaning to read, buy that tenderloin I keep staring at when I go to the grocery store provided the store is still there, stop waiting for season 3 of Game of Thrones, hang out with my Viking and her youngling and get a dog.
  • #69
  • #70
Monsterboy said:

With my luck, people would drop off their bad pets and broken stuff.

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